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Soal no 1.5, 1.7, dan 1.8

Dari buku : Applied Mathematics and Modelling for

Chemical Engineers
Tulisan : Richard G.Rice dan Duong D. Do
Soal 1.5
Distributed Thermal Model for Thermocouple
We wish to estimate the dynamics of a cold thermocouple probe suddenly placed
in a hot flowing fluid stream for the purpose of temperature measurement. The
probe consists of two dissimilar metal wires joined by soldering at the tip, and the
wires are then encased in a metal sheath and the tip is finally coated with a bead
of plastic to protect it from corrosion. If the plastic of the plastic bead covering the
tip of the thermocouple described before is quite large, and since plastic usually
sustains a very low value of thermal conductivity, then the simple lumped model
solution becomes quite inaccurate. To improve the model, we need to account for
thermal conductivity in the (assumed) spherical shape of the plastic bead.
(a) Assuming the bead is a perfect sphere, contacted everywhere by external fluid of
temperature Tf, perform a shell balance on an element of volume 4πr2∆r and show

(b) Perform an elemental heat balance at the surface of the sphere and deduce
Thermocouple model

qr r q
r r + ∆r

(a) Heat balance 0 0

Input – output + generasi – konsumsi = akumulasi

qr r – qr r + ∆r =
Soal 1.7
=0 =0
Akumulasi = input – output + generasi

Input = output
=0 =0
Akumulasi = input – output + generasi

Input = output

UoL .A.Cz=x + ((1-ε).-De.A. (dc/dxz=x)+Kc.a. V. (c*-c) = UoL .A.Cz=x+∆x + ((1-ε).-De.A. (dc/dxz=x+∆x )

Dan lain-lain...........
Input, O2(g)
Berdasarkan Hukum kekekalan massa
Akumulasi = input – output + generasi

Sodium Pada proses ini aliran steady state , sehingga

sulfate (aq) z akumulasi =0
Persamaan neraca massa menjadi
z + Δz
Input – output + generasi = 0

Neraca Massa Oksigen dalam system

Input – output + generasi = 0

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