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Anatomy and Physiology

of Blood Vessels
Arteries vs Veins

Tunica Externa

Tunica Interna
Arteries Veins

Size Large and firm Large but

Blood Content Oxygenated Unoxygenated

Pressure With Pressure Without

Valves No valves With Valves

Direction of Away from the Towards the

Blood Flow heart heart
Circulatory System
- Heart
- Blood Vessels
 Arteries
 Veins
• Veins of the Upper
– Brachial
– Cephalic
– Basilic
– Median cubital
– Radial
– Ulnar
– Digitalis
• Veins of the Lower
– Femoral
– Great Saphenous
– Popliteal
– Posterior tibial
– Anterior Tibial
– Fibular
– Dorsal Venous Arch
– Dorsal Digital Veins

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