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Virgínia Barros ✪ Luísa Barros ✪ Maria José Rodrigues ✪ Vanessa Reis Esteves

Yes/No questions can only have a yes or a no as an

answer. Therefore, they can never start with a WH-
interrogative word (such as Who, How, etc.).
Remember to begin the question with the auxiliary
verb (be, have) or a modal verb (can, will, shall) and
not the subject. This is called inverted word order.
• Are you a student?
• Have they learned to speak French yet?
• Was she in your class last year?
• Can you speak English?
• Shall I talk to my teacher about that?
To make a question in the present or past simple tense,
you must begin with an auxiliary verb DO, DOES
(Present), DID (Past) + infinitive of the main verb.

• Do you play tennis every day? Yes, I do.
• Does she cook? No, she doesn’t.
• Do they sing in church? No they don’t.
• Did they travel by plane? Yes, they did.
• Did you go to London alone? Yes, I did.
Note: Yes/No questions often require a short answer made up of
three words.
makes perfect!

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