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March14th , 2018

EN, 32 YO, FEMALE, FW 02
 Chief Complaint:
 Cough increases since 2 weeks ago
 Present Illness History
 Cough increases since 2 weeks ago, with yellowish phlegm, no bloody
cough, patient had cough since 1 year ago.
 No shortness of breath
 Decrease of body weight since 1 month ago, weight loss ± 3 kg in a month
 Decrease of appetite since 1 month ago, with intake only 2-3 tablespoon in
each meal
 Nausea (+), vomit (-)
 Stomatitis come and go in different locations since 1 month ago
 White tongue since 1 month ago
 Pain when swallowing since 1 month ago
 Headache since 1 day ago, headache felt on all parts of head, no pulsatile
 Patient was sent from Naili Hospital with AIDS and seeking for more
advanced therapy
 Micturation in nirmal limits
 Defecation in normal limits
Past illness history
 Patient has been hospitalized because headache and
cough in RST, with negative sputum exam
 Consciousness level: CM

 BP : 110/70 mmHg

 HR : 100 x/minute

 RR : 24 x/minute

 T: 36,6 C
 Eye
 Anemic conjunctiva (+)
 Icteric sclera(-)
 Neck
 JVP 5-2 cmH20
 No lymph enlargement
 Inspection: statically & dynamically symmetric sin=dextra
 Palpation: fremitus weakened on the left lower lobe
 Percussion: dull in the left lower lobe
 Auscultation: bronchovesicular, rales +/+, wheezing -/-

 Cor:
 Inspection: ictus is not seen.
 Palpation: ictus is palpated at 1 fingermedial LMCS ICS V
 Percussion:
 Left border: 1 finger medial LMCS ICS V
 Right border: linea sternalis dextra
 Upper border: ICS II
 Auscultation: regular, murmur (-)
 Abdomen:
 Inspection: enlargement (-)
 Palpation: no enlargement
 Percussion: tympani
 Auscultation: bowel sound (+) N

 Extremities:
 Oedema pretibia -/-
 Physiologic Reflex +/+
 Pathologic Reflex -/-

Hb 9,3 gr/dl

Ht 36

WBC 3910/Mm3

Platelet 169.000/Mm3

Na/K/Cl 9,4/141/4,1/106

Ur/Cr 16/0,6
GDS 102
MCV/MCH/MCHC 84/26/31

 Oral Candidiasis

 Community Acquired Pneumonia

 Mild Normocytic Normochrome Anemia ec

chronic disease
 Lung Tuberculosis
 Rest/ ML Diet high calorie high protein
 IVFD NaCl 0,9% 8 hrs/kolf

 Inj. Ceftriaxone 2x1 gr

 Cotrimoxazole 1x960

 N-Acetylsistein 2x200 mg

 Paracetamol 3x500 mg

 Nystatin drop 4x 5 gtt

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