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Generating New Products and

What is SCAMPER?
 checklist that helps you to think of
changes you can make to an existing
product to create a new one. You can
use these changes either as direct
suggestions or as starting points for
lateral thinking.
 Uses a set of directed questions
 Created by Bob Eberle and based on the
ideas of Alex Osborn
 SCAMPER stands for:
S - Substitute - components, materials, people
C - Combine - mix, combine with other assemblies
or services, integrate
A - Adapt - alter, change function, use part of
another element
M - Modify - increase or reduce in scale, change
shape, modify attributes (e.g. colour)
P - Put to another use
E - Eliminate - remove elements, simplify, reduce
to core functionality
R - Reverse - turn inside out or upside down
When to use SCAMPER?
 Use it to discover more ideas when
you are running out.

 Use it to stimulate new ways of

thinking about the problem, perhaps
to kick you out of your current rut.
How to use SCAMPER?
 Step 1: Substitute
 what parts of the product, service or
process may be replaced by other things
 includes components, objects, materials the
product is made of, people and roles
involved in a process, etc .
 Step 2: Combine
 Look for ways to assemble together
things which are separate, to integrate
steps and operations.
 Step 3: Adapt
 Make the product or service or part of it
better suited to its environment or to
things that come in contact with it, or to
a specific group of clients.
 Step 4: Modify
 Change the properties of the product or
service to make it larger, smaller, of
different colors, tastes, etc.
 Step 5: Put to another use
 Find other uses for the product or
service, that are different from the
original intention.
 Step 6: Eliminate
 Remove a major function or component
of the product or service.
 Step 7: Rearrange
 Change the order of operation, turn
things upside down, or arrange the
components in a new order .
Examples of SCAMPER
 Substitute
 use of high tech materials for
specific markets
 use high-speed components
 Combine
 integrate computer and printer, printer and
 Adapt
 put high quality ink in printer, use high quality
 Modify
 produce different shape, size and design of
printer and computer
 Put to another use
 printers as photocopies or fax machines
 Eliminate
 eliminate speakers, color screens, color ink etc.
 Reverse
 make computer desks as well as computers and
printers, or computer chairs etc

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