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dr. Herdiantri Sufriyana
Tulang panjang Tulang pipih
Depan Belakang
 Synovial joint  free movement
 Plane
 Hinge
 Pivot
 Ellipsoid
 Saddle
 Ball and socket
 Synarthroses joint  restricted movement
 Synarthroses joint:
 Fibrous joint  lack of intervening cartilage
 Suture
 Syndesmosis
 Gomphosis
 Schindylasis
 Cartilaginous joint  intervening cartilage
 Synchondrosis  primary
 Symphysis  secondary
 Otot skeletal
 Otot jantung
 Otot polos
 Wajah
 Leher
 Dada
 Perut
 Punggung/pinggang
 Panggul
 Perineum
 Bahu, lengan atas, lengan bawah dan tangan
 Pinggul, paha, betis dan kaki

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