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and Suicide
By Gina Oliver and Alana Adams
What is Suicide?

_______________- an individual has the intent to commit suicide or plans

how it will be done.

Suicidal behavior- any ___________ that could cause a person to die.

Statistics of high school students in The United States:
-Suicide is the ___________ leading cause of death among children and
adolescents (of all races, ages, and both sexes) in The United States.

The top ___________ methods used in suicides of young people include:

What are the top three
reasons _____ young adults
and children commit
1. Psychiatric Disorders
2. Substance Use

3. Psychosocial Factors
1.psychiatric disorders
- Patients with psychiatric disorders have ______________ suicidal risk.

- A study was done that included _______________subjects.They all commited suicide and were under 20 years old.

- The results showed that 60% of the subjects had at least 1 psychiatric disorder, which were most commonly depressive

40%- no psychiatric disorders 60%- psychiatric disorders

2. Substance Use
-Suicidal behavior is highly associated with ______________ in children

and adolescents.

-Results of 100

Poor Parent-Child
School Problems

3. Psychosocial Factors

Stressful Life
Events A Family History
Of Suicidal Behavior
What is Depression?

Depression- is a common and serious ______________________ that

negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act.
Reasons why children Social Individual

High-risk -Family history of psychiatric
illness (genetic risk)
-Family arguments - Low number and
infrequent contact -Past history of major
with friends -Children in out-of- depressive disorder
-Single parent
home care
-Being bullied -ADHD, disruptive disorders of
-Homeless childhood
-Psychiatric illness in -Recent argument
with a close friend -Victims of community -Neurodevelopmental disorder/
disaster autism spectrum disorder/
(Depression or
learning disorder
substance use)
-complex physical illness
-Sudden events in
family (death,
serious illness, -Low IQ
Depression _____________
Depression Symptoms How symptoms may ____________ in a child

Depressed mood Cranky, unhappy, miserable

Lack of interest Loss of interest in pleasurable activities (hanging out with friends)

Somatic symptoms Stomach ache, headache, fatigue

Sleep disturbance Change in sleep

Appetite disturbance Failure to meet expected weight gain, not getting hungry or eating too much

Concentration Concentration difficulty

Motor Moving and walking slowly

Suicidal Thoughts of death/talk about death/ wanting to kill themselves

Behavior Anger, aggression, poor impulse control, separation anxiety

Function Social withdrawal, impairment with family/friends, decline in academic performance

Depression and suicide in
Because of the statistical rises in people with depression and suicide
attempts, schools have implemented more ways to help their students
who may be battling depression and ___________ suicide in any way they

Prevent suicide = Save lives

Primary School
The best way to effectively treat depression is to identify it as ___________ as possible.
Therefore primary school professionals are trained to identify “red flag” behaviors.

Depressive symptom How it shows in school

Hypersensitivity Crying, anger, overreacting

Constant sad facial expressions or body Working slowly


Problems concentrating Trouble completing work

Irritability Isolation, social issues

Physical symptoms Feeling sick, accumulated absences,

Middle School
- Depressive symptoms ______________ dramatically at around age 14.
- Suicide is the third leading cause of death in this age group.
"Signs of Suicide" prevention program

- Main focus is teaching students to help students

- Is based on the belief that students will reach out to
their peers before adults.
- Teaches students how to ______________ depression
and suicidal behaviors and to reach out to an adult
High School
"It's Time!"

- Saves money and resources because of versatility

School Problem “It’s time” solution

Lack of funding Trains teachers already employed

Lack of time Offers phone and email training and


- Focus’ on teaching teachers how to be _____________ systems and

recognize depressive and suicidal behaviors.
Remains 3rd leading
cause of death
Is most often a
result of
School prevention is
most often to
prevent and treat
Charles, J. & Fazeli M. (2017). Depression in children. Australian Family Physician, 46(12), 901-907.

Child Trends Databank. (2016). Suicidal teens. Available at:

Crundwell, M. A., & Killu, K. (2010). Responding to a Student's Depression. Interventions That Work, 68(2), 45-51.

Karaman, D. & Durukan, I. (2013). Suicide in children and adolescents. Current Approaches in Psychiatry, 5(1), 30-47.

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