Plant, Material & Manpower Management and Method Statement: BSS666: LECT 9

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Plant, Material & Manpower

Management And Method

BSS666: LECT 9
To complete
the job on time
To keep cost of To ensure that
labour competitive workers
continue to work
until the job
Objective of Labour completion

To keep proper To produce

record of workers quality work
Must be Legal and have permit (when it involves
foreign workers)
Transferred from Directly engaged
other project sites labour

Labour Employment

Sub-Contract / Kepala

1. Experience

2. Capital

3. Work Load

4. Quality

Cannot work with others

Not cooperative with others

Wastage of time and materials

Poor work quality

Preparing the Labour Schedule
Based on: References:
i. Contract Document (B.Q.) /
Contract Period Quotation
ii. Plans & Specifications
Total Volume of Work iii. Method Statement

Maximum time available to do the work

Capacity of Plant and Equipment
Example of a Labour Schedule
1. Salary
2. WorkingHours
3. Subsidised Meals
4. Insentives / bonus
5. Salary Increase
6. Proper place to stay
7. Transportation to workplace
8. Competent managers and supervisors
9. Sub-contracting the work
Total of days worked
– Direct Labour

Volume of work completed

– Sub-contract labour/kepala
Labour – contractors valuable asset
Labour are people that must be treated
Competitive salary with skills
Construction management team must understand
the capability of the labour team
Must have permits (legal workers)
Output – quality and satisfactory
To maximise the plant and equipment output
To complement the works with available materials and labour
To reduce idling time
To control and complete the job faster (for big projects)
 Buy
 Rent
 Buy and rent
- Plant and equipment is available when required
- An important consideration for project award
- Adds asset value to the company
- Can be competitive in tender bids

- Maintenance cost (workshop)
- Storage cost
- Operator cost
- High capital investment
- Low capital cost
- No maintenance cost
- No storage cost
- Can be competitive in tender bids when there are
many suppliers

- High tender cost because of high rental cost
- May not be available when needed
- Not a return in investment
Considerations to Buy or Rent
Depends upon:
 Site location conditions
 Period of use
 Contractors available capital
 Availability of storage /workshop
 Availability of trained operator
 Management and maintenance cost
 Advantages/disadvantages of buying
 Advantages/disadvantages of renting
Capacity with other
and labour

Type of Construction Type of project

Site condition and

Cost to be borne
Time when required
Frequency of use
Transportation to site cost
Depreciation cost
Economics (usage and return of investment)
Suitability with type and quantity of work
Availability of competent and responsible operator
Maintenance /rental cost
Storage and workshop
Future use
Prevention of materials and labour wastage
Smooth execution of work
Quality Control
Completion of project within the contract period

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