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Design of Composite Part

For Control Surface Of An

Project Members: Anirudh Sridhar
Bharath G
Mohammed Abraar
Project Guide: Prof. Arjun S

Sai Vidya Institute of Technology

• A Composite material is a material system composed of
two or more macro constituents that differ in shape and
chemical composition and which are insoluble in each
other. The history of composite materials dates back to
early 20th century. In 1940, fiber glass was first used to
reinforce epoxy.
• Applications:
– Aerospace industry
– Sporting Goods Industry
– Automotive Industry
– Home Appliance Industry
• Composites:
-- Multiphase material w/significant
proportions of each phase.
• Matrix:
-- The continuous phase
-- Purpose is to:
- transfer stress to other phases
- protect phases from environment
-- Classification: MMC, CMC, PMC

• Dispersed phase:
-- Purpose: enhance matrix properties. Reprinted with permission from
D. Hull and T.W. Clyne, An
MMC: increase y, TS, creep resist. Introduction to Composite Materials,
2nd ed., Cambridge University Press,
CMC: increase Kc New York, 1996, Fig. 3.6, p. 47.

PMC: increase E, y, TS, creep resist.

-- Classification: Particle, fiber, structural
Composite Survey
C o m p o s it e s

P a r t ic le - r e in fo r c e d F ib e r - r e in fo r c e d S tru c tu ra l

L a rg e - D is p e r s io n - C o n t in u o u s D is c o n t in u o u s L a m in a t e s S a n d w ic h
p a r t ic le s tre n g th e n e d ( a lig n e d ) (s h o rt) p a n e ls

A lig n e d R a n d o m ly
o r ie n t e d Adapted from Fig.
16.2, Callister 7e.
Composite Survey: Structural

Particle-reinforced Fiber-reinforced Structural

• Stacked and bonded fiber-reinforced sheets
-- stacking sequence: e.g., 0º/90º or 0/45/90º
-- benefit: balanced, in-plane stiffness

• Sandwich panels
-- low density, honeycomb core Adapted from Fig.
-- benefit: light weight, large bending stiffness 16.16, Callister 7e.

face sheet
adhesive layer
Function of the Controls

The elevator controls

movement about the
lateral axis

This movement is
called pitch.
Function of the Controls
• Elevators are controlled using the control

• Control column FORWARD = nose down

• Control column BACK =nose up

Function of the Controls
• An alternative to the elevator is the
– It is controlled the same way the elevator is
– The entire horizontal stabilizer moves to act as an
Function of the Controls

The rudder controls

movement around the
vertical axis.

This movement is
called yaw.
Function of the Controls
• The rudder is controlled using the
rudder pedals

Right rudder pedal = yaw right

Left rudder pedal = yaw left

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