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Dr. Vidya Naik

Session 8 1
Types of Explanatory Studies

Explanatory studies are also known as


1) Ex Post Facto Studies

2) Experimental Studies

Dr. Vidya Naik

Session 8 2
Ex Post Facto Studies

It is an empirical enquiry for situations that have

already occurred. Investigator has no control over
the variables in the sense that he is not able to
manipulate them. He can only report what has
happened & establish cause & effect relationship.

eg. Market failure of a product , Sudden rise of a

share’s market price ,

Dr. Vidya Naik

Session 8 3
Experimental Studies
The purpose of experimental research is to allow the
researcher to control the situation so that CAUSAL
relationship among variables may be evaluated.The
experimenter therefore manipulates a single variable
in the study & holds the remaining variables constant
so as to study the effect of the
INDEPENDENT variable on the DEPENDENT variable.

eg. The effect of varying amount of overtime on

output of the employees.
The independent variable is “Variation in overtime” &
The dependent variable is “Output or performance’’.
Dr. Vidya Naik
Session 8 4
The researcher , through the theoretical framework
finalizes the variables he is interested in . He then has
to decide the variables he wishes to control & the
ones he wishes to study as covariates( moderating).
This is reflected in the research paradigm that he
prepares .

Dr. Vidya Naik

Session 8 5




Dr. Vidya Naik

Session 8 6
Experimental Studies

Types :

Field Experiments ---- Less control on the

variables therefore higher
Natural setting.

Laboratory Experiments ---- Tight control

on the variables hence lesser
Artificial setting.
Dr. Vidya Naik
Session 8 7
Laboratory Field
Artificial Real
Expts Setting Setting Expts

Dr. Vidya Naik

Session 8 8
Essential Components of an Experiment

1) Groups --- a) Experimental , b) Control

2) Treatment
3) Variables --- All types
4) Matching on all the factors except
5) Testing of Hypotheses

eg. A study of effect of payment by piece

rate system on the production.

Dr. Vidya Naik

Session 8 9
Validity of Experiments
Types of Validity :

a) Internal --- Is the expt. an expt. in the real

sense of the term ? i.e. Is the independent
variable the only cause of the changes in the
dependent variable?

b) External --- Are the results obtained from the

expt. applicable in the real world ?

Dr. Vidya Naik

Session 8 10
Factors affecting Internal Validity
 History
 Maturation
 Testing ( effect of pre test on post test )
 Instrumentation ( change in the observed
criteria at the pre & post test )
 Selection bias
 Statistical regression
 Mortality

Dr. Vidya Naik

Session 8 11
Factors affecting External Validity

 Interaction of treatment & selection

 Higher the internal validity, lesser will be the

external validity

Dr. Vidya Naik

Session 8 12
Various Effects in Experiments
 Hawthorn Effect
 Halo Effect
 Experimenter Effect
 Pygmalion Effect
 Guinea Pig Effect
 Contamination Effects

Dr. Vidya Naik

Session 8 13
Types Of Experimental Designs

1) Pre Experimental ( Least control )

2) Quasi Experimental ( Moderate control )

3) True Experimental ( Tight control )

( Randomized Sampling )

Dr. Vidya Naik

Session 8 14
Some Designs…
1) Time Series
O1 O2 O3 X O4 O5 O6

2) Single Group Design

O1 X O2
3) Two Group Design
O1 X O2 Experimental Group
O3 O4 Control Group

Dr. Vidya Naik

Session 8 15
Let’s try …..

Design a two group study to test the

effectiveness of advertising strategies on sales.

Dr. Vidya Naik

Session 8 16

Find out examples of experimental research

in your area of interest.

Dr. Vidya Naik

Session 8 17

Dr. Vidya Naik

Session 8 18

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