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By eng.abdishaour abdullahi Dhi’i


 The environment encompasses

the whole of life on earth
and the complex interactions
that link the living world
with the physical world

 “Environmental engineering involves the application of technology

to minimize unfavorable impacts of both humans on the
environment and of the environment of Humans”
 it means both environment and Human
Who does it affect?
• Everyone & Everything!
– plants
– insects
– animals
– humans
– ecosystems
– our planet(earth)
What are
environmental issues?

• Three areas:
– air quality
– land quality
– water quality
Science & Engineering
Science… improve our understanding of
natural processes
Engineering…use this understanding to
develop and apply technologies that will
maintain or improve environmental
 Next to air, the other important requirement for human life
to exist is water.

 It is the nature’s free gift to the human race. It is available in

various forms such as rivers lakes streams, etc.

 The Importance of water in human life is so much that the

development of any city of the world as practically taken
place near so source of water supply
 The water is a available in solid, liquid and gas forms.
 The use of water by man, plants and animals is

 As a matter of fact every living soul requires water for

 It’s essential for life, health and sanitations.

 The water when exposed to the atmosphere contains many

impurities which are harmful to any living organism.
 If untreated water is consumed by living organisms, it is
likely to cause serious harm to their health.
 Ecology: is how living and non-living things affect each
other in their environment.
 The soul of purification process of present-day water supply
schemes is the filtration. It is preceded by pre-filtration
purification methods and followed by post-filtration
purification methods .

 The water supply schemes are prepared by the

combination of field observations and office works.

 Usually the advantage of water supply scheme is given

to the city in stages i.e., apart of the city is developed
first and then the second part is developed and so on.
 The fallowing are the points of importance in any water
supply schemes:

1) Financial aspect
2) Population
3) Quality of water
4) Rate of consumption
5) Sanitary survey of area
6) Sources of water supply
7) Topography of area
8) Trends of town development.
1) Financial aspect: is the data regarding the availability of fund
for the fulfilment of the water supply scheme should be
obtained in the initial stages of the scheme only.
2) Population: from the available census of previous years, the
present population should be determined and it’s a general
practice to make the scheme to accommodate population after
three or four decades.
3) Quality of water: the quality of water decides the line of
treatment of water. The more pure water is, the less is the cost
of its treatment.
4) Rate of consumption: the demand of water depends on various
uses such as domestic, industrial, public, trade, etc. The rate of
consumption per capita should be decided by carefully
considering all these possible uses.
5) Sanitary survey of area: the sanitary survey of area surrounding
the available of water resource should be carefully carried out.
6) Sources of water : it is quite clear that the success of a water
supply scheme entirely depends on a good source of supply of
7) Topography of area: the topographical map of the area to be
served by the scheme should be prepared and it should be
studied in relation to the low lying area, ridges, density of
population, etc.
8) Trends of town development: the trends of town development
in future should predicted and properly adjusted in the water
supply scheme.
The successful implementation of any water supply
project grants the fallowing advantages:

1. The growth of new industries for various pipe appurtenances

such as air valves, bib cocks, etc. takes place in the locality
granting employment opportunities.
2. The industries which require pure water for their working are
saved from the expenditure of installing their own water
purification plant.
3. The installation and maintenance of the water supply scheme
grant opportunities of employment to the local people.
4. The public in general gets treated reliable water for
consumption and other uses.
5. The sanitation of the area in considerably improved by
adequate water supply.
6. There are less chances of water-borne disease to occur resulting
in saving of human lives and working hours.
7. The available water in the locality is used in the best possible
manner and its misuse and wastage are avoided to a
considerable extent.
The sequence of units to be installed in the layout of any water
supply project starting from the source of water to the
distribution is as follows:
1) Location of intakes including pumping plant.
2) Plain sedimentation tanks.
3) Coagulation sedimentation tanks.
4) Filter units.
5) Water softening and other miscellaneous treatment plants.
6) Disinfection plant.
7) Storage of clear water in underground an overhead resevoir
8) Distribution of water.
Following points should be considered while
selecting the site of water supply project:
i. The components of project should be arranged in sequence
so that the water flows smoothly from one process to the
next process.
ii. If possible, the location of all plants should be such that
the water flows by gravitation only. It will avoid pumping
and will increase the efficiency of project.
iii. The treatment units should be arranged and designed in
such a way that future expansion is not obstructed.
iv. Necessary staff quarters and office units should be
provided to control the functioning of the project.
v. The site of the entire project should be reflect neat and
clean appearance with pleasing atmosphere.
vi. The project should be accommodate a full-fledged
laboratory routine tests be carried out to check the quality
of raw water and treated water and to suggest the change
in treatment process when the occasion demands.

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