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Image Geometric Correction & Image

Resample Method
Image Processing

• Digital image Processing involves the

manipulation and interpretation of digital images

• Image processing operation(s) typically defines a

new image g in terms of an existing image f

• A digital image processing system consists of

computer hardware and the image processing
software necessary to analyze digital image data
Image Processing Steps

 System Correction (by receiving station)

 Geometric Correction
 Radiometric Correction Preprocessing
 Image Enhancement
 Feature Extraction

• Preprocessing is the initial processing (correction)

of raw data
• The are basically two types of distortions/errors
associated satellite images i.e.

– Geometric distortions
– Radiometric calibrations
Radiometric Distortions

1. Sensor Environment Effects

– Scene Illumination
– Viewing geometry
– Atmospheric conditions Angle of
Incoming Radiance of the device

Scene illumination Atmospheric


2. Atmospheric effects
– Increase of recorded value compared to real:
Reflector effect of Sun radiation. Adding of scattered,
extraneous path radiance

– Decrease recorded value compared to real:

Diffraction and Absorption of reflected solar energy
illuminating the observed object
Geometric Distortions

• Internal distortions are caused by sensor such

as lens distortion, disarrangement of detectors,
variation of sampling rate etc.

• External distortions are caused by external

parameters other than sensor, including variation
in altitude and position of platform, earth
curvature, topographic relief etc.
What is Geometric Correction?

• It is the processes of geometrically correcting an

image so that it can be represented on a planar
surface, conform to other images, and have the
integrity of a map

• Also known as registration, rectification and geo-

• Mapping naturally requires accurate data

Scanned maps All need to accurately

Air Photographs represent features on the
Multispectral Imagery Earth’s surface and their
Vector Coverage exact geographic location
Objectives of Rectification

• Extracting accurate Distance and Area

• Scene to scene comparison in applications, such
as Change Detection
• Identification of Training Samples according to
map coordinates prior to classification
• Overlaying an image with vector data, such as
using ArcGIS
• Mosaicking of multiple images
Gather coordinates from

Integrate imagery into larger



Use with GPS

Ground truthing
Structure of Satellite Image

Arraay of DNs of SPOT Panchromatic Image

(10 m Spatial Resolution)
Rectified Satellite
Raw Satellite Image

( 40, 40 )
Process of Rectification

Rectified Satellite Data

Spatial Interpolation Intensity Interpolation

Raw Satellite Data

Ground Control Points (GCPs)

• Using GPS
• From Maps
• From already rectified imagery

Should have X and Y values (X, Y, Z values in

case of orthorectification)
Ground Control Points (GCPs)

Selection Criteria
• Clearly recognizable on the ground and on the
• Static, will not change through time
• Overlap areas of imagery
• Numerous, Data Redundancy
Polynomial Order & Function

((t + 1)(t + 2))


For the best rectification results, always use more than the minimum
number of GCPs, and they should be well-distributed & scattered
• A polynomial function is used to model each
perspective center and rotation angles

• The larger the polynomial order, the greater the

number of GCPs required to solve the
triangulation solution
Intensity Interpolation
• Process of relocation of the DN values of raw data
grid to rectified data grid

• Nearest Neighbor
• Bi-Linear Interpolation
• Cubic Convolution
Intensity Interpolation

Nearest Neighbour

Bilinear interpolation

Cubic convolution
Types of Rectification

• Geo-Referencing (x, y)
• Ortho-Rectification (x, y & z)

House width = 8m
2 cm

6 cm

Satellite images of high altitude areas should be

orthorectified to get accurate area and information about
the landcover features

Orthorectification creates
planimetrically correct
Original Orthorectified
Thank you

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