Teaching Business Writing (Writing For Impact) Unit 2B

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Trainer: Sam Lubis, S. Pd.


PT. Chandra Asri Petrochemical, Tbk.

Cilegon, Banten
Notes and Minutes
(Page 11 – 12)

• Review the purpose of meeting


• Compare and evaluate different

styles of meeting minutes
Discussion Questions
Read the quotes about meetings.
“Meetings are the symptom of a “Meetings are indispensable
bad organisation. The fewer when you don’t want to do
meetings the better.” anything.”

- Peter Drucker - - J. K. Galbraith -

1. What do these quotes suggest the speakers think

about meetings?
2. How do you feel about attending meetings?
3. What is the purpose of taking minutes in a
Discussion Questions
Read the quotes about meetings.
“Meetings are the symptom of a “Meetings are indispensable
bad organisation. The fewer when you don’t want to do
meetings the better.” anything.”

- Peter Drucker - - J. K. Galbraith -

What does ‘indispensable’ mean?

It is essential; something you cannot do without.

Discussion Questions
Read the quotes about meetings.
“Meetings are the symptom of a “Meetings are indispensable
bad organisation. The fewer when you don’t want to do
meetings the better.” anything.”

- Peter Drucker - - J. K. Galbraith -


Peter Drucker was a management consultant who is

often referred to as ‘the founding father of
management studies’.
J. K. (John Kenneth) Galbraith was one of the most
famous 20th century economists.
Discussion Questions
Read the quotes about meetings.
“Meetings are the symptom of a “Meetings are indispensable
bad organisation. The fewer when you don’t want to do
meetings the better.” anything.”

- Peter Drucker - - J. K. Galbraith -

1. What do these quotes suggest the speakers think

about meetings?
2. How do you feel about attending meetings?
3. What is the purpose of taking minutes in a
Discussion Questions
Read the quotes about meetings.
“Meetings are the symptom of a “Meetings are indispensable
bad organisation. The fewer when you don’t want to do
meetings the better.” anything.”

- Peter Drucker - - J. K. Galbraith -

1. What do these quotes suggest the speakers think

about meetings?
Suggested answer:
Both quotes suggest that meetings are a good
way of waiting time, that they don’t usually
achieve anything.
Discussion Questions
Read the quotes about meetings.
“Meetings are the symptom of a “Meetings are indispensable
bad organisation. The fewer when you don’t want to do
meetings the better.” anything.”

- Peter Drucker - - J. K. Galbraith -

2. How do you feel about attending meetings?

Discussion Questions
Read the quotes about meetings.
“Meetings are the symptom of a “Meetings are indispensable
bad organisation. The fewer when you don’t want to do
meetings the better.” anything.”

- Peter Drucker - - J. K. Galbraith -

3. What is the purpose of taking minutes in a

Suggested answer:
There are 2 main purposes of minutes:
- to record what was said and discussed in the meeting
- to record decisions and actions arising from the
Group Work
(Go to Exercise 2 page 12 on your book)
Create an action plan to develop team-working within your office / department.

Team-working examples:
- hold staff integration days
- have open-plan offices rather than individual offices
- offer incentive for teams, etc.

Think individually about what you could include.

Divide yourself into 3 groups, with 4 participants in each group.
Hold a meeting to discuss ideas and choose the best ones to take forward for further
development and implementation.
Take good notes on what you decide during the meeting.

The meeting should involve decision making, not just brainstorming.
Meeting Time Allotment

5 minutes for the meetings

5 minutes to write up your minutes


5 minutes to compare your minutes

(MoMs) with others in your own group
Let’s discuss!

Are there any similarities and differences

on your minutes (MoMs)?

Tell the class!

Views on taking the minutes of a
Listen to 3 people giving their views on taking
the minutes of a meeting. Complete the notes
Compare your answers in pairs!
Do you agree with the speakers’ opinions?

waste people’s time what the purpose of the minutes is

to keep the meeting on track

record decisions and actions
reflect what was said

what she needs to do
Look at the three extracts from meeting
minutes on page 80. For each one, answer the 4
questions in the tip.


The style of meeting minutes you use will depend on the

nature of the meeting.
Is it an internal meeting?
Will the minutes be published more widely or only to
Is it external, with a client or partner?
Is it a formal meeting such as an AGM, where the minutes may
be published?
All of these questions will affect your choice of template and
the amount of detail you need to include.
Answer for Extract 1 from meeting
minutes on page 80

An internal meeting; organised but quite informal (e.g. use of

first names); minutes could be published more widely
Answer for Extract 2 from meeting
minutes on page 80

An internal meeting; quite informal (use of first names, some

abbreviations); minutes could be published within staff
association, but not designed for that purpose.
Answer for Extract 3 from meeting
minutes on page 80

Mainly internal but probably to be published more widely (e.g.

to shareholders); very formal style (e.g. list of those present and
titles; the sections – opening, announcements, new items; use
of ‘the chair’ rather than the person’s name)
Look again the 3 examples of minutes
on page 80.

1. Which gives you the best idea of what was discussed in the

2. Which is the easiest to follow and check decisions / actions?


1. Which gives you the best idea of what was discussed in the
Suggested answer:
Probably Example 2 as it is very narrative in style,
reporting the views and opinions put forward

2. Which is the easiest to follow and check decisions / actions?

Suggested answer:
Probably example 1. The narrative style of 2 means it loses
something in clarity, and the formal style of 3 means there
is a lot of extra information to go through before you get to
the main points.
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