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Parenteral Calculations

• Phenobarbital sodium 120 mg IM is

ordered for Mrs. Jones. The medication is
available in 1 mL ampules containing 120
mg. How many mL(s) should be
administered to the client?
Parenteral Calculations
• The physician’s order reads “ Garamycin
60 mg IM bid. Garamycin is available in a
2 mL vial labeled 2mL = 80 mg. How
many mL will be administered for one
Parenteral Calculations
• The physician orders Penicillin 100mg IM.
The drug on hand is a multi-dose vial
labeled “ Add 4.6 mL of sterile water.
Each mL will contain 250 mg”. How many
mL(s) should be administered to the
Parenteral Calculations
• The physician’s order reads “ Ampicin 500
mg q6h”. Ampicin ia available in a 1 g vial.
Instructions state “ Add 3.5 mL sterile
water to provide 1 g in 4mL”. How many
mL(s) should be given for one dose?
Parenteral Calculations
• The doctor orders Cloxacillin sodium 100
mg IM q6h. The medication is available in
a 500 mg vial. Directions are to add 1.7
mL of sterile water to yield 2 mL. How
many mL(s) should be administered for
one dose?
Parenteral Calculations
• The physician orders 0.5 g of Cefizon IM
q12h. The medication is available as a
powder in a 2 gram vial. Reconstitute with
6.0 mL of sterile water for injection and
shake well to provide 270mg/mL. How
many mL(s) should the client receive for
one dose?
Parenteral Calculations
• The client is to receive heparin 5000 units
subcutaneously. The ampule is labeled 10
000 units per mL. How many mL(s)
should be administered to the client?
Parenteral Calculations
• Heparin 6000 units subcutaneously is
ordered. the medication is available in a
5mL multiple – dose vial labeled 1mL= 10
000 units. Calculate the number of mL to
be administered for each dose?
Parenteral Calculations
• The client is to receive Lovonox 30 mg
subcutaneously. The 10 mL multiple dose
vial is labeled 300 mg per 3 mL. How
many mL(s) should be administered for
each dose?
Parenteral calculations
• Velosulin Insulin 26 units subcutaneously
is ordered. The insulin is available in a 10
mL multiple dose vial labeled 1ml+ 100
units. An insulin syringe is available. How
much insulin will be administered to the
Parenteral Calculations
• Humulin R insulin 10 units subcutaneously
45 minutes ac qam. The insulin is
available in a 10 mL multiple- dose vial
labeled 1 mL = 100 units. Calculate the
number of mL to be administered for each
Parenteral Calculations
• Mixtard Insulin 35 units subcutaneously @
0730 od. The insulin is available in a
multiple dose vial labeled 1 mL= 100 units.
Calculate the number of mL to be
administered for each dose?
Parenteral Calculations
• Novolin – NPH Insulin 35 units and
Novolin- Toronto Insulin 25 units
subcutaneously 30 minutes ac qam. Each
insulin is available in a 10 mL multiple –
dose vial labeled I mL = 100 units.
Calculate the number of mL(s) to be
administered for each dose? How far
down would the plunger be drawn?

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