Beams Curved in Plan

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Amandeep Singh, Asstt. Prof.

GNDEC, Ludhiana
 Ring beams of Circular water tanks
 Curved balconies
 Curved ramps
Examples of curved beam
Examples of curved beam
Plan shape
Beams curved in plan may have any of the following
 Circular
 Polygonal
 Elliptical or any other curved shape
Comparison between a straight
beam and a curved beam
Straight Beam Curved Beam
 CG of loads and  CG of loads and
reactions to any side of reactions to any side of
the section lies along the the section does not lies
longitudinal axis of the along the longitudinal
beam. axis of the beam.
 It is subjected to BM and  It is subjected to BM, SF
SF only. and TM.
 Neutral axis remains  Neutral axis always shifts
undisturbed along the towards the centre of
CG curvature.
BM and TM in curved beam
 The BM at any point P  The TM at any point P on
on the beam is the the beam is the moment
moment of all the forces of all the forces about
to one side of it (about the longitudinal axis or
the radial axis) tangential axis of the
beam at that section.
Beams Curved in Plan (Cases)
 Circular beam symmetrically supported over ‘n’
number of columns (n ≥ 4)

 Semi-circular beam supported on 3 equally spaced


 Curved beam with 2 supports (fixed end beam)

Circular beam symmetrically supported
over ‘n’ number of columns (n ≥ 4)
 w = udl / m length of curved beam

 2θ = angle subtended by two consecutive columns

= 360/n

 R = mean radius of the beam

 n = no. of columns over which beam is supported

SF at the support (Vo)
Due to symmetry SF at each support will be equal.

Let SF = Vo (at the support)

Total load acting over arc AB = udl x arc length AB

Vo = total load acting over arc AB/2

Vo = wRθ
BM at the support (Mo)
 This can be calculated by balancing the moments
about the chord AB

i.e. Components of end moment about chord AB =

Moment of external forces about chord AB

=> Mo = wR2 (1-θcotθ)

SF at any point (P)
Let PO makes an angle φ with AO
Vφ= SF at any point P or SF at any angle φ
Mφ=BM at ‘P’
Consider an arc AP
Reaction at point A = wRθ (SF at each support).
Load on AP = Wφ = wR φ
Vφ= reaction-load
=wRθ - wRφ
=wR(θ - φ)
Vφ=wR(θ - φ)
BM at any point (P)
BM at point ‘P’,
Mφ = (Reaction x AH) - (Wφ x FG) - (Mocosφ)

Mφ = wR2 (θsinφ + θcotθcosφ - 1)

TM at any point (P)
Consider moment of all forces about tangential axis.

Tφ = Mosinφ – (Reaction x PH) + (Wφ x PG)

(positive moment, if it twists the beam towards the

centre of curvature)

Tφ = wR2(θcosφ - θcotθsinφ - (θ - φ))

Maximum Torsion
For position of max. torsion,Tmax
differentiate Tφ wrt φ and equate it to zero.
After solving, we get
sinφ = 1/θ x (sin2θ ± cosθ(θ2 - sin2θ)1/2)
For design purposes;
Mo(max. support moment),Mc(max. mid span moment) and
Tmax (max. twisting moment) are represented as following
Mo =C1wR2(2θ)
Mc = C2wR2(2θ)
No. of 2θ C1 C2 C3 Φm
Supports (degrees) (degrees)

4 90 0.137 0.070 0.021 19.25

5 72 0.108 0.054 0.014 15.25
6 60 0.089 0.045 0.009 12.75
7 51 3/7 0.077 0.037 0.007 10.75
8 45 0.066 0.030 0.005 9.5
9 40 0.060 0.027 0.004 8.5
10 36 0.054 0.023 0.003 7.25
12 30 0.045 0.017 0.002 6.25
Design of a circular beam supported
symmetrically over ‘n’ columns
Given data

 b and D of the beam

 n = no. of supports

 R = mean radius of the beam

 w = udl / m of the beam

 Diameter of the support / column

 fck and fy
 Acc. to given value of ‘n’ find 2θ,C1,C2,C3 and φm (from table).
 Calculate, Mo=C1wR2 (2θ) (hogging BM)
Mc=C2wR2 (2θ) (sagging BM)
Tφ=C3wR2 (2θ) (max TM)
 Calculate the span of the beam
(i.e. length of curved beam between two columns)
 Calculation of SF
SF will be due to vertical loads + TM i.e. equivalent SF is to be
Veq (equivalent SF) is to be calculated at 2 points.
1)Veq at point of max torsion.
2)Veq at face of the support.
 Calculate the equivalent shear stress and it should be
with in the permissible limits
 Calculation of Support BM
BM will be the maximum of either the max. hogging BM
at the support or the equivalent BM due to TM
For this maximum BM find the area of tensile
reinforcement and is to be provided at the top face
 Calculation for Mid Span BM (Mc)
For this maximum BM find the area of tensile
reinforcement and is to be provided at the bottom face
 Check for minimum Ast
 Check for Shear (Transverse Reinforcement)
This check is generally applied at the support face
because at the mid span shear is minimum
If the shear stress is less than permissible shear stress
then provide nominal shear reinforcement and if not
then it has to be designed
 Side Face Reinforcement
If D>450mm, provide side face reinforcement as per
Cl., pp48, IS 456:2000)

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