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• Land use involves the management can
modification of natural environment or
wilderness into built environment such as
settlements and semi-natural habitats such as
arable fields, pastures and managed woods.
• It also defined as "the total of arrangements,
activities, and inputs that people undertake in a
certain land cover type.
What is map ?

 A map is model of the earth shown on a flat

 Map are useful because you can carry them with
• Land use is the human use of territory for economic, residential,
recreational, conservational, and governmental purposes. The
concept of land use is closely intertwined with human
community development. Patterns of human development and
land use have shaped the environment locally and globally since
prehistoric times. Current development patterns, together with
features of the natural environment and the consequences of past
development activities, determine future development
opportunities, and also the need for restoration or enhancement
of environmental resources.
Comparison of map element
between Malaysia and Australia
Land use Map
 For australia map the legend arrangement is according group
classification of the land use and the malaysia map not
according to group classification.
 The color use on malaysia and australia different for example
for the mining area malaysia use black and australia use
greenish blue.
 There is detail discription on map of australia compare to the
malaysia map.
 For australia map there is additional that show date of
mapping and scale of mapping and it is not available in
malaysia map.
 Land use is classified according to the Australian Land Use and Management
(ALUM) Classification version 7, a three-tiered hierarchical structure. There are
five primary classes, identified in order of increasing levels of intervention or
potential impact on the natural landscape. Water is included separately as a sixth
primary class. Primary and secondary levels relate to the principal land use.
Tertiary classes may include additional information on commodity groups, specific
commodities, land management practices or vegetation information. The primary,
secondary and tertiary codes work together to provide increasing levels of detail
about the land use. Land may be subject to a number of concurrent land uses. For
example, while the main management objective of a multiple-use production forest
may be timber production, it may also provide conservation, recreation, grazing and
water catchment land uses. In these cases, production forestry is commonly
identified in the ALUM code as the prime land use.
The primary classes of land use in the ALUM Classification are:

1. Conservation and natural environments - land used primarily for

conservation purposes, based on maintaining the essentially natural
ecosystems present
2. Production from relatively natural environments - land used mainly
for primary production with limited change to the native vegetation
3. Production from dry land agriculture and plantations - land used
mainly for primary production based on dry land farming systems
4. Production from irrigated agriculture and plantations - land used
mostly for primary production based on irrigated farming
5. Intensive uses - land subject to extensive modification, generally in
association with closer residential settlement, commercial or
industrial uses
6. Water - water features (water is regarded as an essential aspect of the
classification, even though it is primarily a land cover type, not a
land use)
 The scale use on the australia map is bigger compare to the malaysia map which is
1:5 000000
Colour use on map
 The major colour use on the australia map is crème colour which show the grazing
native vegetation area.
 For malaysia map the major colour use is green colour which depict the forestery
 The area of australia map cover the whole country and for malaysia map cover
only for borneo area.
 The malaysia map more detail compare to the australia map as the area cover is
smaller than australia.

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