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Agency Project

Malayah McCormick
Hoke County Department of Social Services
Unit: Adult Protective Services
Purpose of this Project

Program- Staff Continuing Education and Community Building Workshop . This

program is designed to address the concerns of all agency staff within Hoke County
Department of Social Services.
i) Conducted and led by Unit Supervisors and Program Managers but also to
ii) Staff from each unit of the agency, to address the needs of clientele in
which they are serving.
iii) Also designed to possibly address and coordinate with prospective
housing specialists, county officials, councilmen etc.
Project Outcomes

– This workshop will be designed to address the concerns of agency staff to then
better improve work performance to help better assist clientele and designing
resources for them.
– i) It will consist of communication building exercises: distinguishing more
ways to communicate with clients through technology, making workers more
accessible and available to clients for further needed conversation.
– ii) Improve communication between line staff and their direct supervisor as
well as communication with line staff and supervisors in other units throughout
the agency through discussion and forums on identified issues and concerns.
Project Outcomes (cont’d)

– It will consist of building marketing strategies and outreach: Ways to promote

services and resources already being offered from the agency through displays
and newsletters, & also staffing, which will promote funding and hiring new
workers and other agents like housing specialists and grant writers.
– iv) Planning and advocating for new building.
– v) Training on how to grant write and allocate for funds.
Location & Updates

It takes place in the Community Building where large staff meetings are held. It is
expected to be held Quarterly (Workshop will take place the third week of each
quarter during regular business hours. The first would take place in the beginning
of this spring.)
Goals for this Workshop

– To address the concerns of all supervisors, line staff, and community members
to better assist each other and the populations in which they are serving.

This project was distributed

through an brochure. This Social
brochure is to be passed around
Get Involved!
Learning how to serve Continuing
to each department supervisor out community never
stops. This workshop will Education

All Staff at Hoke County DSS

be designed to address

throughout the agency. It is then the concerns of agency

staff to then better Workshop
improve work To address the concerns of all

Raeford, NC 28376
314 S Magnolia St
performance to help
their responsibility to pass it to better assist clientele and
designing resources for
supervisors, line staff, and
community members to better
assist each other and the
them. It will be held in
their workers. One brochure will the community Building
where large staff
populations in which they are
meetings are held. It will

also be posted in the community be expected to take

place quarterly
(Workshop will take place

hall and supply room. This the third week of each

quarter during regular
business hours. The first
would take place in the
brochure details everything this beginning of spring.)

community workshop will entail

such as topics covered, benefits,
dates, etc.

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