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 Keanekaragaman Flora Hutan Mangrove di Pantai Kaliuntu-

Rembang Berdasarkan Bukti Palinologinya
 Sejarah Flora dan vegetasi Formasi Kalibiuk dan Kaliglagah
Daerah Bumiayu Ditinjau dari Bukti Palinologi
 Studi kondisi lingkungan purba perairan Segara Anakan Cilacap
berdasarkan analisis fosil polen/spora dan foraminifera (A Study
of paleoenvironment condition of the Segara Anakan Estuaria of
Cilacap based on polens/spores and foraminifera fossils analyses)
 Perubahan lingkungan & iklim purba di indonesia : Data Proksi
dari Kepulauan Mentawai – Sumatra
 Late quaternary vegetation dynamics and human impact on
Alexander Selkirk Island, Chile
 Endapan gambut holosen di dataran pantai Jambi, Kalimantan
Selatan & Brunei : kajian berdasarkan serbuk sari fosil
 Palynological evidence for astronomical forcing in
Early Miocene lacustrine deposits from Rubielos de
Mora Basin (NE Spain)
 History of vegetation and habitat change in the
Austral-Asian region
 Vegetation and palaeoclimate in the Miocene of
 Vegetation and climate dynamics during the
Holocene and Eemian interglacials derived from
Lake Baikal pollen records
 Glacial-interglacial changes in moisture balance and
the impact on vegetation in the southern hemisphere
tropical Andes (Bolivia/Peru)
 Paleoenvironmental analyses of an organic deposit
from an erosional landscape remnant, Arctic Coastal
Plain of Alaska
 Carbon isotopic analysis of individual modern
andfossil grass-pollen grains using a moving-
wirecombustion interface
 Late Quaternary vegetational and climate dynamics in
southeastern Brazil, inferences from marine cores
GeoB 3229-2 and GeoB 3202-1
 Paleoclimates and the changing environments of Anza-
 Vegetation and climate since the late pleistocene in
southern China
 South American palaeobotany and the originsof
neotropical rainforests
 Relevance of Quaternary palynology to
geomorphology in the tropics and subtropics
 Penelitian palynologi daerah Sangiran, Solo Jawa
 Tertiary stratigraphic palynology in Sdoutheast Asia :
current status and new diection
 Late quarternary pollen records from Aster Island
 Paleoclimatological study of middle pleistocene
sediment based on pollen analysis at the Arago Site-
Southern France
 Development and vegetation dynamic of a lowland
omrogenous peat swamp in Kalimantan Tengah,
 Vegetation in subtropical formosa during the
pleistocene glaciations and the holocene
 Modern quaternary research in Southeast Asia
 A re-survey of the flora of the Island of Krakatau

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