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Value Proposition Canvas

Product Customer
What are the emotional
drivers for purchasing
your product?
What does it
Benefits feel like to use
your product?
What your
product does?

Experience Fears

What are the

hidden needs? Risks of switching
to your product?

Features Needs

How does your What are the rational

product work? drivers for purchasing
your product?

What do people
Company: currently do
Substitutes instead?

Ideal customer:
Based on the work of Steve Blank, Clayton Christensen, Seth Godin, Yves Pigneur and Alex Osterwalder. Released under creative commons license to encourage adaption and iteration. No rights asserted.
The Business Model Canvas
Key Partners Key Activities Value Proposition Customer Relationships Customers
• Who are our key • What key activities do our • What value do we deliver • How do we get, keep and • How do we get, keep and
partners? value propositions require? to the customer? grow customers? grow customers?
• Who are our key • Our distribution channels? • Which one of our • Which customer • Which customer
suppliers? • Customer relationships? customers’ problems are relationships have we relationships have we
• Which key resources • Revenue streams? we helping to solve? established? established?
are we acquiring from • What bundles of products • How are they integrated • How are they integrated
our partners? and services are we with the rest of our business with the rest of our
• Which key activities do
Text Goes offering to each segment? model? business model?
partners perform? Here • Which customer needs are • How costly are they? • How costly are they?
we satisfying?
Text Goes • What is the minimum Text Goes Text Goes
viable product? Here Here
• Obtain from Value
Proposition Canvass

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Key Resources Here
• What key resources do our Channels
value propositions require? • Through which channels do
• Our distribution channels? our customer segments
• Customer relationships? want to be reached?
• Revenue streams Text Goes
Text Goes Here

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

• What are the most important costs inherent to our business model? • For what value are our customers really willing to pay?
• Which key resources are most expensive? • For what do they currently pay?
• Which key activities are most expensive? • What is the revenue model?
• What are the pricing tactics?
Text Goes
Here Text Goes

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