Nonparametric Tests and Anovas:: What You Need To Know

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Nonparametric tests

What you need to know
Nonparametric tests
• Nonparametric tests are usually based
on ranks
• There are nonparametric versions of
most parametric tests
Parametric Nonparametric

One-sample and
Paired t-test Sign test

Two-sample t-test Mann-Whitney

Quick Reference Summary:
Sign Test
• What is it for? A non-parametric test to
compare the medians of a group to some
• What does it assume? Random samples
• Formula: Identical to a binomial test with
po= 0.5. Uses the number of subjects with
values greater than and less than a
hypothesized median as the test statistic.
⎛n ⎞ x n−x
P(x) = ⎜ ⎟p (1− p) P = 2 * Pr[xX]
P(x) = probability of a total of x successes
p = probability of success in each trial ⎝x ⎠
n = total number of trials
Sign test
Null hypothesis
Sample Median = mo

Test statistic
x = number of values Null distribution
greater than mo Binomial n, 0.5

How unusual is this test statistic?

P < 0.05 P > 0.05

Reject Ho Fail to reject Ho

Quick Reference Summary:
Mann-Whitney U Test
• What is it for? A non-parametric test to compare the
central tendencies of two groups
• What does it assume? Random samples
• Test statistic: U
• Distribution under Ho: U distribution, with sample
sizes n1 and n2
• Formulae: n = sample size of group 1
n1( n1 +1)
n2= sample size of group 2

U1 = n1n2 + − R1 R1= sum of ranks of group 1

2 Use the larger of U1 or U2

U2 = n1n2 − U1 for a two-tailed test
Mann-Whitney U test
Null hypothesis
The two groups
Have the same

Test statistic
U1 or U2 Null distribution
(use the largest) U with n1, n2

How unusual is this test statistic?

P < 0.05 P > 0.05

Reject Ho Fail to reject Ho

Mann-Whitney U test
• Large-sample approximation:
2U − n1n2
n1n2 ( n1 + n2 +1) / 3

Use this when n1& n2 are both > 10

Compare to the standard normal distribution

Mann-Whitney U Test
• If you have ties:
– Rank them anyway, pretending they were
slightly different
– Find the average of the ranks for the
identical values, and give them all that rank
– Carry on as if all the whole-number ranks
have been used up

Data Data

14 2
2 2
5 4
4 5
2 14
14 14
18 14
14 18
Data Data

14 2
2 2
5 4
4 5 TIES
2 14
14 14
18 14
14 18
Data Data

14 2 Rank them
2 2 anyway,
5 4
4 5 TIES pretending
2 14 they were
14 14 slightly
18 14
14 18 different
Data Data Rank A

14 2 1
2 2 2
5 4 3
4 5 4
2 14 5
14 14 6
18 14 7
14 18 8
Data Data Rank A
Find the
14 2 1 average of the
2 2 2
5 4 3 ranks for the
4 5 4 identical
2 14 5 values, and
14 14 6
18 14 7 give them all
14 18 8 that rank
Data Data Rank A

14 2 1 Average = 1.5
2 2 2
5 4 3
4 5 4
2 14 5
14 14 6 Average = 6
18 14 7
14 18 8
Data Data Rank A Rank

14 2 1 1.5
2 2 2 1.5
5 4 3 3
4 5 4 4
2 14 5 6
14 14 6 6
18 14 7 6
14 18 8 8
Data Data Rank A Rank

14 2 1 1.5
2 2 2 1.5
5 4 3 3
4 5 4 4
2 14 5 6
14 14 6 6
18 14 7 6
14 18 8 8

These can now be used for the Mann-Whitney U test

Benefits and Costs of
Nonparametric Tests
• Main benefit:
– Make fewer assumptions about your data
– E.g. only assume random sample
• Main cost:
– Reduce statistical power
– Increased chance of Type II error
When Should I Use
Nonparametric Tests?
• When you have reason to suspect the
assumptions of your test are violated
– Non-normal distribution
– No transformation makes the distribution
– Different variances for two groups
Quick Reference Summary:
ANOVA (analysis of variance)
• What is it for? Testing the difference among k
means simultaneously
• What does it assume? The variable is
normally distributed with equal standard
deviations (and variances) in all k
populations; each sample is a random sample
• Test statistic: F
• Distribution under Ho: F distribution with k-1
and N-k degrees of freedom
Quick Reference Summary:
ANOVA (analysis of variance)
• Formulae: MSgroup
SSgroup SSgroup SSerror SSerror
MSgroup = = MSerror = =
df group k −1 df error N − k

SSgroup = ∑ n i (Y i − Y ) 2 SSerror = ∑ si2 (n i −1)

Y i = mean of group i ni = size of sample i
Y = overall mean
N = total sample size
Null hypothesis
k Samples All groups have
the same mean

Test statistic
MSgroup Null distribution
F= compare
MSerror F with k-1, N-k df

€ How unusual is this test statistic?

P < 0.05 P > 0.05

Reject Ho Fail to reject Ho

Quick Reference Summary:
ANOVA (analysis of variance)
• Formulae: MSgroup
There are a LOT of

SSgroup equations
SSgroup here, SSerror SSerror
MSgroup = = MSerror = =
df group and
k −1 this is the df error N − k
€ simplest possible
SS group i
= ∑ n (Y i − Y ) 2 SS error = ∑ i (ni −1)
s 2

Y i = mean of group i ni = size of sample i
Y = overall mean
N = total sample size
SSgroup SSgroup SSerror SSerror
MSgroup = = MSerror = =
df group k −1 df error N − k

SSgroup = ∑ n i (Y i − Y ) 2 SSerror = ∑ si2 (n i −1)

SSgroup SSgroup MSgroup
SSgroup = ∑ n i (Y i − Y ) 2
dfgroup = k-1 MSgroup =
df group
k −1
SSerror SSerror
SSerror = ∑ s (n i −1)
dferror = N-k MSerror = =
df error N − k

Sum of Squares df Mean Squares F-ratio

SSgroup SSgroup MSgroup

SSgroup = ∑ n i (Y i − Y ) 2
dfgroup = k-1 MSgroup =
df group
k −1
SSerror SSerror
SSerror = ∑ s (n i −1)
dferror = N-k MSerror = =
df error N − k

ANOVA Tables
Source of Sum of df Mean F ratio P
variation squares Squares



ANOVA Tables
Source of Sum of df Mean F ratio P
variation squares Squares

SSgroup = ∑ n i (Y i − Y ) 2

Error € SSerror = ∑ si2 (n i −1)

Total € SSgroup + SSerror

ANOVA Tables
Source of Sum of df Mean F ratio P
variation squares Squares

Treatment k-1
SSgroup = ∑ n i (Y i − Y ) 2

Error € SSerror = ∑ si2 (n i −1) N-k

Total € N-1
SSgroup + SSerror

ANOVA Tables
Source of Sum of df Mean F ratio P
variation squares Squares

Treatment k-1 SSgroup

SSgroup = ∑ n i (Y i − Y ) 2 MSgroup =
df group

Error € SSerror = ∑ si2 (n i −1) N-k SSerror

MSerror =
€ df error

Total € N-1
SSgroup + SSerror

ANOVA Tables
Source of Sum of df Mean F ratio P
variation squares Squares

Treatment k-1 SS MSgroup

SSgroup = ∑ n i (Y i − Y ) 2 MSgroup = group F=
df group MSerror

Error € SSerror = ∑ si2 (n i −1) N-k SSerror

MSerror =

€ df error

Total € N-1
SSgroup + SSerror

ANOVA Tables
Source of Sum of df Mean F ratio P
variation squares Squares

Treatment k-1 SS MSgroup

SSgroup = ∑ n i (Y i − Y ) 2 MSgroup = group F= *
df group MSerror

Error € SSerror = ∑ si2 (n i −1) N-k SSerror

MSerror =

€ df error

Total € N-1
SSgroup + SSerror

ANOVA Table: Example
Source of Sum of df Mean F ratio P
variation squares Squares

Treatment 7.22 2

Error 9.41 19

ANOVA Table: Example
Source of Sum of df Mean F ratio P
variation squares Squares

Treatment 7.22 2 3.61 7.29 0.004

Error 9.42 19 0.50

Total 16.64 21
Additions to ANOVA
• R2 value: how much variance is
• Comparisons of groups: planned and
• Fixed vs. random effects
• Repeatability
Two-Factor ANOVA
• Often we manipulate more than one
thing at a time
• Multiple categorical explanitory
• Example: sex and nationality
Two-factor ANOVA
• Don’t worry about the equations for this
• Use an ANOVA table
Two-factor ANOVA
• Testing three things:
1. Means don’t differ among treatment 1
2. Means don’t differ among treatment 2
3. There is no interaction between the
two treatments
Two-factor ANOVA Table
Source of Sum of df Mean Square F ratio P
variation Squares
Treatment 1 SS1 k1 - 1 SS1 MS1
k1 - 1 MSE
Treatment 2 SS2 k2 - 1 SS2 MS2
k2 - 1 MSE
Treatment 1 * SS1*2 (k1 - 1)*(k2 - 1) SS1*2 MS1*2
Treatment 2 (k1 - 1)*(k2 - 1) MSE
Error SSerror XXX SSerror
Total SStotal N-1

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