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Prof. Dhyani Mehta
 Colonialism: is a system of political and social relationship between two
countries, of which one is the ruler and the other is its colony. The ruling country
also decides the economic policy of the colony.
 British rule exploited Indian for all most 2 centuries.
 The economic history can be divided into three parts:
 The period of merchant capital
 Direct Plunder under guise of trade
 Land revenue as an instrument to the peasantry
 Corrupt officers made large fortunes
 The period of Industrial capital
 Export of machine made goods to India
 Development of jute and plantation industry
 Revenue and expenditure policy of the British
 The period of finance capital
 British finance capital in the state sector
 Investment in railways
 Investment in Plantation
 National Income Estimates
 Nature and Extent of Poverty
 Trends in Real Wages
 Occupational Distribution of Populational
 Traditional agriculture
 Weak Industrial Structure
Economic Impacts of Colonial Rule in India

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