Literature: Semestral Guide: Topics Which We Must Study

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Literature: Semestral guide

Topics which we must study

1. What is an poetry?

Poetry is an imaginative writing in which language, images, sound

and rhythm combine to create a special emotional effect.
2. What is prosody?

Prosody is the study of meter, rhythm and intonation of an poem.

3. What is rhythm?

Rhythm is the actual sound that results from a line of a poetry.

4. What is metric?

Metric is the definitive pattern established for a verse.

5. What is a poetic foot?

Poetic foot is the length of syllable. Add more ideas here

6. What are metrical patterns?

• The metrical patterns are the measure of foot in a poem.

What is narrative poetry?

• Narrative poetry is an account of things through stages as

Identify the kind of food
1. ´∩∩: _____
2. : _____
3. ´´: Spondee
4. ´: iambic
5. ´: ____
6. ´: ____
Identify the number of metrical feet in a line
(Greek terminology )
1. Dimeter: two feet 6. Seven feet: heptameter
2. Trimeter: three feet 7. Eight meter: octameter
3. Four feet: tetrameter 8. Nine feet: …meter?
4. Five feet: pentameter There are wide range of names
5. Six feet: hexameter for other types of feet: choriamb 4
syllable metric foot.
Basic elements of poetry

• Prosody • Alliteration
• Rhythm • Assonance
• Meter
• Metrical patterns
• Rhyme
Variation of rhythm

Rhythm varies across languages between poetic traditions with

pattern sound, because of the influence of multiple approaches. For
example, Japanese is a moratimed language. Also, variation of
intonation affects how rhythm is perceived.

Meter in western poetic tradition are grouped with metrical foot and the
number of feet per line.
The iamb is the most natural form of rhythm in the English language. In
English, each foot includes one stressed syllable and from one or two
unstressed syllable.
Anglo-Saxon meter, the unit of lines are built in half-line with two stresses
rather than a foot.
Metrical pattern
• There are different metrical patterns due to traditions:
Shakespearian iambic pentameter, Homerian dactylic hexameter
use nursery rhythms: common metrical pattern:
• Iambic pentameter (John Milton)
• Dactylic hexameter (Homer)
• Alexandrine or iambic hexameter (Jean Racine)
1. Meter ___ 19 lines poem
2. Sonnet ___has 6 stanzas (6)
3. Ruba´l ___Japanese poetry
4. Villanelle ___actual sound from a line
5. Sijo ___Arabian and Persian poetry
6. Sestina ___Chinese poetry (9)
7. Ode ___pattern of a verse (1)
8. Rhythm ___ Korean poetry
9. Jintishi ____poem of 14 lines (2)
10. Tanka ____19 lines poem
Fill the blanks

Prosody is the study of ___, ___ and ___.

Poetry is an imaginative writing in which ___, ___, ___and ___
combine to create a special emotional effect.
Describe the kind of feet

• Iamb: an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable

• Spondee: two stressed syllable together.
• Dactyl:
• Anapest:
• Pyrrhic:
• Trochee:

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