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University of Utara Malaysia

Othman Yeop Abdullah

Graduate School of Business

Resource Person
Workshop on Qualitative Research Dr. Rab Nawaz Lodhi
Methodologies and Data Analysis using QSR Certified Trainer-NVivo
NVivo Software Mobile/WhatsApp 00923334093460
Qualitative Research using NVivo
Focus Areas
1. Research Paradigms and Philosophical

2. Qualitative Research Designs

3. Qualitative Data Collection Methods

4. Qualitative Data Analysis Methods

Qualitative Research using NVivo


Research is creating
new knowledge
(Neil Armstrong)

Qualitative Research using NVivo

Quality Criteria of Qualitative Research
To Know the Reality
To Know the Truth

Qualitative Research using NVivo

Research Paradigms and Philosophical
Positivism Interpretivism Realism / Pragmatism

Ontology Singular, Multiple, Mix

Your Objective Subjective
about the
nature of

Epistemology Surface Depth Both

(Knowledge of Knowledge Knowledge

Qualitative Research using NVivo

Movement from
Pre-empirical stage to Empirical Stage

Source: Punch (2011)

Qualitative Research
Punch, using
2011 NVivo
Qualitative Research Design
Case Study


Grounded Theory
Research Design

Action Research


Qualitative Research using NVivo
Narrative Research
• “A spoken or written text giving an account of an event/action
or series of events/actions, chronologically connected”
Implementation of Narrative
– a. Selecting Subjects
– b. Collecting Data
– c. Reporting Findings
– d. Description of Meaning
• Types of Narrative Research:
1. Biographical Study
2. Autobiography
3. Personal Experience Story

Qualitative Research using NVivo

Narrative Research

Qualitative Research using NVivo

Phenomenological Research
• “Whereas a narrative study reports the life of a
single individual, a phenomenological study
describes the meaning of several individuals of
their lived experience…”
• Elements of Phenomenological Research:
1. Identification of a shared experience
2. Phenomenological research attempts to locate
the universal nature of an experience.
3. Attempt to identify shares experience among
various individuals experiencing the same

Qualitative Research using NVivo

Phenomenological Research

Qualitative Research using NVivo

Participatory Action Research
• “Research that directly involves the both the
researcher and the participants in the
research project”
• Carried out by researchers and participants
• Produces knowledge for action
• Cyclic process
• Improve practice and evaluate the results
• Community Based Research
Qualitative 2008using NVivo
Action Research-Cyclic

Chekland & Holwell, 1998

Qualitative Research using NVivo
Grounded Theory
• Grounded theory is a systematic methodology in the social
sciences involving the generation of theory from data
• Key Elements
1. Categorizing
2. Conceptualizing
3. Theoretical Sampling (Sampling on the basis of Concept)
4. Open Coding
5. Selective Coding
6. Axial Coding
7. Properties (Characteristics)
8. Dimensional Continua

Qualitative Research using NVivo

Grounded Theory

Qualitative Research using NVivo

Case Study
• A case study is an intensive analysis of an
individual unit (e.g., a person, group, or event)
stressing developmental factors in relation to

Qualitative Research using NVivo
• An analysis of the shared patterns of behavior,
beliefs and language among study
• study of “an entire cultural group”
• Participants Observation
– Immersion (sinking until covered completely with
the water)

Creswell, p. 68.

Qualitative Research using NVivo
Data Collection Methods
• Observations – Field Notes
• Focus Group – Audio/Video Recordings/Data Sheet
• Document Review, Content exploration
• Interviews - Audio/Video Recordings/Data Sheet
• Blogs , weblogs, exploration of contents
• Images – Pictures
• E-mails, exploration of contents, timings, contexts
• Diaries , exploration of contents, timings, contexts
• Minutes of Meetings
• Historical Evidences
• Websites
• Data from Social Media (Facebook, Twitter & Linkedin)
Qualitative Research using NVivo
Thematic Analysis

Qualitative Research using NVivo
Techniques to identify Themes
• Word repetitions
• Indigenous categories
• Key-words-in-context (KWIC)
• Compare and contrast
• Searching for missing information
• Transitions
• Connectors

Qualitative Research using NVivo
• Themes will be coded into “Nodes”
• Identify particular segments of textual data (or
excerpts of image-data) as an expressive unit
as describe above. Then a label is assigned to
that unit
• In-vivo-codes
• It means that a marked text-fragment is being
coded with itself (for example: "made me sad"
is coded with "made me sad").

Qualitative Research using NVivo
• identify particular segments of textual data (or
excerpts of image-data) as an expressive unit
as describe above. Then a label is assigned to
that unit
• In-vivo-codes
• It means that a marked text-fragment is being
coded with itself (for example: "made me sad"
is coded with "made me sad").

Qualitative Research using NVivo

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