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Topic: Work
Work Measurement
Work measurement can be defined as;
The determination of the degree and
quantity of labor in performing tasks.
Work measurement (WM) is concerned with
investigating, reducing and eliminating ineffective time,
whatever may be the cause.
Setting Labor Standards
Evaluating performance
Predict, Planning and Controlling Operation
Reduction of Operation Cost
Performance Dimensions
Managers generally consider two dimensions for

1) Quantity of Input:
Managers generally consider the quantity of input to
be the primary dimension of performance to be measured.
In Manufacturing, Quantity is usually measured as pieces per time
Example: A manufacturing company produced 100 pieces per hour
In Servicing, Quantity is usually measured as service units per time
Example: A bank might have a standard of 24 customer served per
2) Quality of Input:
The performance dimensions relating to the
quality of input is secondary;
Quality standards are often expressed as the percent of output
units that are allowable defective units.
Example: A manufacturing company may set standard by
quality that 2% defective pieces is acceptable in the whole

There are two key points in determining dimensions of

 The dimensions must be specified before the standard is set.
 The standard and subsequent actual performance must be
Work Measurement Techniques
There are five basic techniques of work
measurement as a time(work) dimensions.
 Ignoring formal work measurement
 Using the historical data approach
 Using the direct time study approach
 Using the predetermined time study
 Using the work sampling approach
1) Ignoring formal work measurement:
For many jobs in many organizations, especially in the labor-
intensive service sector, formal labor standards are simply
not set at all.
 Issue of a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay is ignored.
 Workers often blamed for poor performance and
Often because management has not established a work(time)
standard, some informal standard is established by default.
2) Historical Data Approach:
This method assume that past performance is normal
performance. In the absence of other formal techniques,
some manager use past performance as their main guide in
setting standards
3) Direct time study:
It is also known as time study, stopwatch
study, or clocking the job.
Its procedure is as follow;
Select the job to be timed by direct observation.
Select a job cycle. Identify the elements and
tasks that constitute a complete cycle.
Time the job for all cycles and rate the worker.
Worker behave differently while in their
performances ( Common reactions are ability,
capacity, nervousness, and slowing the work
pace).To minimize these effects repeated study
or study the job somewhere else is necessary.
Compute the normal time based on the average
cycle time and the worker ratings.
Average cycle time= Sum of cycle time observed / Number
of cycle observed
Normal time= Average cycle time x Worker rating

 Determining the fraction of time available;

Available fraction of time= 1 – allowance fraction
Allowance fraction:
The fraction of time lost on a job because of
worker’s personal needs, fatigue, and other unavoidable

 Set the performance standard time;

Standard Time = Normal time / Available fraction of time

4) Predetermined time study:
For setting standards for jobs that are not currently being performed
but are being planned, the predetermined time study is helpful.
A work measurement technique that involves observing or thinking
through a job, recording job elements, recording preestablished
units, and calculating a performance standard.
5) Work Sampling:
Working sampling is based on the simple random sampling that
estimates the what proportion of a worker’s time is devoted to
work activities.
A work measurement technique that involves defining the state of
“working”, observing the job over time, and computing the
portion of time the worker is “working.”
P= Number of observation during which working occurred / total number of observation
Introduction to the Organization
For the practical study we select the Joshan Walk
Industries of Pakistan.
Joshan Walk Industry is an Experienced and Dominant
manufacturing company, exporting Cycling Gear, Baseball
Batting Gloves, Weightlifting Gloves and Belts, Sports
Gloves, Casual Gloves and Boxing Equipments to valuable.
To be the global market leader in the manufacture
of Gloves.

To be the global brand of choice among users of Gloves.

Work Measurement in Joshan Walk Industry

• The Joshan Walk Industry uses its past

historical data approach for Work
For example according to the historical
information the organization time consumed
by the labor in different department as
Cutting department:
In cutting department first the leather cut into
big pieces and then they follow the pattern to
cut into smaller pieces in the shape of pairs.
For example: A pair of boxing glove requires 15
minutes time.
Stitching Department:
In stitching department the pair is required 20
minutes and in a working day of 8 hours only one
labor can produced 25 gloves.
Molding Fixing Department:
In this department the boxing foam is filled
inside the gloves. In this department the
labor required 5 minutes per pair.

Molding Stitching Department:

In molding stitching department the Pair is
again stitched after putting foam inside them.
In this department the 5 minutes is required
to stitch a pair.
Screen Printing department:
In this department the Stamp is printed on the gloves and
other brand name or logos and different design is added.
This whole process on a pair of boxing glove is 2 minutes.

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Inspection Department:
After completion of glove
above given process the
inspection is necessary. In the
inspection of a pair of glove it
takes 5 minutes.
Packing Department:
After the pair is accepted by quality
inspector the pair in packed in to the
plastic packing sheet. For a pair of
glove it requires 3 minutes.
In the Joshan Walk Industry the management also
Using the the Direct Time Study Work
Measurement technique for setting the standards
time for a pair of glove completion.

Example of Joshan Walk Industry;

For setting a standard time the organization select a study
on the 4 employees of the organization by direct
observing the whole process of them by making a pair of
After observing their information are as follow;

Workers Cutting Stitching Molding Molding Screen Inspection Packing Total

time time fixing Stitching Printing time time time for
a pair in

A 15 20 5 5 2 5 3 55

B 13 18 4 4 2 5 3 49

C 15 22 5 3 2 5 3 55

D 14 18 4 4 2 5 3 50
After calculating the whole cycle time of different labor
the average time is calculated and normal time is also
 Average time=Sum of all four labor time/ No. of labor
Average time=(55+49+55+50)minutes / 4
Average time=52 minutes approximately
 Normal time=Average time x Worker ratings
Normal time=52 minutes x 100%
Normal time=52 minutes

 After that allowance fraction time is calculated

In the Joshan Walk Industry different fraction allowance
are as follow.
Work-related interruptions Non-work-related
• Machine breakdowns • Personal needs (restroom
• Waiting for materials or breaks)
parts • Talking to co-workers about
• Receiving instructions from matters unrelated to work
foreman • Lunch break
• Talking to co-workers about • Smoke break
work-related matters • Namaz break
• Rest breaks for fatigue • Personal telephone call

The Joshan walk industry assume according to

historical information that the fraction allowance
are 14% of the whole working day time.
Then management calculate the average fraction of time
 Average fraction of time= 1 – Fraction allwance
Average fraction of time= 1 – 14%
Average fraction of time= 0.86
 and last step of direct Time study approach the company
calculate its standard time for production by that
 Standard Time = Normal time / Available fraction of time
Standard Time= 52 minutes / 0.86
Standard Time = 60 minutes(approximately)
Hence the Joshan walk calculating its standard time of
making a pair of gloves is almost 60 minutes and the
standard time is calculated by the direct time study
joshan walk industry have the capable
management for making accurate standards through
accurate work measurement.
Work measurement also provides the performance
of their worker workers.
Through work measurement the company
determine the time required to make a pair and it is
useful for determining the wage rate and calculating
The company uses the historical data
approach for work measurement which is
considered poor standard.
For the direct time study work measurement
the company can not know the exactely the
ratio of fraction allowance.
CONConclusion & &


 Work measurement
measurement (WM) is concerned with
investigating, reducing and eliminating ineffective time.
 The Joshan Walk Indus
Industry uses its past historical data
approach for Work measurement.
 The Joshan walk industry assume according to historical
informationthat the fraction allowance are 14% of the
whole working day time.
 The joshan walk industry should used the computerized
data measu rement system.
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