Is There A Coriolis Force in North Pole?

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Answer bai:
► YES!!!!

► The Coriolis "force": most people know

about it, but few understand it. A simple
explanation not requiring an intuitive
understanding of angular momentum is
provided. Scales over which the Coriolis
Effect is relevant are also discussed.
Corrections to common misconceptions about the Coriolis effect

► The Coriolis effect does not have a significant impact on the swirl of the
flushing water of a toilet. Indeed, the direction of the swirl is mainly defined
by the direction with which the water is introduced in the toilet, which has a
much higher impact than the Coriolis effect

► In theory, in a perfect sink, the Coriolis effect would define the direction of
the swirl, as has been proved by Ascher Shapiro in 1962. Nevertheless, any
imperfection of the sink, or initial rotation of the water, can compensate for
the Coriolis effect, due to its very low amplitude.

► The Coriolis effect is not a result of the curvature of the Earth, only of its
rotation. (However, the value of the Coriolis parameter, , does vary with
latitude, and that dependence is due to the Earth's shape.)
► Ballistic missiles and satellites appear to follow curved paths when plotted on
common world maps mainly because the earth is spherical and the shortest distance
between two points on the earth's surface (called a great circle) is usually not a
straight line on those maps. Every two-dimensional (flat) map necessarily distorts the
earth's curved (three-dimensional) surface in some way. Typically (as in the
commonly used Mercator projection for example), this distortion increases with
proximity to the poles. In the northern hemisphere for example, a ballistic missile
fired toward a distant target using the shortest possible route (a great circle) will
appear on such maps to follow a path north of the straight line from target to
destination, and then curve back toward the equator. This occurs because the
latitudes, which are projected as straight horizontal lines on most world maps, are in
fact circles on the surface of a sphere, which get smaller as they get closer to the
pole. Being simply a consequence of the sphericity of the Earth, this would be true
even if the Earth didn't rotate. The Coriolis effect is of course also present, but its
effect on the plotted path is much smaller.

► The Coriolis force should not be confused with the centrifugal force given by . A
rotating frame of reference will always cause a centrifugal force no matter what the
object is doing (unless that body is particle-like and lies on the axis of rotation),
whereas the Coriolis force requires the object to be in motion relative to the rotating
frame with a velocity that is not parallel to the rotation axis. Because the centrifugal
force always exists, it can be easy to confuse the two, making simple explanations of
the effect of Coriolis in isolation difficult. In particular, when is tangential to a circle
centered on and perpendicular to the axis of rotation, the Coriolis force is parallel to
the centrifugal force. In a rotating reference frame with a rotational speed equal to
that of the object, the apparent velocity of the object is zero, and there is no Coriolis
Mao na ni bai….Hurricane in the north pole, explains coriolis
► Once air has been set in motion by the pressure gradient force, it
undergoes an apparent deflection from its path, as seen by an observer on
the earth. This apparent deflection is called the "Coriolis force" and is a
result of the earth's rotation.
► As air moves from high to low pressure in the northern
hemisphere, it is deflected to the right by the Coriolis
force. In the southern hemisphere, air moving from high
to low pressure is deflected to the left by the Coriolis
► The amount of deflection the air makes is directly
related to both the speed at which the air is moving and
its latitude. Therefore, slowly blowing winds will be
deflected only a small amount, while stronger winds will
be deflected more. Likewise, winds blowing closer to the
poles will be deflected more than winds at the same
speed closer to the equator. The Coriolis force is zero
right at the equator.
► This process is further demonstrated by the movie
► The effect is named after Gaspard-Gustave Coriolis, a French
scientist who described it in 1835, though the mathematics
appeared in the tidal equations of Pierre-Simon Laplace in 1778. The
Coriolis effect is caused by the Coriolis force, which appears in the
equation of motion of an object in a rotating frame of reference. The
Coriolis force is an example of a fictitious force (or pseudo force),
because it does not appear when the motion is expressed in an
inertial frame of reference, in which the motion of an object is
explained by the real impressed forces, together with inertia. In a
rotating frame, the Coriolis force, which depends on the velocity of
the moving object, and centrifugal force, which does not depend on
the velocity of the moving object, are needed in the equation to
correctly describe the motion.
► Perhaps the most commonly encountered rotating reference frame
is the Earth. Freely moving objects on the surface of the Earth
experience a Coriolis force, and appear to veer to the right in the
northern hemisphere, and to the left in the southern. Movements of
air in the atmosphere and water in the ocean are notable examples
of this behavior: rather than flowing directly from areas of high
pressure to low pressure, as they would on a non-rotating planet,
winds and currents tend to flow to the right of this direction north of
the equator, and to the left of this direction south of the equator.
This effect is responsible for the rotation of large cyclones
The Coriolis effect is the behavior added by the Coriolis acceleration. The
formula implies that the Coriolis acceleration is perpendicular both to the
direction of the velocity of the moving mass and to the frame's rotation
axis. So in particular:

► if the velocity is parallel to the rotation axis, the Coriolis acceleration is zero

► if the velocity is straight inward to the axis, the acceleration is in the

direction of local rotation

► if the velocity is straight outward from the axis, the acceleration is against
the direction of local rotation

► if the velocity is in the direction of local rotation, the acceleration is outward

from the axis

► if the velocity is against the direction of local rotation, the acceleration is

inward to the axis
► At some point in their lives, most people hear about the Coriolis force,
whether in reference to weather patterns, sea currents or, most prosaically,
which way water flows down the sink. Unfortunately, while many have
heard of it, few understand it well enough to explain it without resorting to
vector equations.

Of course, most physics textbooks which deal with angular kinematics will
have the following equation relating the Coriolis force to an object's mass
(m), its velocity in a rotating frame (vr) and the angular velocity of the
rotating frame of reference (w):

Therefore we can say that:

► FCoriolis = -2 m (w x vr)
I Feel The Earth Move Under My Feet: North/South Motion

► Note first that all points on the Earth have the same rotational
velocity, w (they go around once per day). Also, places at different
latitudes have different linear speeds. A point near the equator may go
around a thousand miles in an hour, while one near the North Pole
could be moving only a few dozen miles in an hour.
Normally, objects in contact with the ground travel the same speed
as the ground they stand on. As a result, the Coriolis effect generally
doesn't have a noticeable effect to people on the ground; the speed of
the point you're standing on and the speed of the point you're
stepping onto are too close for you to tell the difference. Or, looking
back at the Coriolis effect equation above, if the velocity relative to the
rotating frame (the Earth) is zero, so is the Coriolis effect.
► However, when an object moves north or south and is not firmly connected
to the ground (air, artillery fire, etc), then it maintains its initial eastward
speed as it moves. This is just an application of Newton's First Law. An
object moving east continues going east at that speed (both direction and
magnitude remain the same) until something exerts a force on it to change
its velocity. Objects launched to the north from the equator retain the
eastward component of velocity of other objects sitting at the equator. But
if they travel far enough away from the equator, they will no longer be
going east at the same speed as the ground beneath them.

► The result is that an object traveling away from the equator will
eventually be heading east faster than the ground below it and will seem
to be moved east by some mysterious "force". Objects traveling towards
the equator will eventually be going more slowly than the ground beneath
them and will seem to be forced west. In reality there is no actual force
involved; the ground is simply moving at a different speed than its original
"home ground" speed, which the object retains.
Coriolis effects in meteorology
► If a low-pressure area forms in the atmosphere, air will tend to flow in
towards it, but will be deflected perpendicular to its velocity by the Coriolis
acceleration. A system of equilibrium can then establish itself creating
circular movement, or a cyclonic flow. Because the Rossby number is low,
the force balance is largely between the pressure gradient force acting
towards the low-pressure area and the Coriolis force acting away from the
center of the low pressure.
► Instead of flowing down the gradient, large scale motions in the
atmosphere and ocean tend to occur perpendicular to the pressure
gradient. This is known as geostrophic flow On a non-rotating planet fluid
would flow along the straightest possible line, quickly eliminating pressure
gradients. Note that the geostrophic balance is thus very different from the
case of "inertial motions" (see below) which explains why mid-latitude
cyclones are larger by an order of magnitude than inertial circle flow would
► This pattern of deflection, and the direction of movement, is called Buys-
Ballot's law. In the atmosphere, the pattern of flow is called a cyclone. In
the Northern Hemisphere the direction of movement around a low-pressure
area is counterclockwise. In the Southern Hemisphere, the direction of
movement is clockwise because the rotational dynamics is a mirror image
there. At high altitudes, outward-spreading air rotates in the opposite
direction.Cyclones rarely form along the equator due to the weak Coriolis
effect present in this region.
Putting It Together: Low Pressure Systems

► Now we've explained how things moving towards the poles curve to
the east, things moving away from the poles curve to the west,
things moving east curve towards the equator and things moving
west curve towards the poles. In other words, air (or anything else)
moving freely in the northern hemisphere deflect to the right, air
moving freely in the southern hemisphere deflect to the left. And
this is what the result of the vector cross products in the Coriolis
effect equation says as well, in its mathematical shorthand.
What does this mean for, say, weather systems? Take, for
example, a low pressure center, where there's less air than in the
area around it. If there's less air in one place than in the
surroundings, air will try to move in to balance things out.
Air starting at rest with respect to the ground will move towards a
low pressure center. Such motion in the Northern Hemisphere will
deflect to its right, as shown in Figure 4. However, the forces which
got the air moving towards the low pressure center in the first place
are still around, and the result will be a vortex of air spinning
► Air will try to turn to the right, the low pressure system
will try to draw the air into itself, and the result is that
air is held into a circle that actually turns to the left.
Without the Coriolis effect, fluid rushing in towards a
point could still form a vortex, but the direction would
either be random or depend solely on the initial
conditions of the fluid.
The eye of a hurricane is a clear example of fast winds
bent into a tight circle, moving so fast that they can't be
"pulled in" to the center. The very low pressure at the
center of the hurricane means that there is a strong
force pulling air towards the center, but the high speed
of the wind invokes the Coriolis effect strongly enough
that the forces reach a kind of balance. The net force on
air at the eye wall is a centripetal force large enough to
keep the air out at a given radius determined by its
► By similar arguments you can convince yourself that south of the
equator the swirl is clockwise. Note that these arguments are
based on viewing the motion from the outside. If we wish to solve
the motion strictly in the frame of the rotating Earth (as
atmospheric scientists do), it turns out that we need add two
additional terms to Newton's equations. One is the centrifugal
force, acting on all objects. The other is the Coriolis force, acting
only on moving objects (or fluids) and responsible for the swirling
effect described here.
► A hurricane viewed from space. Big storms in the atmosphere
are usually centered on low-pressure areas and conform to those
rules. This was first observed in weather patterns in 1857 by
Christophorus Buys Ballot in Holland, though William Ferrel in
the US had predicted the phenomenon using arguments like the
ones given here.
Coriolis force and hurricanes

► The fact that the Coriolis force is zero at the equator and very weak
near the equator explains why tropical cyclones such as hurricanes and
typhoons won't form on the equator even though the other factors
there, such as warm ocean water, would make them likely.

Hurricanes and tropical storms spin anti-clockwise are in the northern

hemisphere due to the Coriolis effect. In contrast they spin clockwise in the
southern hemisphere. The shadow of a sun dial moves clockwise in the northern
hemisphere (opposite of the southern hemisphere). During the day the sun
tends to raise to its maximum at a southerly position, where as in the southern
hemisphere it raises to a maximum that is northerly in position (as it tends
towards the direction of the equator). In both hemispheres the sun rises in the
east and sets in the west.

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