Chapter 3 - Part 3

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Biochemistry, and Cell
Part 3

PowerPoint® Lecture Slides prepared by

Stephen Gehnrich, Salisbury University

Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings

Cellular Membranes

Two main roles

 Isolate cells from the environment
 Control of intracellular conditions
 Organize intracellular pathways into subcellular

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Membrane Structure

Figure 2.43
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Lipid Profile

 Lipid bi-layer
 Phospholipids
 Primarily phosphoglycerides
 Other lipids
 Sphingolipids
 Alter electrical properties
 Glycolipids
 Communication between cells
 Cholesterol
 Increase fluidity while decreasing permeability

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Membrane Properties of Cholesterol

Figure 2.44
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Membrane Heterogeneity

More PE and PS phosphoglycerides in inner leaflet

More PC phosphoglycerides in the outer leaflet
Glycolipids only in the outer leaflet
Lipid rafts
 Enriched in glycolipids and cholesterol
 More rigid and thicker

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Membrane Heterogeneity

Figure 12.45
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Membrane Fluidity

 Environmental conditions affect membrane fluidity

 For example, low temperature increases van der Waals
forces between lipids and restricts movement
 Homeoviscous adaptation
 Cell keeps membrane fluidity constant by altering the
lipid profile

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Temperature and Membrane Fluidity

Figure 2.46
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Membrane Proteins

 Can be more than half of the membrane mass

 Structural and regulatory functions
 Two main types
 Integral membrane proteins
 Tightly bound to the membrane
 Embedded in bilayer or spanning the entire membrane
 Peripheral membrane proteins
 Weaker association with the lipid bilayer

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Membrane Proteins

Figure 2.47
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Membrane Transport

 Cells must transport molecules across membranes

 Three main types of transport:
 Passive diffusion
 Facilitated diffusion
 Active transport
Distinguished by direction of transport, nature of the
carriers, and the role of energy

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Membrane Transport

Figure 2.48
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Passive Diffusion

 Lipid-soluble molecules
 No specific transporters are needed
 Molecules cross lipid bilayer
 No energy is needed
 Depends on concentration gradient
 High concentration  low concentration
 Steeper gradient results in faster rates

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Facilitated Diffusion

 Hydrophilic molecules
 Protein transporter is needed
 No energy is needed
 Depends on concentration gradient
 High concentration  low concentration
 Steeper gradient results in faster rates

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Facilitated Diffusion

Three main types of protein carriers:

 Ion channels
 Small pores for specific ions
 Open and close in response to cellular conditions
 “Gated” channels
 Porins
 Like ion channels, but for larger molecules
 Permeases
 Function more like an enzyme
 Carries molecule across membrane

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Ion Channels

Figure 2.49
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Active Transport

 Protein transporter is needed

 Energy is required
 Molecules can be moved from low to high

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Active Transport

Two main types of active transport

 Primary active transport
 Direct use of an exergonic reaction
 Secondary active transport
 Couples the movement of one molecule to the
movement of a second molecule
 Distinguished by the source of energy

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Primary Active Transport

 Hydrolysis of ATP provides energy

 Transporters are ATPases
 Three types
 P-type
 Pump specific ions (e.g., Na+, K+, Ca2+)
 F-type and V-type
 Pump H+
 ABC type
 Carry large organic molecules (e.g., toxins)

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Secondary Active Transport

 Use energy in electrochemical gradient of one

molecule to drive another molecule against its
 Antiport or exchanger carrier: molecules move in
opposite directions
 Symport or cotransporter carrier: molecules move in
the same direction

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Electrical Gradients

 All transport processes affect chemical gradients

 Some transport processes affect electrical gradients
 Electroneutral carriers
 Transport uncharged molecules or exchange an equal
number of particles with the same charge
 Electrogenic carriers
 Transfer a charge
 For example, Na+/K+ATPase  exchanges 3Na+ for

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Membrane Potential (Vm)

 Difference in charge inside and outside the cell

 Concentration gradients formed by active transport
 Two main functions
 Provide energy for membrane transport
 Changes in membrane potential used by cells in cell-
to-cell signaling

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Equilibrium Potential (Eion)

Each ion has its own equilibrium potential

 Ion concentration gradient
 Ion diffuses down its concentration gradient
 Eion is the Vm at which the ion is at electrochemical
 Depends upon the size of the concentration gradient
 Eion can be calculated using the Nernst equation
 Assumes electrochemical equilibrium

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Equilibrium Potential (Eion)

Figure 2.50
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Membrane Potential (Vm)

 Cell membranes are not at equilibrium

 Varying permeability
 Multiple ion gradients
 Goldman equation
 Accounts for permeability and multiple ions
 Vm is most dependent upon Na+, K+, and Cl–
 Na+/K+ ATPase maintains Na+ and K+ gradients
across membrane

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Changes in Membrane Potential (Vm)

Changes in membrane permeability cause changes in

membrane potential
 Depolarization
 Cell becomes more positive on the inside
 For example, if Na+ ions enter
 Hyperpolarization
 Cell becomes more negative on the inside
 For example, if K+ ions leave

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Depolarization and Hyperpolarization

Figure 2.51
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Cellular Structures

 Eukaryotic cells share many common cellular

 Compartmentalization allows for regulation of
specific processes

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 Produce most of the cell’s ATP

 Intricate network of internal membranes
 Large surface area
 Mitochondrial reticulum
 Network of interconnected mitochondria
 Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)
 Some mitochondrial proteins
 Required for mitochondrial biogenesis
 Most genes for mitochondrial proteins are in the nucleus

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Figure 2.52
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Network of protein-based fibers

 Microfilaments
 Flexible chains of actin
 Microtubules
 Tubes of tubulin
 Intermediate filaments
 Composed of many types of monomers
Maintains cell structure
 External cell shape
 Organization of intracellular membranes
Cellular processes
For example, movement, signal transmission

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Functions of the Cytoskeleton

 Maintains cell structure

 External cell shape
 Organization of intracellular membranes
 Cellular processes
 Movement
 Motor proteins
 Signal transduction

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Figure 2.23a,b
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Endoplasmic Reticulum and Golgi Apparatus

 Membranous organelles
 Proteins are made on the ER
 Proteins are modified and packaged into vesicles by the
Golgi apparatus
 Vesicles carry proteins between compartments
 Vesicles are carried throughout the cell by motor proteins
moving on cytoskeletal tracks
 Contents of vesicles can be released from the cell via exocytosis
 Extracellular substances can be taken into the cell via

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Intracellular Traffic

Figure 2.54
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Extracellular Matrix

 Gel-like “cement” between cells

 Cell membranes are bonded to the matrix
 Insect exoskeleton, vertebrate skeleton, and mollusc
shells are modified extracellular matrices
 Molecules of the matrix are synthesized within the
cells and secreted by exocytosis

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Extracellular Matrix

Molecules of the extracellular matrix

 Proteins
 Glycoproteins
 Glycosaminoglycans
 Proteoglycans

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Extracellular Matrix

Figure 2.55
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Extracellular Matrix

Figure 2.56
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Extracellular Matrix

Cells can break down the extracellular matrix with

matrix metalloproteinases
Cells can move through tissues by controlling the
production and breakdown of the matrix
 For example, blood vessel growth and penetration

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Physiological Genetics and Genomics

Physiological diversity resides in genes

 How genes differ between species
 How genes are regulated in individual cells
Homeostatic regulation depends upon having
 the right protein,
 in the proper place,
 at the proper time,
 with the appropriate activity

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Nucleic Acids

Two types:
 DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid
 Genetic blueprint
 Genes in nucleus
 RNA – ribonucleic acid
 Read and interpret DNA to make protein
 Three main forms
 Transfer RNA (tRNA)
 Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
 Messenger RNA (mRNA)

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Nucleic Acids

 DNA and RNA are polymers of nucleotides

 linked by phosphodiester bonds
 Nucleotide
 Nitrogenous base
 Cytosine, Adenine, Guanine,Thymine (DNA only), Uracil
(RNA only)
 Sugar
 Deoxyribose (DNA), ribose (RNA)
 Phosphate

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 Double-stranded a-helix
 Two strands of nucleotides linked by hydrogen bonds
 Complementary strands
 Antiparallel
 Nucleotides can form bonds with only one other
 A + T: two hydrogen bonds
 G + C: three hydrogen bonds

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Structure of DNA

Figure 2.57
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 Mammalian DNA is several meters long

 DNA is compressed by DNA-binding proteins
 DNA in this form is referred to as chromatin
 Advantages of compression by histones
 Large amounts of DNA fit into small volumes
 Reduces damage caused by radiation and chemicals
 Must be uncompressed for DNA and RNA

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DNA Organization

 Genome
 Entire collection of DNA within a cell
 Chromosome
 Separate segments of DNA
 Genes
 DNA sequence within a chromosome
 Used to produce RNA
 Exons
 Segments of DNA that encode RNA
 Introns
 Interspersed DNA sections between exons

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DNA Organization

Figure 2.58
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Genome Size

Figure 2.59
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Synthesis of messenger RNA (mRNA)

 DNA is wrapped by histones
 Must be unwrapped to allow transcription
 Transcription regulators form regulatory complexes
at promoter
 Region of the gene where transcription begins
 mRNA synthesis begins

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Figure 2.60
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Mature mRNA

 Primary mRNA transcript

 Exons – sequences that will code for the protein
 Introns – noncoding sequences
 Introns are removed and exons are spliced together
 mRNA is polyadenylated
 200+ adenosines are added to the 3´ end
 poly A+ tail
 mRNA is exported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm
 mRNA is ultimately degraded by nucleases (RNases)

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Protein Synthesis (Translation)

 Ribosomes
 Made of rRNA and proteins
 Bound to endoplasmic reticulum
 Catalyze the formation of peptide bonds between
amino acids
 Transfer RNA (tRNA)
 Carry the amino acids that bind to a codon (three
nucleotides on mRNA)

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Protein Degradation

 Proteins may have structural changes that result in

 Structural changes recruit enzymes that mark the
protein with a small protein called ubiquitin
 Ubitquitin-labeled protein is then bound by a large
enzyme complex called a proteasome
 Enzymes degrade the protein to amino acids

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Protein Isoforms

 Variations in protein structure

 Genetic rearrangements
 Alternative splicing of exons
 Alleles
 Gene duplications
 Subsequent mutation of some copies

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Origins of Protein Isoforms

Figure 2.61
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Genome Duplication

Figure 2.62
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