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Anthony Bedford and

Wallace Fowler
SI Edition

Teaching Slides
Chapter 2: Vectors
Chapter Outline
 Scalars & Vectors
 Rules for Manipulating Vectors
 Components in 2 Dimensions
Intended Learning Outcomes
By the end of today’s session student’s should be
able to:
 Define Scalars & Vectors
 Apply Vector addition technique/rules
2.1 Scalars & Vectors

 Scalar – a physical quantity that is

completely described by a real number
 E.g. Time, mass
 Vector – both magnitude (nonnegative real
number) & direction
 E.g.Location of COMSATS relative to your
 Represented by boldfaced letters: U, V , W, ...
 Magnitude of vector U  U
2.2 Rules for Manipulating Vectors

 Vector Addition:
 When an object undergoes a displacement
(moves from 1 location in space to another)

 Displacement vector: U
 Direction of U = direction of displacement
 |U| = distance the book moves
2.2 Rules for Manipulating Vectors
 2nd displacement V
U and V equivalent to a single displacement
W: U + V = W
 Final position of book is the same whether we
give it displacement U then V, or vice versa
2.2 Rules for Manipulating Vectors

 Definition of Vector Addition:

 Head to Tail
 Triangle rule

 Sum is independent of the order in which the

vectors are placed head to tail
 Parallelogram rule
 How to determine the Resultant of Vectors?
 Graphically (Parallelogram Rule)



 Trigonometry B
 Sine Law: Components
 
Sina Sinb Sinc
 The magnitude of two force components are
determined from the law of sines.
 Cosine Law: c
C  A  B  2 ABcosc
2 2 2

b a
 The magnitude of the resultant force can be
determined from the law of cosines, and its C
direction is determined from the law of sines.
2.2 Rules for Manipulating Vectors
 Vector Subtraction:
Read from book
 Unit Vectors:
 Magnitude =1
 Specifies a direction
 If a unit vector e & a vector U have
the same direction: U = |U|e
 e = U/|U|

Unit Vector
Example 2.1 Adding Vectors
Fig. 2.1 is an initial design sketch of part of the roof of a
sports stadium to be supported by the cables AB & AC.
The forces the cables exert on the pylon to which they
are attached are represented by the vectors FAB & FAC.
The magnitude of the forces are |FAB| = 100 kN & |FAC| =
60 kN. Determine the magnitude & direction of the sum
of the forces exerted on the pylon by the cables (a)
graphically & (b) using trigonometry.

Figure 2.1
Example 2.1 Adding Vectors

(a) By drawing the parallelogram rule for adding the
2 forces with the vectors drawn to scale, we can
measure the magnitude & direction of their sum.
(b) We will calculate the magnitude & direction of
the sum of the forces by applying the laws of
sines & cosines to the triangles formed by the
parallelogram rule.
Example 2.1 Adding Vectors

Solution (Graphically)
(a) Graphically construct the parallelogram rule with
FAB & FAC proportional to their magnitudes:

By measuring the figure, we estimate the

magnitude of the vector FAB + FAC to be 155 kN
& its direction to be 19° above the horizontal.
Example 2.1 Adding Vectors

Solution (Using Trigonometry)

(b) Consider the parallelogram rule:
Since  + 30° = 180°,  = 150°
Applying law of cosines to shaded triangle:

2 2 2
FAB  FAC  FAB  FAC  2 FAB FAC cos α
 100  60  210060cos150
2 2

Magnitude |FAB + FAC| = 155 kN

Figure 2.1
Example 2.1 Adding Vectors

(b) To determine the angle  between FAB + FAC
& the horizontal, apply law of sines to shaded
triangle: sin  sin α


The solution is

 FAB sin α   100 sin 150   18.8

β  arcsin    arcsin  
 FAB  FAC   155 
Example 2.1 Adding Vectors

Critical Thinking
 In engineering applications, vector operations
are nearly always done analytically
 However, graphical methods enhances your
intuition about vectors & helps you understand
vector operations
 Also, sketching out a graphical solution can often
help you to formulate an analytical solution
 What are Scalars & Vectors?
 What techniques are available to Add Vectors?

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