Case Facts

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Case Facts

 Rossogolla was invented by Nabin Chandra Das in 1850s.

 There are established shops such as Sen Mahashay who sell under
their own label (such as K. C. Das in cans).
 Sweet shop owners also sell in traditional / plastic packs, as soon as
a customer places his order.
 Rossogolla are sold in bulk for marriages, parties and conferences.
 Several cooperative organizations and private dairies want to enter
the market with their brand of “Rossogolla’s”.
 This stems from the general trend of traditional Indian commodities
becoming products. (e.g. branded rice, branded coffee, Branded
wheat etc.).
 Cooperatives perceive that they could manufacture better products
than what was being sold by sweet shop owners.
Findings from case
Rossogolla, can be made of Kharapak or Chana.
There are 31 variations of the above in Calcutta
Each sweet shop owners caters to a specific market.
The syrup can be of sugar or gur.
There are five to six size variations of Rossogolla.
There is also a small market for Rossogolla for diabetics.
Bengalis are particular about the texture, taste etc. and so on.
Institutional market is small.
The market for canned Rossogollas is small.
Research objective
To design product strategy for cooperates so that they can compete
against the local players in the market as well as branded product like

Concept Screening Test

We will interact with customers to get their insights about the product
so that we can customize the product based on their requirement. To do
the same we will form a questionnaire.
Concept evaluation test
Market Potential
Market is in upswing phase with an already existing healthy demand
Tap the multiple markets at the same time
Market Strength
Market has a huge potential in terms of people who occasionally consume
sweet and are inclined to serve Rossogolla as an offering on auspicious
occasions and gathering (more or less staple choice)
Market Weakness
 People are not aware of cooperative organization
Hard to enter in the existing market
Product Testing
Product testing purposes

• Against competition: Better packaging, preservation

• Product improvement: we are introducing new varients like kesar, badam,

syrup in two variants gur and sugar.

• Cost saving: Economies of scale

• Concept fit: whether the product variant resembles the selling message
Procedure for product testing
Monadic Test: We will give our product to the customer and ask them
to evaluate.
Repeat-Paired Testing: At first customers would be given our product
to taste after a brief pause they would be offered with a competitors’
variant and then the respondent would have to evaluate the two.

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