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Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Secondary Research
Analysing the research
• Most Electronic Music Listeners are male with 55% with 45% female
• The most common age group to listen to EDM is 18-24 with 33% which is around the age we
originally targeted based on our first edit feedback
• Also 63% white are more likely to listen to this genre similarly to our edit 4 survey 50% white
showed more interest than other ethnicities as there were more responses from them
• Teenagers at ‘some college’ or ‘high school graduate’ showed more interest than those with
higher educational status with 46%
• Those with an household income of $49,000 or less were 42% more likely to listen to EDM music
What we learnt?
• Which age group showed more interest in EDM and the type of educational and
economical background they were from
• Males prefer EDM by a small percentage gap over woman
How we used it?
• Helped understand our target audience, in terms of income we can promote the
music online for instance, on Apple Music or Spotify instead of selling it as a CD
• This survey helped identify the social factors associated to our target audience
which can influence decisions on where to upload music video making it free and
Primary Research for Edit 1
Analysing the research
• Over 80% who answered this survey were woman suggesting woman were more interested in our product.
• We questioned a range of ages to help identify our target audience
• We got feedback from a range of ethnicities showing the diversity of our audience.
• According to question 4, YouTube got the most votes reflecting its online popularity therefore, we should use this platform to upload
our edits.
• Computer/Laptop and Smartphones have over 60% of the votes for streaming content suggesting, that they are the most widely used
• For question 6 we received a range of feedback on the audience. Around 53% voted for the ‘not at all often’ option for purchasing
music whilst ‘very often’ had around 17%. Showing the contrasting opinion.
• In the previous question YouTube was the most popular streaming site, which is reflected in this question for social media use. The
2nd and 3rd on this list are ‘Instagram’ and ‘Snapchat’ demonstrating the highly influential teenage/ young adults population.
• For our first edit we got a ranking of 4.26/5
• The majority answered ‘Yes’ that they like Dance/Electronic music.
• We received useful feedback on the ways to improve our music video, most people thought we should improve our camera shots and
What we learnt?
• We gained knowledge on our target audience: likes, dislikes, which devices they
use to stream music and the platform that suited their taste
• Even though the target audience had differentiating opinions in other questions,
they thoughts on the overall music video ratings was a high score.
What we changed?
• For our next edit, we added more dancing shots to follow the codes
and conventions of EDM genre
• Some shots were changed to as there connection to the lyrics were
not strong enough for instance, in the part “Oh, your mask of lies”.
(Insert video changed from and to)
• A complete assembly
• Repetitive spinning shots were removed
• The nature sounds at the end were unmuted at end which adds
continuity (Carol Vernallis)
Primary Research for Edit 4
Analysing the research
• For Edit 4, we wanted more detailed feedback so we just send it to our target audience group. Which may be subjective
however it allowed us to build a rapport with our audience.
• Similarly to our last survey, more females answered it in comparison, to male.
• The majority answering this survey was white/Caucasian whilst the minority was Asian, black or African and Indian
• When we asked the audience ‘What was your favourite part’ the top choice was the Chorus (1st Dance Break) followed by
both Verse 1 and 2 tied for 2nd place. (INSERT EXAMPLE)
• For Question 5, the audience liked this edits: Fast pace shots, jump-cuts, continuity, matches with the beat and editing
rhythm which all tied for 1st place.
• In Question 6, the audience thought the narrative was about “Girl having fun” or “Freedom” which was the idea we
wanted to portray.
• When asked what changes should be made, many agreed that ‘Temperature/tone’ (Colour-grading) was lacking.
• In Question 8, many agreed that that this song should be played at a type of “Festival” which matches the codes and
convention of the EDM genre
• Everyone who took this survey liked this song
• The music video was rated 4.5/5 which is a bit higher than our last feedback rank.
What we learnt?
• That experimenting with the edit by making it match the beat was
effective as the most favourable parts were the chorus as the editing
was sharp and fast pace which emphasised the protagonist ‘freedom’
and created liveliness in the edit.
• The target audience understood the narrative better with this
What we changed?
• For Edit 5, we added colour- grading to portray the mood and feelings
of the female protagonist (Andrew Goodwin)
• For the final edit, we added dissolves and flashes to make the music
video more lively and follow the codes and conventions of EDM
• Some shots were altered and brightened at the beginning to match
the flow

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