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Dimensions of the Life Cycle

 Length of the Product Life Cycle

 There is no exact time that a product takes to
move through it life cycle
 Shape of the Product Life Cycle
 Generalized Life Cycle
 Customer education is
 Extended Introductory
 Sales begin very quickly
 This allows consumers to
understand the product almost
right away.
 Competitors can easily copy the
low-learning products
 Change with the style of the times
and the life cycles frequently
appear in apparel.
 Introduced, Decline and then
seem to return
 Length of cycles may be months,
years or decades
 Typically Novelties
 Rapid sales on introduction and
then equally rapid decline
 Seldom completely die out
 Product Class

 Products that fall under one product class are

similar to each other and somewhat substitutable
for each other. The products have identical
characteristics and either perform the same
function, or are catered to the same customer
segment or have the same marketing
communication with the customers.
 Product Form

 Product form gives specific type of products

within a category and contains different groups
that combine together to form the product
category. These groups not only contain the
products that deal with basic utility but also
contains some extra benefits along with the basic
utilities. It is a level is a narrower level and it
falls under the product category. It has more
information about a product compared to the
product category.
 Barriers to Adoption
 Usage – the barriers is not compatible with
existing habits
 Value – the product provides no incentive

to change
 Risk - physical, economic or social

 Psychological –cultural differences or


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