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Designing a

Verifying compiler
Group Members

 Muhammad Umer (CS141002)

 Ameer Hamza(CS141050)
 Zeeshan Mumtaz(CS141051)

 Development of a tool which automatically verifies programs

meet their specifications, and are free from runtime errors such
as divide-by-zero, array out-of-bounds and null dereferences.
 It should be a pre-compiler phase of any compiler which checks
the verification of code.
 Pre-Processing Verification includes Syntax and Semantics

 Several impressive systems have been developed to this end,

such as ESC/Java and Spec#, which build on existing
programming languages (e.g., Java, C#).
 ESC/Java (and more recently ESC/Java2), the "Extended Static
Checker for Java," is a programming tool that attempts to find
common run-time errors in java programs at compile time.

 For example, that an integer variable is greater-than-zero, or lies

between the bounds of an array. This technique was pioneered in
ESC/Java (and its predecessor, ESC/Modula-3) and can be thought
of as an extended form of type checking.
 It checks all the language specifications which are necessary for
the program to run free from run-time errors.

 Spec#(Spec Sharp) extends the type system to include non-null

types and checked exceptions.
 The compiler statically enforces non-null types, emits run-time
checks for method contracts and invariants, and records the
contracts as metadata for consumption by downstream tools.
  It uses an automatic theorem prover that analyzes the
verification conditions to prove the correctness of the program or
find errors in it.
Advantages of Pre-verify Compiler

 The entire program is verified so there are no syntax or semantic

 The executable file is optimized by the compiler so it execute
 User do not have to execute the program on the same machine it
was built.

function decrement(int x)->(int y)

//Parameter x must be greater than zero
Requires x>0
//Return must be greater or equal to zero
Ensures y>=0:
How to verify Loops And Arrays

Function sum(int[]items)->(int r)
Requires all {iin0..|items||items[i]>=0}
Ensures r>=0:
Int i=0
Int r=0
While i<|items|where i>=0&&r>=0:
Return r
Type checking is separate from
Function f(int|null x)->bool|null:
If x is int && x>=0:
Return true
Else if x is int &&x<0:
Return false
Return x
Verification Approaches

Testing-based approach
 Test and validation suite to verify compilers
 Test suite to qualify the compiler’s output
Formal method-based approach
 Formal verification of compilers
 Formal verification of compiler’s output.
 Translation validation to check the correctness of the compilation

 In this presentation we have talk about two language

specification tools (ESC/JAVA, Spec#) but there are lot more tools
that are working on the same project like (Dafny, VeriFast, Why3
and Frama C).

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