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Django Trainer
 What is Django??
 Scope of Django
 Architecture
 Models/Views/Templates
 quiestions
 Web framework:
 Software designed to develop web application
 Eq: CakePHP, Spring, Django
 Server Side: PHP/Java/Python/Ruby/….
 Client Side: HTML/HTML5/CSS/Javascript/Jquery/…

 History:
 2003, Django Software Foundation
 20% market share in silicon valley, Second place after ruby
 Developed with python
 High-level framework for rapid web development
 Complete stack of tools
 Data modelled with Python classes ,
 Manipulate data, CRUD
 Production-ready data admin interface, generated dynamically
 Elegant system for mapping URLs to Python code
 Generic views’ to handle common requests
 Clean, powerful template language
 Components for user authentication, form handling, caching . . .
 Django is a MVT arcitecture , more than MVC. /salaries
 Models: Alice 50000
 Modelling the classes according to the data Bob 20000
Cathy 35000
 Views
 query the data according to the request

 Template
 Represent/Structured the data in to the HTML template. startproject
django-admin startproject <projectname>
cd <projectname>
django-admin startapp <appname>
cd <appname>
 A model is the single, definitive source of information about your data.
 Essential fields and,
 Behavior of data your are storing.

 When defining a model ,

 it is subclass of django.db.models.Model
 each attribute defines database field.
 Once you have defined your models, you need to
 Tell DJANGO , use this model by add the ‘myapp’ in file under

 When ever any changes in the model, you should make sure to run migrate –
 It is the list of database fields it defines.
 Fields are specified by class attributes.
 Field Types:
 Column type which tells the database what kind of data to store.
 AutoField/BigAutoField  GenericIPAddressField
 BigIntegerField  PositiveIntegerField/PositiveSmallI
 BinaryField ntegerField
 BooleanField  TextField
 CharField  TimeField
 DateField  URLField
 DateField(auto_now=False, auto_now_a  UUIDField
dd=False, **options)
 DateTimeField
 DecimalField
 DurationField
 EmailField
 FileField
 Null
 Models.CharField(max_length=100,null=True)
 Blank
 models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, null=True)
 Choices
 Default
 Help_text
 Primary_key
 unique
 Relationships
 Many to One Relationship
 django.db.models.ForeignKey

 Many to Many Relationship

 django.db.models.ManyToManyField
 Custom methods on a model to do row level functionality.

 Managers are intended to do TABLE-WIDE operations.

 Retrieve objects that are summerise by collection of objects.
 Aggregate()
 Annoted(num_books=Count(‘Book’))
 Count(‘field value’)
 Avg(‘price’)
 Combining multiple annoted with and without distant.
 Exact/iexact
 Contains/icontains
 In
 id__in=[1, 3, 4] equivlent SELECT ... WHERE id IN (1, 3, 4);

 Gt/gte/lt/lte
 Startswith/istartswith
 headline__startswith='Lennon‘ equivlent to SELECT ... WHERE headline LIKE 'Lennon%';

 Endswith/iendswith
 range
 Date/year/month/day/quarter/time/hour/minute/second
 isnull
 Regex/iregex
 How Django knows to UPDATE vs. INSERT
 Updating attributes based on existing fields
 Field CHOICE details  get_FOO_display
 Field date object get_next_by_FOO/get_previous_by_FOO
 Queryset : iteration/slicing/reverse/annotate/exclude/filter/values/dates
 A database query operations are provided to django model.
 It is an interface that interacs with database.
 Default is django.db.models.Manager
 Using Managers.raw()
 Manager.raw(raw_query, params=N
one, translations=None)
 This method takes a raw SQL query
, executes it and return
 Admin login
 List_filter
 List_display
 Filters
 Fieldsets
 INlineEditing
 Search_fields
 date_hierarchy
 ordering
 How Django processes a request
 django.conf.urls.url()
 Django runs through each URL pattern, in order, and stops at the first one that matches the
requested URL
 Once one of the regexes matches, Django imports and calls the given view, which is a
simple Python function (or a class-based view). The view gets passed the following
 An instance of HttpRequest.
 If the matched regular expression returned no named groups, then the matches from the
regular expression are provided as positional arguments.
 The keyword arguments are made up of any named groups matched by the regular expression,
overridden by any arguments specified in the optional kwargs argument
to django.conf.urls.url().
 Introduction to web framework
 What is a server, HTTP Request and HTTP Response?
 What is a web framework and web application?
 Challenges in developing web application.
 Django overview and installation

 Starting a Django powered project

 Django project architecture
 Understanding
 Understanding
 Understanding and
 Understanding and Python regular expression
 Starting your first web application
 Django project architectureUnderstanding admin.pyUnderstanding
models.pyUnderstanding views.pyRunning Django development server
 Working with Javascript framework
 Bootstrap tutorial
 Templates
 Developing standard web templateTemplate tagsFilters in templatesTemplate API
 Django Admin
 Activating the Admin interface
 Creating super user for Admin site
 Using the Admin site
 How to use the Admin site
 The django.contrib package

 Models
 The MVC Development Pattern
 Defining Models using Python classes
 Defining Model data fields
 Initializing model using makemigrations
 Running model initialization using migrate
 Registering models in
 Registering models with Admin site
 Views and URLconfs
 Understanding the view layer
 Requesting a web page via URL
 Rendering web page via view function
 Render HTTPResponse to templates
 Understanding context data and Python dictionary type

 Forms
 Form basics
 GET and POST methods
 Form validation
 Rendering forms
 ModelForm

 Working with Static File

 Creating static repository
 Loading static files
 Adding image file to template
 Advance Models, Views, Forms and Admin
 Understanding model fields in depth
 Database function
 Model managers
 Django ORMClass based viewsFile submission
 Making admin more robust

 Extending Templates
 Creating a template libraryWriting custom template filterWriting custom templates
tagsRegistering the tagsSetting a variable in the contextWriting template loader
 Testing in Django
 Testing Django
 Writing a unit test
 Test ClientRequest
 FactoryRunning Tests

 Deploying web application

 Implementing for not for not template
 Setting up error and broken link alerts
 Deploying Django application on GitHub
 Deploying Django application on Amazon Web Services
 Relationship: ManyToManyField intermediate model.
 Models: META
 Models:
 Models: Database transactions.
 Models: Multiple databases.
 Models: Custom Manager With Chainable QuerySets
 If more
 TARGET company approached you , described about their problem like facing for
their MALL suchthat their offline shopping sales slips as expectations recent
quarters, so they decided to make to develop an online application for increasing
the sales.
 Their requirement are:

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