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Period 2: 600 BCE

to 600 CE

 one of the world's oldest monotheistic

religions. It was founded Prophet Zoroaster
in ancient Iran approximately 3500 years

 ancientmonotheistic religion, with

the Torah as its foundational text.
Followers are called Hebrews.

a monotheistic, Abrahamic religion.

Qur'an is the holy book. Followers are
called Muslims

 world's largest monotheistic religion. Holy

Bible is the holy text.

a major religious and cultural tradition

of South Asia, developed from Vedic

A religion/ philosophy that encompasses a variety

of traditions, beliefs and spiritual practices largely
based on teachings attributed to Gautama

 philosophical,ethical or religious tradition

of Chinese origin, or faith of Chinese
exemplification, that emphasizes living in
harmony with the Tao

 the ethnic religion of the people of Japan. It

is defined as an action-centered religion,
focused on ritual practices such as offerings
of food to gods and nature.

A belief that seeks to place attributes of a

soul to plants, inanimate objects, and
natural phenomena.

a religion that originated in South Asia

during the 15th century, based on the
spiritual revelations and preaching’s of
Nanak. .
Qin Dynasty

 thefirst unified, multi-national and power-

centralized state in the Chinese history. It
lasted from 221 BC to 207 BC.
Qin Shi Huangdi

 theKing of the state of Qin who

conquered all other Warring States and
united China in 221 BC
Han Dynasty

 Thesecond imperial Chinese dynasty.

Established what is commonly thought of
as Chinese culture.

aChinese teacher, editor, politician, and

Mauryan Empire

 historical
power in ancient India, ruled
by the Mauryan dynasty from 322–185

 anIndian emperor of the Mauryan Dynasty

who ruled almost all of the Indian subcontinent
from ca. 269 BC to 232 BC.
Gupta Empire

 anancient Indian empire, founded by

Maharaja Sri Gupta, which existed at its zenith
from approximately 320 to 550 CE and
covered much of the Indian Subcontinent.

 the most prominent and influential Greek

statesman, orator and general of Athens during
the Golden Age— specifically the time between
the Persian and Peloponnesian wars.
Hellenistic Culture

 the spread of Greek culture as well as the

influence of other culture on the Greeks

A Greek city-state

a Roman Emperor from 306 to 337 AD.

Stops the persecution of the Christians.
Direct Democracy

 is
a form of democracy in which people
decide policy initiatives directly. Each
person has an equal vote.
Byzantine Empire

 Eastern
Roman Empire, was the
predominantly Greek-speaking
continuation of the eastern part of the
Roman Empire during Late Antiquity and
the Middle Ages
Kingdom of Axum

 was a trading nation in the area of northern

Ethiopia and Eritrea, which existed from
approximately 100–940 AD

 Mesoamerican civilization noted for an

hieroglyphic script, the only known fully
developed writing system of the pre-
Columbian Americas

 wasthe largest empire in pre-Columbian

America. Located in the Andean region of
South America.

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