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Shawn O’Donnell
• Stills- a picture or photograph
• War crimes- crimes committed against the enemy or prisoners usally in the
time of war
• Oppression- the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or
unjust manner
• Photographer- one who takes photos
• Minorities- a group in society distinguished from, and less dominant than, the
more numerous majority
• Active stills was established in 2005 by a group of
• They believe that photography could be used as a tool
for political and social change. They believe that it can
be used to bring attention to topics that are usually
absent from the publics’ eyes.
• They try to bring attention to the minority's in Palestine
• Like woman rights, Palestine struggle against the Israelis,
and other forms of economic oppressions
• They want to get rid of the Israeli’s illegal occupation of Palestinian territory
• End he discrimination of non Jewish Israel citizens
• Prosecute those responsible for war crimes
• Expose the cruel military control of Israel

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