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2001 Coal Fatalities

As of September 16, 2002

22 Fatalities
9 Surface
13 Underground




Rib/Roof Fall

0 1 2 3 4 5
Gen laborer

buggy op


Miner helper

Bolter Operator




Miner Operator

0 1 2 3 4
Underground—Work Activity

Face work


Outby labor

Electrical work

Operating Machine

0 1 2 3 4 5
January 2, 2002, a 44-year old
remote control continuous
mining machine operator with
23 years of mining experience
was fatally injured in a roof fall
accident. The victim was mining
in the No. 2 right crosscut of the
7 headgate section when roof
rock measuring seven feet by
five feet by three to five inches
in thickness fell in the area
where he was standing. The
continuous mining machine had
sheared off 7 roof bolts when
starting this crosscut. The
victim was operating the
machine while under this
unsupported roof at the time of
the accident.
 Never work or travel under unsupported roof
 Hang reflectors or other warning devices prior to mining.
 When operating a continuous mining machine with a remote control,
always maintain a safe distance between you and the machine.
 Know and follow the provisions of the approved roof control plan.
 Avoid damage to roof support systems.
January 24, 2002, a 43 year old general
inside laborer was fatally injured while
performing electrical work on the
12,470 volt underground power center
located on the 001-0 section. During
retreat mining a length of high voltage
cable was removed. Problems were
Always lock and tag out before doing
encountered with re-energizing the
power at the substation on the surface electrical work.
after the cable was re-stocked in the Electrical work shall be performed by
section power center. The certified a qualified electrician or persons
electrician came outside to check on trained to do electrical work under the
the problem. When power was restored
direct supervision of a qualified
to the section it was discovered that
the phasing was wrong. Power was electrician.
removed from the section to correct High voltage circuits must be
the phasing. The victim was working on grounded at all times while work is
the leads inside the power center when being performed.
the 001-0 section power was again re-
energized from the surface, resulting in
January, 31,2002, a miner with 11
years of mining experience was
fatally injured when he was hit by a
battery powered Stamler Uni-hauler.
There were no eye-witnesses,
however immediately prior to the
accident, the victim was reportedly
seen walking from the No. 5 entry
toward the No. 4 entry dragging a
piece of ventilation curtain. The
operator of the Stamler Uni-hauler
had just pulled the equipment,
battery end first, into the No. 4 entry
in order to turn the equipment and
start loading coal from the No. 5
entry. The victim was discovered a
short time later, lying on the mine
floor in the No. 4 entry, and
entangled in the piece of ventilation
 Equipment operators should always insure that they maintain a safe
distance between the equipment being operated and the other miners in
the area.
 A warning should be sounded when the equipment operator's visibility is
obstructed or when direction of travel is changed.
 Never position yourself in an area or location where equipment operators
cannot readily see you.
February 18, 2002 at approximately 2:50 P.M., a
39 year old miner with 6 years and 10 months
of mining experience was fatally injured by a
roof fall. The victim was operating a single
head "squirmer" type roof bolting machine
installing 42 inch fully grouted resin bolts in
the face of number 6 entry of the 003 mining
section when the fall occurred. The position of
the roof bolting machine exposed him to
unsupported roof. The victim was struck by a
section of mine roof that measured
approximately 21 feet by 19 feet 11 inches by
13 to 16 inches thick.
Never work or travel inby supported roof.
Always know and follow your approved roof control plan which may have specialized
provisions for certain bolting patterns.
Always examine the roof, face and ribs immediately before any work is started and
periodically as conditions warrant.
February 20, 2002, a 53-year old roof bolting
machine operator, while helping on the
continuous mining machine, was fatally
injured when he was struck by rock from an
unintentional roof fall. The victim was
helping the operator of the continuous
miner tram the machine into the
intersection after completing the last lift of
the right pillar block located in the No.4
Entry of the 002-0 section. The roof in the
intersection fell with little or no warning,
resulting in fatal injuries to the roof bolt
machine operator, and serious injuries to
the mining machine operator. The fall,
consisting of unconsolidated rock ranging
from approximately 2 to 10 feet thick, 30
feet long and 30 feet wide, covered the
continuous mining machine and partially
covered a coal hauler located behind the
continuous mining machine.
 Know and follow the provisions of the approved Roof Control Plan. Take
additional measures to protect all persons if unusual hazards or
conditions are encountered.
 Always examine the mine roof properly in your work area.
 Conduct proper pre shift and on shift examinations in all areas prior to
 Always be alert for changing roof conditions.
 Never work or travel under unsupported roof.
March 22, 2002, a 33 year old
section foreman was fatally
injured when he was caught
between the conveyor boom
of a continuous mining
machine and the coal rib. The
victim was using a remote
control unit to tram the
machine when he was struck
by the end of the conveyor
Continuous mining machine operators should never be located between
the machine and the coal rib while the machine is being trammed from
place to place by remote control.
When moving continuous mining machines around corners, or in other
instances where the left and right traction drives are operated
independently, low tram speed should be used.
The pump motor should be de-energized, and all machine motion stopped,
when the trailing cable or water line has to be repositioned in close
proximity to the continuous mining machine
Wednesday, April 10, 2002, a 33 year
old continuous mining machine
operator, with approximately 9 years
mining experience, was fatally injured
in a roof fall accident. A rock
measuring 4 to 16 inches thick, 100
inches long, and 65 inches wide fell
from the mine roof pinning the miner
operator against the shuttle car tire.
The rock fell at the mouth of the No. 4
right crosscut, from an area inby the
last row of bolts, and cantilevered into
the bolted area where the miner
operator was standing. Miners must know and follow the approved
roof control plan
Reflectors should be used to warn persons of
hazardous areas
All miners should receive hazard recognition
and safe work practice training
May 11, 2002, a 46-year-old coal hauler
operator was fatally injured when
transporting coal from the face to the
feeder in the Southwest Mains Section.
As the operator was attempting to make
a right turn into the crosscut between
the number four and three entries, the
left rear portion of the coal hauler frame
pinched the Joy 14 BU loading machine
trailing cable between the right inby rib
and the coal hauler. This resulted in the
frame of the rubber tired coal hauler
becoming energized. The victim
apparently exited the machine to check
the pinch point, came into contact with
the energized machine frame and was
Provide ample clearance or protection for electrical cables located in
haulage ways.
Examine haulage ways prior to the start of loading to assure that all
electrical cables are positioned to prevent them from being contacted by
mobile equipment.
Should the haulage machine accidentally pinch a power or trailing cable, the
following procedures must be followed:
Stay in the vehicle you are operating: DO NOT EXIT THE MACHINE !
Make sure that all persons remain IN THE CLEAR OF THE DAMAGED CABLE
Attempt to move the machine away from the cable.
If you cannot move the machine away from the pinched/damaged cable, have
someone go to the power center to de-energize power to the pinched cable
and your machine.
May 21, 2002, a 50-
year-old electrician
with 30 years of
experience, was
fatally injured in an
electrical accident.
The victim was
working on a 480
VAC distribution box De-energize, lock and tag before doing electrical work, unless
that supplied power testing or troubleshooting
to a section battery
charging station. Insure that all electrical circuits and circuit breakers are
Apparently, the victim properly identified before troubleshooting or performing
came in contact with electrical work
an energized bus bar
located inside the Insure that electrical work is preformed by qualified
distribution box. electricians or properly trained persons under the direct
supervision of a qualified electrician
Wear proper protective gloves to prevent injuries when
electrical troubleshooting activities are being conducted
June 20, 2002, a 55 year old utility man
with 31 years mining experience was
found trapped between the frame of the
number 12 bunker car and the upright
beam attached to the catwalk that
provided access to the bunker area. He
was assigned to work on the old bunker
in the "A" shaft area of the mine.

Repairs or maintenance should not be performed on machinery until the machinery is

blocked against motion.
All power circuits and electrical equipment shall be de-energized before any work is
performed on such equipment.
May 23, 2002, a 58-year-old
electrician sustained serious
injuries as a result of an electrical
accident. The victim was located
beside the section power center
when an electrical arc at the female
receptacle of a shuttle car occurred
causing severe burns to the victim.
According to statements obtained
during interviews, the victim was
attempting to find a fault in the Always use proper diagnostic equipment while
shuttle car cable when the accident trouble shooting or testing.
occurred. Following the accident,
the victim remained hospitalized, Insure that qualified electricians perform all
until he died from his injuries on electrical work or properly trained persons under
June 27, 2002. direct supervision of a qualified electrician.
Always wear protective gloves when performing
tasks that may cause injuries to the hands.
August 12, 2002, at approximately
1:45 p.m., a 23 year old miner was
killed when his head was caught
between the conveyor boom of the
continuous mining machine and the
mine roof. The continuous mining
machine operator and victim were
moving the mining machine from
the working section to the surface
for repairs. About half way to the
surface, the front of the machine Establish procedures for moving machinery and
dropped over a small ledge in the equipment.
mine floor causing the conveyor
boom to strike the roof. The victim, Assure that personnel do not position
who had been assisting with the themselves in proximity to moving machinery.
continuous miner cable, was caught
between the boom and roof. The Maintain clear visibility with all personnel in the
victim's regular job title was vicinity of moving equipment.
greaser. He had 6 months and 10 Keep trailing cables on the operator's side of the
days of mining experience.
machine when moving the machine.
August 19, 2002, at
approximately 9:00 p.m., a
29 year-old construction
worker, with two months
experience, sustained fatal
injuries from a rib roll Always work and travel under supported roof and
approximately 1473 feet inby secure ribs.
the portal of a slope-sinking
Apply additional safety precautions in areas
operation. The victim was
where geological changes and anomalies in
gathering tools in a plastic strata are present.
bucket to be transported to
the surface when a rock Frequently test the roof and ribs with a sounding
measuring 8 1/2 feet in device.
length by 3 feet in width by 2 Scale loose materials using the proper
feet thick rolled out from the equipment from a safe distance.
rib causing fatal injuries. Assure that sufficient bolt coverage occurs
across roof/rib in non-rectangular openings.
January 28, 2002, a clean coal filter
drain pump exploded due to steam
build up within the pump, inflicting
fatal injuries to the fine coal
operator at a preparation plant of
an underground mine. The victim
was standing approximately 8 feet
away at the on/off switch when the
pump cover struck him. The pump For pumps which may overheat due to loss of
overheated after almost all liquids fluids or from cavitation:
had been pumped from the filter
drain tank causing the remaining Provide pump housing with thermal sensing
fines to solidify, thus preventing device that will de-energize the circuit.
flow. The inlet and discharge lines Provide pump with remotely located on/off
then became clogged with coal controls.
fines causing the pump to become
a closed pressure vessel. Never de-energize an overheated pump from close
Install cut-off valves or other devices to prohibit
back-flow of water into overheated pumps.
February 27, 2002, a 43-year old truck driver,
employed by an independent trucking
company, was fatally injured while loading an
over-the-road haul truck at a surface load-out
of an underground coal mine. The driver had
loaded coal into both of the 20-ton, bottom- Set all brakes before dismounting or
dump trailers that were connected to the truck, leaving a truck.
but coal had spilled over the side of the second
trailer. The driver got out of the truck to check Know the truck's capabilities, operating
the spillage, setting the tractor brakes but not ranges, load-limits and safety features.
the trailer brakes. While he was outside, the Provide hazard training for all new drivers
truck began moving down the road that had an at each mine site and load-out facility.
approximate 6% grade. The driver attempted to
re-enter the truck and was thrown from the Provide task training for all new task
truck, and then hit by this same truck. The preformed by a miner.
truck traveled approximately 200 feet before
striking a hillside and coming to a rest. The Block wheels to prevent movement when
driver had about one year of experience as a parking trucks on a steep grade.
truck driver, and this was his first trip to the Know and understand safe self-loading
load-out where the accident occurred.
procedures thoroughly.
December 17, 2001, at approximately
11:50 a.m., a surface machinery
accident occurred which resulted in
fatal injuries to an Equipment Operator.
The victim was working toward the
installation of a de-watering pump Especially when operating machinery, workers
along the access road leading to the should always be attentive to changes in
flooded 01 pit. The work involved the ground conditions and visibility.
use of a Model D6D Caterpillar
bulldozer along an approximate 13% All personnel, who operate mobile equipment,
grade. For reasons unknown at this should be instructed to wear their seatbelts,
time, the machine overturned. The where required, at all times when the equipment
bulldozer was found approximately 90 is in motion.
feet down the access road lying on its Workers and mine management should always
left side with the victim pinned between be alert to changing weather conditions and
the rollover protection and the ground. insure that proper examinations are made after
There were no eyewitnesses to the every rain, freeze or thaw, prior to entering
accident. specified work areas.
During 2001, eight explosions have occurred at metal/nonmetal mining
operations. These accidents resulted in one fatality and nine nonfatal
injuries. MSHA believes each of these accidents could have been
prevented. We request that mine operators reevaluate all work
procedures now in place regarding handling, storage or use of
explosive fuels or dust. We have compiled a brief synopsis addressing
each event gleaned from the preliminary information reported to
MSHA. This information is not intended to replace the investigation
findings pertaining to these accidents.
February 7, 2001- An explosion occurred in the dust collector for the
pulverized coal fuel system at a cement operation in Virginia.
Temperature spikes reached 170 degrees Fahrenheit which indicated
problems in the coal grinding mill. Subsequently, hot embers were
transported from the coal mill through the cyclone into the dust
collector bag house where they initiated the explosion.

February 8, 2001- An explosion occurred in the kiln at a cement

operation in Pennsylvania. Two natural gas lines were lit and inserted
into the kiln during the pre-heat, start-up procedure. After it was
determined that the flames appeared to be extinguished, one of the
lines was removed and relit. As the line was being reinserted into the
kiln, it ignited the accumulation of gas.
March 20, 2001- An explosion occurred inside an enclosed weigh scale
sump at a crushed stone operation in Wisconsin. A lit, hand-held propane
torch had been placed inside the sump to thaw a build up of ice. The
flame extinguished, allowing an explosive mixture of gases to
accumulate. When a second lit torch was placed in the sump, it ignited
the explosive gases.

April 2, 2001- An explosion occurred in the coal grinding mill at a cement

operation in Alabama. The explosion, which was initiated by hot embers
generated in the coal mill, damaged the grinding mill, the cyclone and the
duct work of the pulverized coal feed system.

May 3, 2001- An explosion occurred in a transfer chute at a cement

operation in California. The access door had been opened and a miner
was removing built-up material with an air lance. It is believed that the
metal to metal contact generated by the air lance on the side of the
chute provided the ignition source that ignited the coal dust.
May 19, 2001- An explosion occurred in a kiln at a clay operation in
Texas. The kiln had been taken off- line and several repairmen had
entered it to perform maintenance. As the repair was being done, an
accumulation of organic dust fell and traveled through the piping into
the combustion chamber where it was ignited by hot material.

May 30, 2001- An explosion occurred in the storage bin of the indirect
fired, pulverized coal feed system at a cement plant in Virginia. A fire was
detected in the bin and carbon dioxide was introduced into the closed
system. The coal feed was stopped and the bin was emptied. When the
coal feed was restarted, hot embers remaining in the bin ignited the coal

May 31, 2001- An explosion occurred in a kiln at a cement operation in

Missouri. Propane was being used to pre-heat the kiln during the start-up
procedure. The flame extinguished and the kiln filled with gas which was
subsequently ignited.

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