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Output Break-out Session #1

Security and Privacy


Cannes, 4-5 December 2012
© ETSI 2012. All rights reserved
Session 1

Security and Privacy

Rapporteur: Thomas Haeberlen (ENISA)

Co-Facilitators: Daniele Catteddu (CSA), Michael Fisher (BT)

Participants: ~ 50

2 ETSI/BOARD(12)89_0XX
Functional scope

• The scope covers the creation of a standards landscape and

roadmap applicable to electronic information processed or
stored in the cloud. The context is information security and
privacy/data protection.
• Specifically, five main areas are envisaged
• Governance
• Risk assessment
• Compliance
• Technology-neutral risk treatment + controls
• Frameworks at detail level e.g. encryption, authentication,
accountability, BCM, incident management, etc.
• Consider cloud-relevant standards, not just cloud-specific
Use cases/requirements

Key questions that need to be addressed (bearing in mind the

EU landscape and market)
• Cross-border legal issues
• Both privacy and security issues were cited
• Diversity in Data Privacy laws across EU seems to be a very prominent issue
• Conflict of interest between cloud users and national security of hosting country
• Visibility, transparency
• Assurance and trust
• Certification, Audit and testing
• “Compatibility” and “interoperability” with standards outside Europe
• Identity and Access Management, AAA
• Security along the supply chain
• Virtualization and multi-tenancy risks
• Data location, Secure data deletion

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Use cases/requirements

Requirements/use cases
• Use cases very diverse, no clear picture emerged during the session
• Defined use cases are essential
• Having a reference architecture would be helpful
• Need to cover the whole spectrum from “consumer” cloud to public
procurement for government clouds and ECP

5 ETSI/BOARD(12)89_0XX
Who does what in this space?

Organizations delivering technical specifications and/or

• InfoSec: 27000, 27001, 27002, 27005, 27009 (number TBC), 27017 / 27036-1
/ 27036-5 / Sector Specific Implementation of ISO 27001
• Privacy: 27018, 29100, 29100, 29101, PIMS project, PIA project
• Common Criteria
• ITU-T SG17
• X.ccsec, X.gpim
• BSI (Germany)
• Security Recommendations for Cloud Computing Providers
• IT-Grundschutz plus extensions (e.g. technical guidelines)
• SP 800-12, SP 800-14, SP 800-26, SP 800-37, SP 800-53 rev4, SP 800-122, SP
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Who does what in this space? (cont’d)

Organizations delivering technical specifications and/or

standards (continued)
• Cloud Assurance Framework, “Procure Secure” guidelines
• Several standards related to electronic signatures etc.
• BSi (UK)
• BS 10012
• UK government
• Published “g-cloud” security & privacy checklists for 27001/2
• Information Security Forum
• Standard of Good Practice
• Cloud Control Matrix (CCM) / Open Certification Framework (OCF)
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Who does what in this space? (cont’d)

Organizations delivering technical specifications and/or

standards (continued)
• Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council: PCI DSS
• EuroCloud: STAR Audit
• AICPA: SOC 1, SOC 2, SOC 3
• ODCA: requirements
• OpenID Foundation
• Commonwealth of Massachusetts: Checklist under Massachusetts
General, Law Chapter 93H, 201 CMR 17.00

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Who does what in this space? (cont’d)

Organizations delivering technical specifications and/or

standards (continued)
• ISACA - Cobit 5
• Shared Assessments Program
Other suggestions on relevant standards
• ITIL® V3
• ISAE 3402
• Information security rating (
• CMMI® for Development, V1.2
• TOGAF 8.1
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