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River Otter Activity Signs

Daniel Gallant Université de Moncton January 14th 2005

What to Look for

What to Look for

-Tracks often take off from the water -Often hops 2 by 2

What to Look for

-Often slides on its belly

What to Look for

-Often slides on its belly

What to Look for

-Individuals in a group can be counted.

2 1 3

What to Look for

-Dark greyish or greenish in color -Plenty of fishscales -Smells like fish -Often accumulates at latrine sites

What to Look for

-Dark greyish or greenish in color -Plenty of fishscales -Smells like fish -Often accumulated at latrine sites

What to Look for

-Will access water through holes cut in the ice

What to Look for

-Trails may lead to burrows

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