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- officially the People’s Republic of China (PRC).
- a unitary sovereign state in East Asia
- world’s most populous country, with a population around 1.4
billion people
- it is governed by the Communist Party
- world’s second-largest economy
- member of the United Nations
- it exercises jurisdiction over 22 provinces, 5 autonomous
regions, 4 direct-controlled municipalities ( Beijing, Tianjin,
Shanghai, and Chongqing)
- china’s constitution declares that the country ruled “ under
the leadership” of the Communist Party of China (CPC) As china
is a “de facto” one-party state, the General Secretary(party
leader) holds ultimate power and authority over state and
government serving as the paramount leader.
The Government of the People's Republic of China is divided among several bodies:

1. The Legislative branch

2. The Executive branch
3. The Judicial branch
4. The Military branch

The Legislative branch- the National People's Congress(NPC)

-is the national legislature of People’s Republic of China.
-has 3000 members, it is the largest parliamentary body in
the world.
-is structured as a unicameral legislature.
-5 years of term
-Great Hall of the People (meeting place)

Lianghui – “Two Assemblies” of NPC and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference .
Between these sessions, power is exercised by the Standing Committee of the NPC which
contains about 150 members.
Powers and Duties of the NPC

1. To amend the Constitution and oversee its enforcement.

- only the NPC has the power to amend the Constitution.
Amendments to the constitution must be proposed by the
NPC Standing Committee or 1/5 or more of the NP
deputies. In order for the amendments to become effective,
they must be passed by 2/3 majority vote of all deputies.
2. To elect and appoint members to the central state organs
-the NPC elects the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary- General
and other members of its Standing Committee. It also elects the
President and Vice President of the People’s Republic of China. And
appoints the Premier of the State Council. And also has the power
to remove the above-mentioned officials from the office.
3. To determine major state issues
This includes examining and approving the report on the plan for
national economic and social development and on its implementation,
report and central budget, and more.
4. As a rubber stamp for decisions already made by the state’s
executive organs and the Communist Party in China.

Rubber Stamp- One that rarely or never disagrees with more powerful
organs. In situations where this superior official’s signature may
frequently be required for routine paperwork, a literal rubber stamp is
used, with a likeness of their hand-written signature.

Zhang Dejiang- Congress Chairman

The Politburo Standing Committee (PSC)
- is a committee consisting of the top leadership of the Communist
Party of China.
-elected by the Central Committee
-currently has seven members.
-to conduct policy discussions and make decisions on major issues
-the General Secretary of the Central Committee must also be a
member of the Politburo Standing Committee.
The Executive Branch
- consists of the State Council, and the President and Vice
President of the PRC.
- headed by the President Xi Jinping.
- they are elected by the National People’s Congress
- 5 years term, no more than two consecutive terms

The Zhongnanhai- home and workplace of the President

Qualifications for President and Vice President

1. those who the right to vote and stand for election
2. atleast 45 years old
Responsibilities of President
• Promulgates laws
• Appointsd or removes the Premier, Vice Premiers, State
Councillors, Ministers in charge of ministries or commissions, the
Auditor-General and the Secretary-General of the State Council
• Conferes state medals and titles of honor
• Issues orders of special pardon
• Proclaims entering the state of emergency
• Proclaims a state of war
• Issues mobilization orders
Responsibilities of the Vice President
• To assist the President
• Served as the deputy leader of the Foreign Affairs Leading Group
President’s salary is 11,385 yuan($1830) a month, up from 7020
yuan or $22,000 a year.
President Xi Jinping Vice President Li Yuanchao
The State Council( the Central People’s Government)
- is the executive body of the highest organ of state power
- 5 years in term (no Premier, Vice Premier or state
councillor shall serve more than two consecutive terms)

The State Council is composed of:

1. The Premier
2. The Vice Premier
3. The State Councillors
4. The Ministers in charge of ministries
5. The Ministers in charge of commissions
6. The Auditor-General
7. The Secretary-General

Li Keqiang- the Premier (head of government)

Duties and Powers of the State Council

1. To adopt administrative measures, enact administrative regulations

and issue decisions and orders in accordance with the Constitution and other
2. To submit proposals to the National People's Congress or its
Standing Committee
3. To create and implement the plan for national economic and social
development and the State budget
4. To direct and administer economic affairs and urban and rural
5. To direct and administer the affairs of education, science, culture,
public health, physical culture, and family planning
• 6. To direct and administer civil affairs, public security, judicial
administration, supervision, and other related matters
• 7. To conduct foreign affairs and conclude treaties and
agreements with foreign States
• 8. To direct and administer the building of national defense
• 9. To alter or annul inappropriate orders issued by the ministries
or commissions or by local organs of State administration at various
• 10. To decide on entering the state of emergency
• 11. To set the size of administrative organs and to appoint or
remove administrative officials, train them, appraise their
performance and reward or punish them
• 12. To exercise other functions and powers as the National
People's Congress or its Standing Committee may assign
The Premier - assumes overall responsibility for the State Council’s
work and directs the work of the State Council.

Prime Minister Li Keqiang

The Judiciary Branch
- consists of two branches Supreme People’s Courts and the
Supreme People’s Procuratorates

1. Supreme People’s Procuratorate – is the highest agency at the

national level responsible for prosecution and investigation in the
People’s Republic of China.

Cao Jianming – Chief Grand Procuratorate of the PRC

2. The Supreme People's Court
-is the highest court in the mainland area of the People's
Republic of China.
-340 judges
- consists of a four level, two-hearing system
- 5 years of term
Supreme Court Building – nation’s highest court sits
Zhou Qiang- President Chief Justice

1. A chinese national
2. Atleast 23 years old
3. To have worked for atleast 2 years in the case of graduates
from law specialties of colleges
4. To have fine political and professional quality and to be good
in conduct.
The Military branch - People’s Liberation Army(PLA) via the
Central Military Commission(CMC)
-The CMC is housed in the Ministry of National Defense
compound ("August 1st Building")
-The CMC exercises the command and control of the People's
Liberation Army and is supervised by the Standing Committee of
the National People's Congress. The state CMC is nominally
considered the supreme military policy-making body and its
chairman, elected by the National People's Congress, is the
commander-in-chief of the armed forces. In reality, command
and control of the PLA, however, still resides with the Central
Military Commission of the Chinese .
Elections in China
-are based on a hierarchial electoral system, whereby local People’s
Congresses are directly elected, and all higher levels of People’s
Congresses up to the National People’s Congress, the National
legislature, are indirectly elected by the People’s Congress of the Level
immediately below.
-Governors, mayors, and heads of counties, districts, townships, and
towns are in turn elected by the respective local People’s Congresses.
-Presidents of people’s courts and chief procurators of people’s
procuratorates are elected by the respective local People’s Congresses
above the county level.
-President and the State Council are elected by the National People’s
-Election happens on March after 5 years term
Fun FACTS about China
1. Virginity rescuers
Restoring virginity is possible and quite popular in China. This
plastic surgery even has a medical name — hymenorrhaphy.
Chinese women pay a lot of money for reconstructing their
hymens before the wedding night. They just don’t want their
future husbands to find out that they are not virgins anymore…
2. Births restriction
China is the only country in the the world where the
reproduction is limited. Until 2015, Chinese couples could have
only 1 child. For more than a year now, they can have 2 children.

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