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Making the Public Know Gatetecnne es enue Gap, Se, Application for © Sistah hg Rartas ntemas Registration 1901, Indiviguais,esteies ang trast Sohahiesetinata [etc at appropriate wate cpaces_ Want at appropriate boxe win an 2 fr TSeme Tee Lone eee TERE bree 0 Y i i ; ; mt 2 Cae TS ears Go el SEED Sn ate eis Peer FOO) TGNe BP = Pate San OP — Ere Cae WH - Ve rope eco) 1 ene researc | oh mass | _eusiness Trace names BSC PSOS | ne otfusness/ coumsson [BE [se [Wr * esa = a 7 = = noone Tax _a_—_— — ‘vaue gen Tac \Withldeg Tat- VAT and Other Perenioge Taxes ‘winnoiang Tax -ercerigge Tar on Vinings and Pres Faby ce Ta-Ad Vora S221 OpSOTs nose Tat~Specite “Touaoco inpecton and Montnng Fees ‘Capa GabnsTax-Real Progeny (Capa Gane Tax- Soaks este Tar Roglaraton Faas Misoataneous Tax (Speci) ‘mers (Spee) [oS Ragieraton of Books ACSOUn ayreorsoosTosesecerer | emersnes|aemenes| ONT on To paces eg rics a — = =e Peirce ented cy at wh ia edt fore et ie Wide widower with qusited sepencent: (Cy ceretacter ots quavtien senior cttnen (RA Ne. 722) (Clenpagesin susmesseractce ae Se aa acs Sena pee Ee aac see ——e So ———— —— =e 0.0.0 a = == — —————— le wwauearreen | geese | : =] 5 (5 i [a = ol = a 335 _F Relationship Caren TI] erin Tae | cusites Senior Coen pare SS eS SS SS — — __ —————— ———————————— 1 eeeec creer ome oeeropeneaene seca me ae eee Es SS aa oh emcee ‘unaer sutanty terest. ™ ” [Be Toxsarer corel Rarer 7 I a ee, SYS nn aM rev We Tae Tne Rages Ts [= emoes aree [sz Teemnenenomser | - paar Riana acral ecwena Soot, Sc amenses, hte rapiason eeuea wnGer aumONy et reer nied wy BI) F a A Gen rte orang eer Shou Mane Sarees 2 Mapas Pee F etc, Seieeegeee SSakencson Tat Tuer peorent crartamee ben cewene Re ceceeas "Unde trde nan pon mee POT Cotes Ragan Buches Nae 22 Tapape sud sia ne teuted mogyev arcing owe ane Ween cet agers Gi) Fast Ps Application for @ SVE. Application fo 1902 Eee Soe he — SS ae ies a Spine [omer em obetiesunty Bm» DUNE @= seranar renee Application for 1903 Kewsnnan'ng Reress intemas Registratio: January 2000 (ENCE) ™ (Tobe tedup by BIR) Fill in applicable spaces. Mark all appropriate boxes with an “X. [T_ REGISTERING OFrice » [sssoonse Csr once cunewen 4 saree vhet [FTaERERTBE (pstrersnip in Genera [Dicoremmert corporation (Cinemationa carer eset css Fareio Tleoarmer aging ae rsnmentaty(ca) (Jonter sang. Foge (hese verare [lreraree mutate cme Depeet Un osu Rs (Cloumesc Contin ere [crt oe (sn sink Nang rericton (Cinescore caper n sever (Clon easton rernsoes Coca covert un (18) [> aeaveR memmncaTon wNmER Ta Sn) Pe sane Nae a aaa aE i pare oF necoRPORATIONOR Jr DESCRIPTION oF Man ACT ‘oncenezaneon mL + Clecepiheanees — L]ietensage nse MATORALTY > ooreste [oes Foran PRR SEAR NSIS TEE SS FRE Faaiity Type Psi |utmno ingenencery marred Nurser et| [nosy | taeneneere ———baateiensm| uefa es tue | aoe ES a Faainy Types. PP - Pace omaion SP SomgeRaos WH ~ WAehause Fa TaRBLE YEAR ROGOUNTNG PERIOD + Cesena year Drcea Year ne fa Loca ADRESS ST aa Sed aT Sa fs ap ooo Pi RREIPALTY CODE pe Teen Lid | cosmicsrmon —* wanecr + ae er = ae 78 es Case Taepens Ber ana Hi CONTACT PERSON ACCREDITED TEX AGENTS 0 STEEN SVS] [is TELEPHCHE ROMER ae, eae, ae a er) Rages Nae rer REPUBLIG AT INAS KAGAWARAN §G/PANANALAPI KAWANIHANNGAEGROAS INTERVAS REVENGEASEGION NO. bes BR 23 0. 3 REVENUE DISTRICT NO. FooniNe: 4RC0000605968 Revised July 1997 ocx aN RAM REGISTRATION DATE 008-044-134-004 FILRESIDENZA CORPORATTON 05/16/2013, REGISTERED ADDRESS BLOCK 5 LOT 14 A ROSSANA HEIGHTS SUBD SAN MANUEL CITY OF SAN JOSE DEL MONTE BULACAN 3023 REGISTERED ACTIVITY(ES) TAX TYPE INCOME TAX REGISTRATION FEE VALUE ~ ADDED TAK WITHROLDING TAX - COMPENSATION WITHHOLDING TAX = EXPANDED/OTH TRADE NAME LINE OF BUSINESS 7 INDUSTRY FILRESIDENZA CORPORATION 4520 BUILDING OF CONSTRUCTIONS OR PARTS, CIVIL ENGINEERING 7012 REAL ESTATE BUYING, DEVELOPING, SUBDIVIDING, I SELLING T I 1 1 ese ective Date of Business Registration: 10432011 | 1 REMINDERS: 4. RGISMRATION SHALL ONLY B€ ONCE UNLES THERE ARE AMENDMENTS. 22 PAY ANNUAL REOSTRATION FEOF PSOC.00 NOT ATER THAN A. 31 USING FORM O05. 3. Plane oF eequineD tax RETURN/S TO CONFORM WITH THE ABOVE REGATERED TAX THPE/, WHETHER WATH OR WITHOUT busmss oreRATION, TO AVOID PENALTIES. INCOME TAK VALUE ADDED TAK WRHOIDNG TAL THOR lena Yor -1° 2G 9 on orbstore | (SGN) Monty: Inn feb Ap May | {6B1C) comparaton (GORE) Expanded 0 days ater end of eslndar quoter (277) Final: Ap | uly, ug Oct, Nov~20" day afore | 20" day after and of month, excep Dec 1 lfolowin year ctmorth w/cis ton 15 fowing year {i7020) Fal ear TOFS I ono etre | 25500) Cnr Marne, Sept & | CEOKCF}on St DHE Mar ays er end of tal quarter (1702}—on or beore 15 | Dec=25" day ater end of quoter ay ater the 3" month after end of seal yea? “EREGETRATION OF BOOKS OF ACCOUNTS AND SALES WVONESRECHPTS FOR THE FIRST TNE — BEFORE COMMENCEMENT OF SUSINESS, THEREAFTER AS RECESITY ARES, ‘_ ROTPY TH DRICT OFFICE IN CASE OF TRANSFER CESSATION OF BUSINESS AND OTHER SIMIMAR CASES BY FING HH FORM {08 To STOP GENERATION OF OPEN CASE. THEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE NAMED PERSON IS REGISTERED AS INDICATED ABOVE, UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE NATIONAL INTERNAL (Lil. REVENUE DISTRICT OFFICER (sigunire over pasted mune) ‘THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE EXHIBITED CONSPICUOUSLY IN THE PLAGE OF BUSINESS EN rosemary teat» ON By Sentara Fler Application for Authority to Print 490 6 WW awaninan ng Rentas internas Receipts and Invoices March 2083 (ENES) Middle Name, wine (Registered Nane, Fron individual THEE, VAT_NORWAT| VAT_NONAT declare, under the penalties of perury tat his aplication has been made in good fsth, verted by ime, ‘sna he best otmy mowadge andosiet sus and camect, pursuant he provsonect he [Natonal intemal Revenue Code, a amended, and the regulations issued under authority tereot “TAXPAYER AUTHORIZED AGENT (Signature over Printed Name) ‘ATTACHMENTS For New T For Old Taxpayers: Sig On goRSICI “Orne Prnters Job Onser “Onainal copy of saree sjouthemplate “Orginal copy of sama layouthemlate of OR'SIC! {Photocopy of Loose leat Perms #appistle { Photmeopy of previous Aubry Pent Recess and Invoices, not avalable, he ast snes of the printee ORSICL -Photzcopy of Looseleaf Pert f applicable REMINDER: ‘Only fre head office shall fie the “Applicaton for Authority to Pint Receipts and Insces (ATPY'. One application shouldbe filed and one permit should be issued or every exiablchmant (head ofiee or each branch). The daa that shoul appearin te ATP re the Sata paraning to he establishment Dat wil use the receptsinvoioes. peng 2 BWSR ah Oseny fen TODDS ENCE! aay topuonna ng pe Annual Income Tax Return BIR Form No. = i For Individuals Earning Purely Compensation Income serra, incu ot Baeatioe tea cone 1700 aS "9 [Encer a requved informatbn i CAPITAL LETTERS using BLACK Mk. Mark appicanle |.une 2019 (ENC) _boxes with an 5° Two coples MUST be filed with the BIR and one heid by the Tax Fller_ Paget Troe 4 Geue QOL] #émended [ Jves[ Jno [386% , []veeL_Ine | *someee leonora, (] OR ou: Part = Background information on Tax Filer and Spouse Sanh rite] pi |-t i |-Jojojojo] tee |) |e | ‘Tax Fler Name (Lad Name, Fre Vame and Wile nal Erie only Teta per Bor using CAPITAL LETTERS) 19 Address (indiale comple reghttred ackiess; Fackresshas changed maxichere |_| and enter new adtessin Tatle 1) 70 Dae of i Ti mal Aaaress pity PP 722 Contact Number 73 Gwisians, Lititiiiitt ‘Single Maried Legally Separated Widower ier stn bt Sereno Tae Claiming Additional Exemptions? [] Yes L-JNo | S#VES,erterrumbar of Guaiied Dependent 16 Spouse's Name (last Name, Fist Name and hicle intial) \ arses] yy [= yy [=], 1 [-[0)00j0] "nme | | 19 Date of Siah (MWODYYYY) [20 Email Address fe re re Ly | [at Claiming Additional Exemptions? [_]YeS [_]NO am ‘DDH VES_ enter number of Gualtied Depandant Chidren Paréll= Total Tax Payable 123 Tax Filer’s Tax Due (pom Pas vem 14Caumn 24 Spouse's Tax Due fon Fasivaen 1 coun) £25 Total Income Tax Due (sumertens 234 21 26 Less: Tax Flees Tax Credits/Payments (rom ariv sen 1@ceunr At ‘ZT___ Spouse's Tax Crecits!Paymants (fom retiV kent Coun &) ‘28 Net Tax Payable (Overpayment) imam sss roms 28827 129 Less: Potion of Tax Payable Allowed for 20 installmentioteauanor tet lay 18 Pon Pee View 2) ‘30 Add: Total Penakies (fon Fesi men?) ‘S1TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE Upon Filing (Overpayment) r2tuzcs sen 2 Ac0030 re ae ee Ears Restceaas, a aos ae rae ‘prigueg nana Seu Sue & ean wore mor ane we ate Pe aLEEEEEEEL Number of pages fled SS a EN a 0 TPIS Or ALO TSS 32 Gorteari eg Past Ganmurty Tx Cette CToY | | 33 Date of Issue (MMDOYYY) 34 Amount iF GTC Pitiititipiiity pi Wii bpisaid 38 Fisos of Issue Poppet r epee ppp pepe peppy pips Parti Details of Payment “lamp of Ravaiing Of AB and 36 Deas of Payment [ocesn check Pease indicate detaisteton) eo ieee = Ltt ty | Anount Zz LLL | 02 Sianaturetank Teter: initia mean ae mrs] | {yy irit L Lit achne VakisionRevenos fica Racers Ooi ra iad han Aufonasd Agar Bank) Annual Income Tax Return "i ra 3° ‘ahi Part IV - Computation of Tax | Oe one ences OT P1an.00 ‘Gver SED Basens 1 Oe ut ot oer 79.00 wcess over 30.000, ‘er 0.000 PEEDONY SS fhe ESSE OT Past ‘Over FOO Paso r2m oD but not over P 1401000 excess over 7000, ‘ver? 00.000 PTREDODT So Oe ESO so0.00 | Annual Income Tax Return BIR Form No For Self Employed Individuals. Estates and Trusts 1701 aay Mf ‘Subjectto REGULAR Income Tax Only Jone2013 (ENC) Page 3 {EOIONTSENCSES TW Tax Fils Last Name PEEL t ep tt pp tt Part V - Summary of Income Tax Due Description Tapaertiec | (68 Regular Rate Income Tax Due (From tem 674/076) im 68 Spevial Rate Income Tax Due fromPat tem 1678) uu TO Less: Share of Other Govemment Agency, fremiteddrecty [yy TANetSpasal income Tax Due ecaietene)Aowlen Te | T2TOTAL INCOME TAX DUE (Overpayment) {Sumatlions 0471) often 2) Lt Less: Tax Credits/Payments 73 Regular (From Scheie @ tem 104/106) 75 Exempt (Pom Part nem 196796) tui 7A Special (From Part tem 108/157) Lo tpi 76 Tot Tax CredtPaymentsGumottens 7375) (TOME) | |W | | TI Net Tax Fayablel(Overpayment) (em?2 ess tem 76) Libiigiyt TBNET TAX PAYABLE (OVERPAYMENT) FOR TAX FILER and SPOUSE (Suncttens 774 8 7) 79 es: Potion of Tax Payable Alowedfor2* steno be paid on orbeoe uy 15 ltloe Than EO ate uns 7A 2) {80 NET AMOUNT OF TAX PAYABLE (OVERPAYMENT) (tem 75Less tem 7) ‘Add: Penalties: 84 Surcharge 82 Interest 83 Compromise 84 Total Penalties (Sumoriems61183) (To em3t) 85 TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE UPON FILING (OVERPAYMENT) (Sumorters 606.4) (Totem 32) Part VI- Tax Relief Availment Description AVTaxpaverFier__[ 35 Reaular hoome Tax Ofervse Due (anf pn aan ei) 87 Less: Tax Due ~ Regular Frome) 88 Tat Reet Avaiment Before Special Tat Crests (tens Les en 7) £89 Add: Special Tax Credits(From Seneque0 tam 6X65) 94 Special Tax Relief Availment From Par nem 218217) 92 Exempt Tax Relief Avallment (rom Par tem 210/216) l it L Lu L Lt | 14 90 Regular Tax Relief Availment (Sum offs 65 862) I LL | 14 | 14 Ll Lt $9 Total Tax RebetAvailment Sumo ims 90,91 892) 94 Total Tax Relief Availment of Tax Filer & Spouse (Sumortens 54 & 935) Annual Income Tax Return BBIR Form No. retciieaemecicarwcetacay | 1701.) MIRRSPAC HENS GER AII| Page 4. STOWE/GENCSEL TH Tax Filers Last Name i Liiiiiitijtiitititiiy Par Vl - Other Relevant information - SPOUSE 85 Spouse's TIN T 1 10) 0) 0) 0 [8RD0 Code 37 Spouse's Name 38 Trade Name 3 Date of Bi 1 1 401 Contact Number 402 PSIC 4103 PSOC T jostineof Business | 1 y )) Vit ytiiitiriiitiiiiiiiiit ES LL] ferisss Deductions [J Optional Standard Deduction (OSD axaom 406 Method of Accounting] [Gasn_[_[ Accrual ere eee eee “07 core Exempt fom income Tax? [-]ves[]No __] 10s income ubjetto SpectalPreerental Rate? [Ves [ [Ne 11s, fp ato Mandalay AUachments PER ACTIVITY part. | eu fp ave Manduiny Atachmenta PER AGTHOTY (Pa) 4108 Aphanumere Tax Cade (ATC) [_] 1011 Compensaion ineare [_]n 012 Business incomesincae rom Profession [_]i1013 Mics income: == = Te | HIVEYES enter number of Guatfed Devendent Ghieren 140 Claiming Additional Exemptions? |] ves LIN Se Part VIIA - Qualified Dependent Children (if wife i claiming for additional exemption, please attach maiverof the husband) Date of Birth sctcane Last Name First Name and Middle Initial partppreen | oat Poppers tippy rtitiii | Popper iii tippy iii y rtitiii Poppers tippy rtitiii LLititiitiiliiiiipijyy rlitiyit tt Par VIB - Current Address (Accomplish Fcurent address is GRerent rom regislered adares2) Unitfioom Number Foor i Bulking Name Poor pp rrr priya pp Tathfuniber Bleek Number Phase Number House Number — [ Siee Name Pops py yyy yyy yyy Pepe yyy py yyy yy yy Subsivsion Vilage I Senge Pititiyipupiriit Pititiitiiipiripy Manica I Frown [ — apc DLtitiiitiiiiitt Litititiiit bit Part Vil- Information -External Auctor/Acoredited Tax Agent “142 Name of External Auator/Aoeradited Tax Agent Pittttttititiiiiitprs pitti Poteet pp yy pp yy PS pp ps “T14 Name of Signing Partner ¥ Exiamal Autor 3 Parinershie) Pitttitttiiititititiryitiiiiiiirit pp TIN, oe ee THE BIR Accreditation No. 117 Issue Date (MMDDIYYYY) | 118 Expiry Date (MMDDYYYY) PitTrcvrcbtri bret Matti a BIR Fom No| Annual Income Tax Return | 4701 | MURRAY LARA EE June 2013 (ENCS) TENGE SENCSES, TW “Tax Filers Last Name re ee Putdusisviititisiiirt "SCHEDULES REGULAR RATE. ‘Schedule 1 - Gross Compensation Income and Tax Withheld Atacyasatoral sie, rrecesay) ‘Goss Copernic and Tax WINS [OU ETE 77.55 Te LPAI RATHI RY E80 Lr AMPOVE aS MSN D) WED DE PCMDI ‘ere Taxpayer ore Spouse Aaach atonal Shwe Fnecazay, One Sa atte Taal Gre Campeston sh Tt Tax Wed te Tabara oO ine he sepa romanon fine Spee D0 NOT er oars 49 Cas” Los GP Ow 500 TA ul Up ANameof€mployer | | i | | tit tityitritiiiyitriririt Taxpayer Employers TIN, Compensation Ineome Tax Wiha Spouse Lye tiuyuryrpertiguipiytiniirirt 2NameofEmployer |) yyy yyy peppy pp yp ayy yyy yyy Taxpayer Employers TIN, Compensation income Tax Witheld Spouse poorrrrrrrirp tipper nii ira igiy SNameofEmployer | jj) 1 ttt ti ry ritrir ir yi ripiyt Taxpayer Employers TIN, Compensation Ineome TaxWathald Spouse Lye tiuyuryrpertiguipiytiniirirt 4NameofEmployer | jy) yy yy pp yy ppp yy i yy yyy yyy Taxpayer Employers TIN, Compensation Income Tax Wiha poo thi trtiititator trary) cat ‘5A Toad Gross Compersaton income and Tots Tax Wine for fe above | Total Compenestion Inome| _2, Total Tax Withheld cries canyaichonalsteesatanedtotaapayer morsrvensia| yy) yy 1) || y 1 1 9 1 1 ‘5B Toll Gross Compersston eome and Toil Tax Wiel for fe above [110i Compensation income | 2, Total Tax Withed ertesndanyasstonalshees atacedr Spouse romerveemeie) |) yy) y |) 1] EL | EL 1 ‘Schedule 2 - Sales Revenues/RecsiptsiFees from Business/Profession, including amount reoeived from General Professional Partnership (GPP) ‘Deseription “Ay Taxpayerier 2) Spouse. 7 Total Sales RevenveslRaceiptsFees Lititit tliat ial 2 Add: Gross SslesRevenesRecspsFecsnotabedwWimodingTe: |) | 1 y 1 1 | 1 pt 1 ptt 3 Total SalesiRevenves/ReceiptsiFees (Sumattems 182) Liritsttiptigit ‘Less: Sales Retums, Allowances and Discounts: Lirittilipiigit ‘SiNetSales/RevenuesiReceiptsiFeas item suescmena) momem=so |) 1 1 iyi, ilintrait “Schedule 3- Other Taxable Income from Operations not Subject to Final Tax (tach aiatora sheets, Frecasy) Deseription A) Taxpayer Filer 5) Spouse, 7 Hepp ppp ppp rapier iris tiniipii fini EA 13 Total Other Taxable Income (sum armens 16 2 (Tomen 51) fittrttrliacrere ‘Schedule @— Gost of SalesIServices (Asch saataral shay Fmacessa7) ‘Schedule 4A - Cost of Sales (For those engaged in Trading) Deserition A) TaxpayerfFiler B) Spouse, 4 Merchandive Inventory, Beginning toripiirtipiigit 2 Ade: Purchases of Merchandise boriviitinirgit ‘3 Total Goods Avaliable ter Sale (Sum oflieme 123) reriviitigniigiit 4 Less: Merchandise Inventory, Ending boiiviitinirgit 5 Cost of Sales item 3 Laos item 4} (Te Schedule 4 em 27) roripiitipiigit BIR Form Na, Annual Income Tax Return ae Page 5 - Schedules 1 to 4A eto sy iil Bee it HAASE TH “Tax Filer Last Name: [ee Pititiviititisiiiit ‘SCHEDULES-REGULAR RATE ‘Sohedule 4 - Gross Compensation Income and Tax Withheld tae asatonal ont, Facets) ‘Ss Soripensaton noo and Tax Wine [Overs 1289 Ter De eyes TTA Sea Jour eeu Man) Wee De ea ‘ore Taxpayer ce Spouse Atachaoal Sees Feces. Cn iS le Taal rss Compensation 2 Ti Tat tet Ne Taber 3 ine etre appentat oman fe Spouse DO NOT ant Comtaves 4 CaMaVOS LSS ep Gow: 0 rR Up) ANameofemployer | jj jj 1) ttt rs yiriyityiripyyt Taxpayer Empoyers TiN Compensation Ineome Tawi 2 Deiter tire pt ipgtipittipiigpis 2NameofEmployer | | | {| iii iittrtirrpiyyupiyyyy Taxpayer Employers TIN, Compensation income TaxWiheld ‘Spouse Lpipiripirrytipippirirpitoit SMameofEmployer |) | yj ttt ti yt rititipey yi pirit Taxpayer Enployers TiN Compensation insome TaxWiheld Spouse Deiter irirri pt igiipiprtigpiigry 4Mameofemployer | yj yy yy pp ppp py Taxpayer Employers TN Compansaton income TaxWitheld eae LLELELEL LI titer tats ‘5A Tot Goss Campersaton came ad Totd Tax Withad for he shore | Tetl Compensation Income | _2. Total Tax Wield cohesandany aistonalshecsatacedirTaxpoyerMoPatViensi| yy yyy 1) | 1 et | gL | 158 Teal Goss Conpersaion loans and Tot Tax With fem he abowe [els Compensaton come | Tota Tax Wine enmes nda addtional sheet stscadter Spouse rorenwmensie) |) yy yy 1 | | | gt Le LL ‘Schedule 2 Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees from Business/Profession, including amount received from General Professional Partnership (GPP) Descrition ‘Ay TaxpayerFier B)Spovse 1 Total Salas Revenues ReceisteFees Lrtitit ligt igtt 2 Ae Ges SaeaFievervesRecepereesnotameaoweradigT= | 111) 11/1911811 3 Total Sales Revenues/ReceiptaiFees Gumotens 162) Lititittiaiigart @ Less: Sales Relums, Allowances and Discounts Lerigttlrarigtt SNet SalesIRevenvesIReccipisiFess item stesso) MOI 1111411 liettatt ‘Schedule S- Other Taxable Income from Operations not Subject to Final Tax Atachaitona ste rrecesay) Description A) TaxpayerFler 5) Spouse t Supp p pepe Ee ‘3 Total Other Taxable Income (som often 162 (Toe 37) Pratittiliacirace ‘Schedule 4 Cost of Sales/Services _(Atachaaatona/ shes Wraceesay) ‘Schedule 4A - Cost of Sales (For those engaged in Trading) Deseription A) TaxpayertFiler 5) Spouse, 11 Merchandise inventory. Beginning boripiit par yyy 2 Ad: Purchases of Merchandise Leiititliatitt 13 Total Goods Avaable er Sale (Sum offieme 182) Lositittiaiiait 4 Less: Merchandise Inventory, Ending toertetttistittt 5 Cost of Sales (tiem 3 Less item 4 (Te Schedule 4 tem 27) Litititligiiait Annyalincome Tax Return | “Tyg” | MUBQIETLANASE RI Page 6 - Schedules 4B to 6 une 2013 (ENS) BROS SENOS Ti TaxFilers LastName: Poppy yj tt pepe) Liti titi yp py py py pid ‘Schedule 48 - Cost of Sales (For those engaged in Manufacturing) © Direct Materials, Baginning Lo 7 Ads: Purchases of Direet Materials Material Avaliable for Use (Simottene 687) 9 Less: Direot Materials, Ending 10 Faw Materials Used (enovessten 9) 11rd Lor 13 Total Manuacting Cost Samer 108 7) 414 Add: Workin Process, Beginning 418 Less: Workin Process, Ending 116 Cost of Goods Manufactured (Sumotens 136 1é1Less em 15) 17 Add: Finished Goods. Beginning DEsenpton ‘Al Tapayerrier | Es Ll Ll L L L L Ll Ll Ll Ll L L 42 Manaetuing Overhasd I I L L L L Ll Ll L L L L Ll Ll “BLecc: Frichad Goods, Ending "19 Cost of Goods Manufactured Sold (Gum oft 16 6 17 Less fem 18) (Te Sore ¢ ism 7) i ‘Schedule 4€ - Cost of Services (For those engaged in Services, indcale only those direc incured or related io he gross ‘evenve From rendition of services) Description AlTampayeriFiler | 8) Spouse, 20 Direct Charges — Salaries, Wages and Benefits Lepenii tl tiari att 21 Direct Charges Materials, Supplies and Faciiies Lotigit Loita 22 Died Charges Depecaion Lotigit Lpligtt aE Loiigit poitp@it 724 Direct Charges — Outside Servows Lbttitl LtLLlalt ore [XL 1I Jptinit BeTotCosteSenieesamemnemnss) fesmecm | | | | | | | | Lette Boil CostetSakesenices amemaeinespresnensmermvere| | | | | § | | Lilia ‘Schedule 5 Non-Operating Income (Asc) seston seers, rnecesaqy Nature of Income A) TaxpayerPler B) Spouse a Jpiportt i a 3 tpippiit i 2 tpippiit i 5 Jpiportt i a 0 pip pj i a & Total Non-Operating Income (Sumiiemsties Totes} 1p 1 yy 1 1 | | pL |p LL ‘Schedule 6- Ordinary Allowable Nemized Deductions —_Afechaodtora snes, recess) Description A)TaxpayerFier __[ B) Spouse Se Jbiigil Jbpligpitl ‘Arnonzations (Specity on items 2 3 & €) lbligil Lyiigii 2 i ee i ee ee 3 pesos ee S tptitits i ee ALAR a 4 EN 5) 1701 {BIR Form No. tune 2013 Annual Income Tax Return Page 7 - Schedule 6 “Tax Filer LastName Tw 191910 L L ‘Schedule 6 (Continued) Ordinary Allowable Itemized Deductions (444d4d444149499999994945941959 4944444 §9999999997997999999999999497749949979473 §44444444344s444444444444ss444444ii 9994995499449444994494994949494794994944944494 44 alli WTI E ATRL A FELBERT TATA i i 3] |F : i tlh EEE PAAL AE ABET | A A lle | st ART ARR eR) ||| earl sl2/S18)8) a1 |e Sala [3a ala eyalsy geen EPEAT Ad EIR Form No. Annual Income Tax Return Hs i wal income Tax Return | ro | MUMAMTL AERA Ti Tax Flere LastName bititi ti 1%e1ee Pitititiiijsiitiitiit ‘Schedule F- Special Allowable lemized Deductions atac saotwna eer, Poesy) Desert LepalBosis | A) TaxpayedFier T Bh Spouse i i oe i 2 i oe i s i oe i 4 tptitit Jptptypit Tonweeetone meee aye eens LHligil Lititil ‘Schedule 8 - Computation of Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO) ‘Schedule 8A — TaxpayeriFiler s Computation of Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO) 4 Gross Income Libtigiigit 2 Less: Total Deductions Exclusive of NOLGO & Deduction Under SpesslLaw |) | yy) p). a1 ‘3.Net Operating Loss jem eeu m2) (ToSemeave 647) triatibiiait ‘Schedule GA. - Taxpayer ers Detailed Computation of Available Net Operating Loss Carty Over (NOLCO) a ae 4 aon a ee ee Tu Bopp py 5 tit tidbtipiirrirt timitpieigpid s tit tidbtipiirrirt timitpieigpid 7 toe Pretrreterit temtrrrtirit ‘Applied N (Unsesii 7 8 otINOLCO mde ET (eens) ‘Schedule BB — Spouse's Computation of Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO) 4 Gross income es es ee Se aS aoa AE ‘Schedule 8B.1 - Spouse's Detailed Computation of Available Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO) a eee 4 p44 ttpfjifipft toplist ss es 5 111 es ee ee i ee ee s 111 es ee ee i ee ee z ttt t Liptitptto4tet a es ee ee sata! ao Annual Income Tax Return Page 9 - Schedules 9 to 10 IR Form No, 1701 june 2013 (ENCS) BRE CH tA ToWegeNCSES TH Tax Filer Lact Name i Lit ‘Schedule 9 Tax Credits/Payments (Attach prea) Description Ay TaxpayedFiler 4 Prior Year's Exosss Credits 2 Tax Payments forthe Fret Three Quarters 3 Credible Tax Withheld forthe First Three Quarters “4 Crecitable Tax Withheld forthe 4th Quarter ‘5 Crestable Tax Witheld per BIR Fam No. 2316 prnsemsie tenst2582| (6 Tax Paid in Retum previously fled, ims an amenasa Rew 7 Foreign Tax Credits, aplkable 8 Special Tax Credits, apalcate ‘9 Other Payments recs, spect) 40 Total Tax Credits / Payments (Sum tems 129) (To/en73) | L L L L | L L L L {1 Lo Lu Lt L4 {1 Lu Lu Lt Lt ‘Schedule 10- BALANCE SHEET Description, A) Taxpayer Filet 4 Curent Assets 2 Long-Term Investments ‘3 Properiy, Plant and Equipment - Net Long Term Receivables S Intangible Assets (6 Other Assets ‘Total Assets (suniens 1109) 8 Curent Liabilies 9 Long Tenn Lisbiities 40 Deferred Credits 41 Other Liabites 42 Total Liabilities (Sum orm 0 17) 43 Capital, Beginning 44 Add: Net Income forthe Year ‘48 Less: Drawings 16 Capital, Ending (Sum ores 13814 Lees tem 15) 47 Total Liabilities and Capital (Sum tems 128 18) BIR Form No, Antoetsoeaaee ate | clZO1, | MIURREICHBNRRGER tne 2013 (ENS) ee TW Tax Filer Last Name pe ‘Schedule 11- Reconciliation of Net Income per Books Against Taxable Income (Atach addtional heats necessary) ‘Schedule 11A — TAX FILER'S Reconciliation of Net come per Books Against Taxable Income 1 Net income (Loss) per books Littigiitil “Ada: Non-deductble Expenses/Tarabe Olher heome Pty Libiipiigit Susi ii tii iii iii iii ii Liditbitril Total (Sum of tame 1 1 3) Llttiaeliolt Tess: A) Ner-laabie Income and Inoome Subjected o Final Tax Stusiii tii yi iii iii ii Liditbitril Sly yy Libiipiigs | 8) Spedal Deductions FLitiititivititiiiiitt Lidittiitil Sty Libiipiigit 9 Total (Sum of tems 508) Libiigiigit ‘410 Net Taxable Income (Loss) - Tax Filer tem # Lee tem 9) Little ‘Schedule 118 — SPOUSE'S Reconciliation of Net Income per Books Against Taxable Income: ‘Net Income (Loss) per books ee ‘al: Non deductible Expenses/ Taxable Oh income LiLiiiiti tpi iiiiiiis Litittitiit ffjjjjjjjyyyj yyy jj yy {f[pij|pyyyf yt 4 Total (Sum af Rema to 3) Lipiittiiiit Tess: A) Nor-taabie Income and inoome Subjected to Final Tax i {f[pij|pyyyf yt Flisiiitiiitiiiiiiiiis Libitiitiit B) Special Desusions T Tibet iti ti spits tiftitepiritit list itiiiiiiiiiiiiiit Libitiitiis 8 Total (Sum of ems 5 to 8) Lidtiaiiditt 40 Net Taxable Income (Loss) - Spouse (tem 4 Less tm 9) Libsigiigiy BIR Form No. ae en oecey ameae | 1704 | MUMARTE RRA Cl June 2013 (ENCS) sroneernencsess Tw Tax Filer LastName ee Pitititiiiitiiittiitt ‘Schedule 12 — Supplemental Information “Schedule 12A - Gross Income! Receipts Subjected to Final Withholding 1 Desorption Een A) ARS ANEARFSTHSTC | 5) rng Tx withePais A inerests Biitditgit 2 Royalties 3 Dividends 4 Prizes and Winnings 5 Fringe Benefits L L L L i 6 Compensation Subject to 15% Preferential Rate LL Lod Lod Lo4 Log Lod Loo leevehange 7 Desernton of Property (e, land, improvement, te.) @ OCTITCTICCTITax Declaration No. 8. Cerificate Authorizing Registration (CAR) No. L L L i L (Exchange #1 2) L L L Hl 410 Actual Amount ir Market ValueiNet Capital Gains L L L i L [it Sale/Exchange of Real Properties A) sal L L L Hl 111 Final Tax WithneldPaid I ym dm LLL YE ts fa fe fff L L L L i L a2 L L L Hl L aE 12 Kind (PS/CS) | Stock Certfieate Series No ita PT L L L 1 1 Ti) Sate/Exchange of Shares of Stock Al SaleExonange #1 jelesohange L L 113 Certificate Authorizing Registration (GAR) No. Litititittliiiit 14 Number of Shares 14 1 114 15 Date of Issue (MldDDYYYY) LOCO! CLL 16 Actual AmountFair Market VaueiNetGapitslGains | y | | y 1 | yi 1 | 1 Loo L 47 Final Tax Withheld/Paid piiititiily Lait 18 Other Income Subject to Final Tax Under Secsons STIAV2Toners of te Tax Cade as amended (Spel). L L 19 Actual AmouniiFar Market ValueNet Capital Gains | L L L L 1) Other Income (Specify) 'A) Other Income #1 1B) Other Income #2 L L L L L L L L L L L L 20 Final TaxWithneldiPaid titgii4t 1 L 1 1 24 Total Final Tax Withheld/Paid (Sum f lems 18> 68, 114,118,178 17B, 2088 208) Litiigit ‘Schedule 128 - Gross Income/Receipts Exempt from Income Tax (Actual Amount Fair Market Value) 11 Proceeds of Life insurance Policy Lt 2 Retum of Premium Lo 3 Retirement Benefits, Pensions, Gratuities, eta Ld 1) Personal/Real Properties Received thru Gifts, L L | eee A) Personalfeal Properties #1 | 8) PersonalReal ‘Desorption of Property (eg, land. improvement fe) ' Mode of Transfer (e.g. Donation) L L 6 Cerifieste Authorizing Registrstion (CAR) Ne. L Dipipir i a a 7 Actual AmountiFair Market Value bitititiy L L L L 1) Other Exempt Incame/Receipts ‘A)PersonalResl Properties #1 | 8) PersonalReal Properties #2 % Ofer Exempt income/Receipts Unde Sesion S26)o7He Tax Cog, a amended (Spec) 1 TActusl AmountFar Market ValeoNetCapisiGars | 1 | 11141, rtts44t4 4 Annual Income Tax Return Consolidation of AL Aste pr Tax Regime rr a ee SET re Part IX. CONSOLIDATED COMPUTATION BY TAX REGIME cortiteonsss ton rar UO Quarterly Income BD BSF ee Tax Return 1701Q Sah MOET SUBS STE LEIS wean) base (a eee le ; JenDo weal ood [| 1 T H H H i ! cf | i Cd 4 CL] dW a : | bE SERRE EE EBREE SESEERS ERR SE ‘aprgate Acuna Payasie\Gremaymend< gum ottenssiAa TET mm ‘ee sna coves pusuan ose brovaions ofthe Naoes iol Revenue Case Se avehed an ie esabons eves weak Subtony Pereat ° aE EERSTE ET RST ET TRS = SRE Partie imeree te] -smaunt ‘Ae one cect ee I zl Sache <= q esl TT jae [se omer al Jes Jel 11 js, | "Wr pane Sento AAD. ‘SR-peuiind det wp inch Be be Sat peat Seely AA Te Ag rece ery Fae pga ner getet or meee ee fm or Ql mca oe for wn we opr Ametuee oS pom GO othe ut fe enc Styria LPteece aes cso ae aa ‘tae tif he gh Trl thee ae TNS Tepes Mtn Ser

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