Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications

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Integrated Advertising, Promotion,

and Marketing Communications

Eighth Edition, Global Edition

Chapter 5

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Chapter Objectives (1 of 2)
1. Why is an understanding of advertising theories
important in the advertising management process?
2. What is the relationship of advertising expenditures
to advertising effectiveness?
3. When should a company employ an external
advertising agency rather than completing the work
4. How do companies choose advertising agencies?

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Chapter Objectives (2 of 2)
5. What are the primary job functions within an
advertising agency?
6. What are the advertising campaign parameters that
should be considered?
7. How does a creative brief facilitate effective
8. What are the implications of advertising
management in the global arena?

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Zhender Communications
• Full-service agency
• Challenges traditional
• Innovation
• Campaign integration
• Best place to work

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Figure 5.1 Overview of Integrated
Marketing Communications

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Chapter Overview
• Advertising management
– Advertising theory or approach as guide
– Relationship of advertising expenditures to
– Choosing either in house advertising or advertising
– Advertising parameters to help control the process
– Creative brief

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Advertising Theory

To approaches help a solid foundation:

1. Hierarchy of Effects Model: help to clarify the
objectives of an advertising campaign
2. Means-End Theory: suggests that an
advertisement should contain messages,or
means, that leads the consumer to a desired end
states (personal values)
3. Verbal and Visual Images:

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Advertising Theory
Hierarchy of Effects Model (1 of 3)
Outline 6 stepss a consumer moves
through when making a purchase
1. Awareness
2. Knowledge
3. Liking
4. Preference
5. Conviction
6. Purchase

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Advertising Theory
Hierarchy of Effects Model (2 of 3)
• Steps are sequential
• Some experts question if sequential
• Consumers spend time at each step
• Brand loyalty involves all six steps
• Similar to attitude formation

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Advertising Theory
Hierarchy of Effects Model (2 of 3)
• Cognitive  affective  conative
– Cognitive – refers to the person’s mental
images, understanding, and interpretation
 awareness, knowledge
– Affective – the feelings or emotions a person
has about the objects, topic and idea liking,
preference, conviction
– Conative – the individual’s intentions, actions,
or behavior actual purchase

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Hierarchy of Effects Model (3 of 3)

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Figure 5.2 Personal Values
• Comfortable life • Pleasure
• Equality • Salvation
• Excitement • Security
• Freedom • Self-fulfillment
• Fun, exciting life • Self-respect
• Happiness • Sense of belonging
• Inner peace • Social acceptance
• Mature love • Wisdom
• Personal accomplishment

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Advertising Theory
Means-End Theory
• Means-end chain
• Message (means) lead to end state (personal values)
• Means-End Conceptualization of Components of
Advertising Strategy (MECCAS): ways to move
consumers from product attributesto personal value
by highlighting the product’s benefit.

Product attributes  benefits  personal values

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Figure 5.3 Means-End Chain for
Milk (1 of 2)

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Figure 5.3 Means-End Chain for
Milk (2 of 2)

Means-End Chain

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Figure 5.4 B-to-B Means-End Chain
for Greenfield Online (1 of 2)

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Advertising Theory
Verbal and Visual Elements
• Balance between visual and verbal
• Visual processing
– Easier to recall
– Stored both as pictures and words
– Concrete vs. abstract
• Radio visual imagery
• Visual esperanto: the universal language that makes global
advertising possible for any good and service
• International ads
• B-to-B advertisements

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The impact of Advertising Expenditures
Factors Impacting Relationship Between Promotions
and Sales
• The communication goals
• Threshold effects: are present at the point where the
advertising or communication begins to affect consumer
responses in a positive direction.
• Diminishing returns: incremental increases in
expenditures in advertising result in smaller and smaller
increases in sales
• Carryover effects: refer to an ad’s message being
remembered or carried over to the time when the product
is needed and the consumer is thinking about the
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The impact of Advertising Expenditures
Factors Impacting Relationship Between Promotions
and Sales
• Wear-out effects: occur when an ad or message becomes
old and stale and the consumer no longer pays attention
to it
• Decay effects: occur when a company quits advertising,
and the brand name begins to fade in people’s memories.
• Random events: Sales can also be impacted by just
random events, such as a major snow storm.

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Figure 5.5 Relationship Between Advertising and
Marketing Expenditures and Sales and Profit Margins
10% increase in
advertising would
lead to 2%increase
in sales

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The impact of Advertising Expenditures
Threshold Effects

Ad designed to encourage action.

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The impact of Advertising Expenditures
Threshold Effects
• t's visual.

• It's relevant.

• valuable.

• It has a clear call-to-action.

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Figure 5.6 A Decay Effects Model

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In-house vs External Advertising Agencies
Figure 5.7 Advantages of In-House versus
Outside Agency
Advantages of In-House Advantages of Outside
• Lower costs Agency
• Consistent brand message • Reduce costs
• Better understanding of product • Greater expertise
and mission • Outsider’s perspective
• Faster ad production • Access to top talent
• Work closer with CEO
• Lower turnover rate in the creative
Source: Adapted from Rupal Parekh, “Thinking of Pulling a CareerBuilder? Pros and Cons of Bringing an
Account In-House,” Advertising Age,, May 18, 2009

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Figure 5.8 Services Provided by Full-Service
• Advice about how to develop target markets
• Specialized services for business markets
• Company image and theme guidance
• Selecting logos and taglines
• Advertising planning
• Planning and purchasing of media

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External Advertising Agencies

• Advertising agencies
• Media service companies
• Direct marketing agencies
• Consumer and trade promotion specialists
• Online and digital agencies
• Social media agencies
• Public relations agencies
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In-house vs External Advertising Agencies
Budget Allocation Considerations
Size of account should match size of agency
75-15-10 Rule
75% - Media buys
15% - Creative work (agency)
10% - Ad production

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Crowd Sourcing
In-House vs. Advertising Agency
• New alternative
• Outsource creative
– Doritos
– Harley Davidson
• Overall cost not lower
• Advantages
– Involves consumers
– Generates buzz

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Choosing an Agency
Figure 5.9 Steps in Selecting an Advertising
begin with development of quality selection criteria:
1. Set goals
2. Select process and criteria
3. Screen initial list of applicants
4. Reduce list to two or three viable agencies
5. Request creative pitch

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Choosing an Agency
Goal Setting
• Set before contacting agencies
• Provides direction
• Reduces biases
Campbell Soup-Co “Drive better efficiencies, better
thinking and more collaboration with us as a partner”

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Figure 5.10 Evaluation Criteria in
Choosing an Ad Agency
• Size of the agency
• Relevant experience of the agency
• Conflicts of interest
• Creative reputation and capabilities
• Production capabilities
• Media purchasing capabilities
• Other services available
• Client retention rates
• Personal chemistry
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Creative Pitch
• 2 to 3 finalists
• Formal presentation  shootout
• Specific problem/situation
• Expensive for agencies

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Roles of Advertising Personnel
Key Advertising Personnel

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Advertising Campaign Parameter
Figure 5.12 Advertising Campaign Parameters

• Advertising goals
• Media selection
• Tagline
• Consistency
• Positioning
• Campaign duration

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Advertising Campaign Parameter
Figure 5.13 Advertising Goals
• To build brand awareness:
the consumers recognize and remember a particular
brand or company name as they consider purchasing
option  2 criteria:
- Top of mind
- Top choice
• To inform (provide information)
• To persuade
• To support other marketing efforts
• To encourage action
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Advertising Campaign Parameter
Build Brand Awareness- Advertising Goals
• Brand image begins with awareness
• Consumers recognize the brand
• Business-to-business
– Especially important in modified rebuy situations
• Successful brands possess
– Top-of-mind
– Top choice
• Brand equity leads to top-of-mind & top choice

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Advertising Goals

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Advertising Campaign Parameter
Media Selection
• Media-usage habits of
target market
• Audience characteristics of
• Business-to-business
• Earlier involvement of
media companies
==>sof Media

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Advertising Campaign Parameter
• Key phrase
• Memorable
• Conveys uniqueness
• Consistency across platforms
• Shorter than in past
• Revised or new taglines
Sample ?

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Advertising Campaign Parameter
• Transfer to long-term memory
• Visual consistency key
• Repetition enhances recall
• Variability theory
– Different environments
– Can vary content
– Multiple media

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Advertising Campaign Parameter
• Maintain consistent position
• Link in cognitive map
• Avoids ambiguity
• Message stays clear

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Advertising Campaign Parameter
Campaign Duration
• Goal is to embed in long-term memory
• Too short impedes retention
• Too long can make it stale
• Typical length is 6 months
• Length varies

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Creative Brief
Figure 5.15
• The objective
• The target audience
• The message theme
• The support
• The constraints

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Creative Brief
The Objective

To Persuade
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Creative Brief
The target audience

To Persuade
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The Message Theme (1 of 2)
• Unique selling point
• “Left brain” advertisement
– Logical, rational side of brain
– Manages numbers, letters, words, concepts
– Use rational appeal
• “Right-brain” advertisement
– Emotional side of brain
– Manages abstract ideas, images, feelings
– Use emotional appeal

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The Message Theme (2 of 2)
The message theme of this
ad is “Weaver is the firm of
choice for companies and
individuals with dreams
and goals as big as Texas.”

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The Support
The support claims in this
ad are the “Best” awards
shown at the bottom of the

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The Constraints
• Legal and mandatory restrictions
• Corporate restrictions
• Disclaimers

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International Implications
• 62% of advertising budgets spent outside of U.S.
• Two major differences
– Process of agency selection
– Preparation of international advertising campaigns
• Preplanning research varies
• Understanding of languages and cultures
• Media selection varies

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Blog Exercises
• Oreo Cookies
• John Deere
• Advertising Agencies

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