Good Governance

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Good Governance & Nepal

Yadab Raut
Trainee Officer
Karnali Group
2 Contents
3 Objective of Study

 To know about the concept of Good governance

 To know the status of Good Governance in Nepal
 To find the challenges of Good Governance in Nepal
 To suggest solutions for good governance
4 Introduction & Definition

 Governance Vs. Good Governance

 How it developed from the
 Current context worldwide
 Indicators (WB)
5 Current situation of Nepal

 New constitution
 Participation and ownership is growing
 Many positive things are there
 Low at WB report
 CPI (131)
 Poverty (21.6%)
 HDI (144th position (0.558), 2015)
6 Provisions for good governance

 New constitution
• Preamble
• Fundamental right
• Article 51 (b) (4)
• Constitutional bodies
• Other provisions
o Good Governance Act
o Right to information Act
o Civil service Act
o And all other policies and provisions


8 Challenges
 Long transition phase
 Weak Management and Secrecy culture
 Low level of obedience of law
 Illiterate and Weak Civil Society
 Deeply Rooted Corruption and Procedural Administration
 Instable Government and Uneven Policies
 Weak monitoring and Evaluation
9 Conclusion

 It is best form of Governance

 Touching the mind winning the heart
 Goal of every nation
 Every sector is responsible ( Government,
private sector, Civil society)
 We should march up rapidly
10 Recommendation
 It is cross cutting topic
 All sector should coordinate
 Promotion of E-governance and ICT based
 Public Audit, Public hearing, people's satisfaction
 Open culture (Transparency)
 Be impartial politically
 We should focus on Administration Reform now

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