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Name: ______________________ Homeroom: _____________________

Date: _______________________

Two Party System

Directions: Complete the Review questions below. 

1. Name two differences between indentured servants and a slave

 _____________________________________________
 _____________________________________________

2. What caused Native Americans to create different cultures?


3. Why did the geographic factors in the South help cause slavery?

KWBAT: Explain the two party system and compare the positions of Democrats and Republicans
1. Tax Policy
Taxes are a way that the government can pay for goods and services for its citizens like
roads, schools, police and scholarship programs. Democrats and Republicans disagree how
taxes should would. One group thinks taxes should be higher for wealthy people and big
corporations (businesses) so the government can have more money to spend. The other
group thinks that taxes should be cut for everyone and the government should pay for less
goods and services for Americans.

2. Labor
Political party disagree on the minimum wage, or the least amount of money you can pay
someone for an hourly wage. One group wants to increase the minimum wage so all
Americans have more money. Another group thinks the minimum wage should stay low so
business have lower costs and they can become bigger.

3. Health Care
Having healthcare gives you access to doctors and medicine to prevent and treat sickness
and injuries. Seeing doctors and getting medicine can be very expensive. One group
believes that the government should require every individual to pay for healthcare so that
every person has access to the medicine and doctors they need. Another group thinks that
the government should not be involved in American’s healthcare system and that private
businesses should provide healthcare for those that want to pay for it.

4. LGBT Rights
One group believes that marriage should be between a man and a woman, while the other
group thinks that marriage should be for all people (no matter your sexuality). Another
issue is whether people who are transgendered (when someone’s gender identity is not the
same as the sex the doctor marked on their birth certificate). Some people think that
people must use the bathroom that their birth certificate says, while others believe that
people should use the bathroom of the gender they personally identify with.

5. Social Programs
One group of people think that the government should offer help people in need with
programs like welfare, unemployment benefits, food stamps, and Medicaid. This means
that taxes will be higher but people who are poor receive stamps to buy food and people
who are injured and unable to work receive money from the government. Others think that
taxes should be lower and the government should not give as much financial help to people
in need.

6. Foreign Policy (Issues outside of America)

One group thinks that we should spend more money on our military and believes when
there is a dictator or group of people doing something terrible (like ISIS), we should get our
military involved. Another group thinks that military should only be used when it is
absolutely necessary.
7. Energy and the Environment
The main way that our country gets energy to heat places, generate electricity and drive cars is from
oil. When Americans drill for a lot of oil it makes costs for Americans cheaper, but is bad for the
environment. Some people think we should drill for more oil so our bills will be cheaper, but other
people think that we should spend more money (even if its more expensive) on renewable energy like
energy from the sun because it is better for the environment.

8. Education
Some people think that the government should give more student loans, or money, for students going
to college. This means that people would have to pay more taxes, but students could go to college for
cheaper tuition. Others think that businesses should give out student loans, not the government, and
college will stay the same expense.

9. Crime and Punishment

Some people believe in harsher penalties when someone has committed a crime, including crimes
that are non violent like selling illegal drugs or stealing. These people also tend to support more death
penalties for people who commit really horrible crimes. Others think that crimes that do not involve
violence, such as selling drugs, should have lighter penalties.

10. Immigration
To be an American citizen and have access to all of our public services (ie mail, public schools, etc..),
you need to be a legal citizen. It is very difficult for foreigners to gain this legal status. Even if they are
living in poverty or have challenging circumstances in their home country, the process to become a
legal US citizen takes a long time and may not even work. Because of this, many people illegally come
into America. Some people think that we need to be very strong on American borders to people
cannot illegally get into our country. Additionally, they think we need to be very tough on immigrants
who are illegally already in America. Others want to be looser and allow more people to legally enter
our country. They also would like to make it easier to give current undocumented immigrants in
America legal status.

Political Parties:

 A political party is an organized _________________ of people with common

values and _________________ who try to get their candidates
________________to political office
 Party Platform: a list of the ________________ which a political party supports
 __________________ (conservatives) believes government should play a
limited role in regulating business and making social reforms
 ___________________ (liberals) think government should take an active
role in regulating business and solving social issues
Directions: Complete the Table on the following page. Use this website for help.

Democratic Party Topics Republican Party




Gun Control

Crime and

Name: ______________________ Homeroom: __________________
Date: _______________________

Homework – Two Party System

Rank your top three most important issues:
1. _________________________
2. _________________________
3. _________________________

Why did you rank issue #1 as your most important issue? Include evidence or an example in your
Did you identify more with the Republican or Democratic Platforms?
Are there any issues within your party that you do not entirely agree with? If so, what? (If not, what
position on the opposite party do you agree with a little? Why?)
What issue from the debate last night did you find most interesting? How does this issue relate to
Ask a parent where they stand on three issues we spoke about in class. Do you have the same
1. How does a popular vote work in an election? Does the United States use a popular
vote to elect a president? What is the name of the system we use?

2. Why did the Framers of the Constitution create the Electoral College system?

3. How does a person become the President of the United States? (use your notes if you

 Explain how many electors each state gets

 Explain what happens when the people in each state vote
 Explain what a winner-take-all system is
4. If California has 54 electoral votes and Obama won 51% of the popular vote, how
many electoral votes would he get? If Massachusetts has 22 electoral votes and McCain
won 75% of the popular vote, how many electoral votes would he get?

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