French Revolution

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• Important turning point in the history of

• Ended Feudalism and absolute monarchy
• Ended influence of Church on government
• Dividing line between old era and new era
in Europe

• Structure of the French society

• Government of King Louis XVI weak
• Economic Crisis 1787 - 1797
• Enlightenment/Intellectual Movement -
Voltaire, Montesquieu, Diderot, Rousseau
• Influence of the American War of
• Immediate Cause
The Structure of the French Society
• Society divided into 3 Estates: First, Second and
Third Estate.
• First Estate was made up of the clergy - those
connected with the church – bishops and priests.
• They were rich and powerful, respected, owned
land and property and controlled the institutions of
the government.
• Population of France was about 23 million and the
First Estate was made up of less than 100,000
• They were exempted from paying taxes.
• The Second Estate was made up of nobles and
lords. (400,000) In the earlier times France was
made up of several small districts, each under
• Later when it became united under a single
kingdom, these lords and nobles were given titles
and land and were given positions in the govt. 3/5
of the land was under their control.
• They paid no tax.
• Third Estate –All those who did not belong
to the First and Second estate were
classified under the Third Estate.
• These include peasants, farmers, tradesmen,
businessmen and professionals like
teachers, lawyers, doctors and others.
• Members of the 3rd Estate had to pay tax but
had no political rights.
• The poor who formed the majority suffered
the most.
Govt. of Louis XV1 weak
• Louis XV1 became king in 1774. He was
weak, despotic and could not control his
advisors. His wife Marie Antoinette was
disliked by the people.
• The king even claimed “the state is myself”.
He abused his power by arresting and
imprisoning those who went against him.
Economic Crisis 1787-1797
• Although the economy of the country was
generally good but there were periods of
severe economic crisis, especially between
1787-1797, when harvest was poor, causing
shortage of food, price of flour increased
many-fold and this affected farmers badly.
• Nobles experienced cash-flow problem. So
they taxed the peasants even more.
Movement (1770-1790)
• The spread of new ideas by the Intellectual
• Voltaire (1694-1778), his book
“Philosophical Letters” (1733) which
upheld the principle of freedom to think,
talk, religion and government based on
• Montesquieu (1689-1755) who wrote “The
Spirit of the Laws” (1748) believed that
freedom of the people could be assured by
limiting the powers of the government
through laws.
• His famous doctrine is the Doctrine on the
“Separation of Powers”. –Legislative,
Executive and Judiciary.
• Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) his ideas on
Government is found in his book “The Social
Contract” (1762).
• He stressed the government should be based on
the will of the people. The govt. must fulfill its
contract with the people. If they fail the people
have the right to replace it.
• All these philosophers became an inspiration to
the people.
Influence of the American War of
Independence (1775-1783)
• French Revolution was also inspired by the
American War of Independence.
• One of the leaders of the FR was Marquis
de Lafayette who had taken part in the
American War against the English.
• Other French soldiers who were also
inspired by the democratic ideas advocated
by the Americans.

• Financial Crisis, King wanted nobles (2

Estate) to pay tax
• New Parliament met on 5 May 1789
• 3rd Estate who represented 95% of the
population was unhappy with voting system
• 17 June 1789 members from 3rd Estate
formed the National Assembly
• 20th June 1789 - members of National
Assembly took oath from the tennis court –
‘Tennis Court Oath’
• King Louis XVI tried to suppress the
Assembly. Demonstrations and riots broke
out in Paris

• 14 July 1789 revolutionaries storm Bastille

• Revolutionaries form government in Paris
• National Guard was formed under Lafayette
• Feudal system, tax to church abolished
• 26 August 1789 National Assembly
approved ‘Declaration of the Rights of Man
and of the Citizen’
• Nobles fled France (emigres) King and
Queen jailed
• Other European countries were threatened
by developments in France
• September 1792 France declared a Republic
• Government under the Jacobins, leader
Robespierre – He starts a ‘Reign of Terror’
• King and Queen killed in 1793 by
• Moderates seize power, kill Robespierre
and Reign of Terror ends
• In October 1794 government comes under a
Directory System

• Ended Feudal system, peasants free, could

own land
• Privileges enjoyed by nobles, priests and
church abolished
• France became a Republic based on written
• United with strong feelings of Nationalism
• Revolution threatened the rest of Europe.

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