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 Selenium is an open-source and a convenient mechanized
programming testing device for testing web applications. It
has capacities to work crosswise over various programs and
working frameworks. Selenium isn't only a solitary
instrument yet an arrangement of devices that encourages
analyzers to mechanize electronic applications all the more
 Give us now a chance to see every single one of the devices
accessible in the Selenium suite and their utilization.
 The Selenium-IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
is a simple to-utilize Firefox module to create Selenium test
cases. It gives a Graphical User Interface to recording client
activities utilizing Firefox which is utilized to learn and
utilize Selenium, yet it must be utilized with Firefox
program as different programs are not bolstered.
 In any case, the recorded contents can be changed over into
different programming dialects bolstered by Selenium and
the contents can be executed on different programs also.
 The accompanying table records the areas that we will
cover in this section.
Selenium Remote Control
 Selenium Remote Control (RC) was the principle Selenium
venture that supported for quite a while before Selenium
WebDriver(Selenium 2.0) appeared. Presently Selenium
RC is scarcely being used, as WebDriver offers all the more
intense highlights, however clients can in any case keep on
developing contents utilizing RC.
 It enables us to compose computerized web application UI
tests with the assistance of full energy of programming
dialects, for example, Java, C#, Perl, Python and PHP to
make more unpredictable tests, for example, perusing and
composing records, questioning a database, and messaging
test comes about.
Selenium RC Architecture
 Selenium RC works such that the customer libraries can speak
with the Selenium RC Server passing every Selenium order for
execution. At that point the server passes the Selenium order to
the program utilizing Selenium-Core JavaScript summons.
Selenium RC comes in two sections.
 The Selenium Server dispatches and slaughters programs.
Notwithstanding that, it deciphers and executes the Selenese
charges. It additionally goes about as a HTTP intermediary by
blocking and confirming HTTP messages go between the
program and the application under test.
 Customer libraries that give an interface between every single
one of the programming dialects (Java, C#, Perl, Python and
PHP) and the Selenium-RC Server.
WebDriver is a device for mechanizing testing web
applications. It is prevalently known as Selenium 2.0.
WebDriver utilizes an alternate hidden structure, while
Selenium RC utilizes JavaScript Selenium-Core installed inside
the program which has got a few impediments.
 Multi-program testing including enhanced usefulness for
programs which isn't all around bolstered by Selenium RC
(Selenium 1.0).
 Taking care of different edges, various program windows,
popups, and alarms.
 Complex page route.
 Propelled client route, for example, intuitive.
 AJAX-based UI components.
Selenium RC Vs WebDriver
Selenium RC WebDriver

The architecture of Selenium RC is WebDriver's architecture is simpler than

complicated, as the server needs to be up Selenium RC, as it controls the browser
and running before starting a test. from the OS level.

Selenium server acts as a middleman WebDriver interacts directly with the

between the browser and Selenium browser and uses the browser's engine to
commands. control it.

It's a simple and small API. Complex and a bit large API as compared to
Less object-oriented API. Purely object oriented API.
 It is an intense testing system, an upgraded variant of JUnit
which was being used for quite a while before TestNG
appeared. NG remains for 'People to come'.
 In this system gives the accompanying highlights
 Explanations enable us to arrange the tests effortlessly.
 Adaptable test design.
 Experiments can be assembled all the more effortlessly.
 Parallelization of tests can be accomplished utilizing
 Support for information driven testing.
 Inbuilt detailing.
Selenium Grid
 Selenium Grid is an instrument that conveys the tests over
numerous physical or virtual machines so we can execute
contents in parallel (all the while). It significantly quickens
the testing procedure crosswise over programs and
crosswise over stages by giving us brisk and exact input.
 Selenium Grid enables us to execute various cases of
WebDriver or Selenium Remote Control tests in parallel
which utilizes a similar code base, henceforth the code
require NOT be available on the framework they execute.
The selenium-server-independent bundle incorporates Hub,
WebDriver, and Selenium RC to execute the contents in
Selenium @ Greens Technology
 Among Various Software Training Institute in Chennai. Greens
Technologys is one and only Software Training institute who
offer best Selenium Training in Chennai which live
 Selenium training course in chennai includes Selenium
Architecture, Selenium WebDriver 3.0, Waits, TestNG, Jenkins,
Page Object Modeling [POM], Locating Techniques, AutoIT,
Sikuli, Page Object Design Pattern, mobile testing with
Appium and Selenium Grid and more with Live Projects –
Hands on 70 hours training on Live Selenium Project.
 We Limit our Batch size which will make training sessions
more interactive and well structured.
For more details visit

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