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Leadership and Teacher

Professional Development

Group 1;
Christina Mamora ak Tracy Lutin
Lisa Jawai ak Usit
Marilyn Sandra Jeffrey
Mary Ting Ming Chuo
Shirly ak Nirau
Tutorial 4
Discuss the ethical issues among
educators in newspaper cutting/
articles/ magazines/ internet.
Suggest the possibilities that could
happen to a teacher who fails to
comply with ethics, accountability and

• moved to another school

• moved to the admistrative (PPD)

• will never be trusted again (parents,

society, colleagues)

• look down by others

• ruin teacher's or school image

Peraturan Peraturan Pegawai Awam
(Kelakuan dan Tatatertib) 1993
(Pindaan 2002)
• Warning
• Fined
• Stripped off of emolument rights
• Hold of the advancement of the salary
• Reduced salary
• Demotion
• Fired

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