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Submitted By Team 5
Members : Anju Anna Kurian
Nimmy Mathew
Kiran Joy
Ullas Udayakumar
 Rule to United Nations Framework Conventions
on Climate Change
 Initially adopted in 11- Dec – 1997 in Kyoto,
 Entered into force on 16 - Feb - 2005
Stabilization and reconstruction of
greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at
a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic
interference with the climate system.

 Global Warming
 Sea-Level Rising
 Industrial Pollution
 Carbon Emission
 Ecological Destruction
 Effect on Social Systems
 Government going to introduce Carbon Pollution
Reduction Scheme (CPRS)

CPRS is the cheapest and most effective way of

tackling climatic change according to the
Australian Government.

Government also going to implement Carbon

Trading by2012
 Investing in Clean Energy
Investing more than $5 billion in developing and
commercialising clean energy techniques
Australia has set a Renewable Energy Target to
get 1/5th of electricity from renewable sources.
Through Clean Energy Initiative, $4.5 billion
invested to develop the use of abundant natural
energy resources like solar power, energy from
hot rocks in earth crust and carbon capture and
storage – Administered by Dept. of Resources
Energy and Tourism.
 Supporting Business to take Action
Australian Government allocated over $240
million to establish Clean Business Australia, a
partnership with business and industry for
tackling climate change by improving energy
and water efficiency and increasing
The government providing $75 million to for
supporting the business by establishing The
Australian Carbon Trust. The initiatives of this
trust are
a). Manage the Energy Efficiency Trust
b).National Carbon Offset Standard Standars Carbon
Neutral Program
 Supporting Households to take action
The Australian households are directly
responsible for 1/5th of Australia’s Carbon
The govt. under Renewable Energy Bonus
Scheme give
a). A $1000 rebate for solar hot water system ;or
b). A $600 rebate for heat pump system
Green Loans Program – providing home
sustainability assessments.
National Strategy on Energy Effeciency – help
people to choose energy effiecient appliances,
homes and buildings.
 The European Union Emission Trading Scheme
(EUETS) is the EU’s central policy instrument to
meet their cap set in the Kyoto Protocol. The
program caps the amount of CO2 that can be
emitted from large installations where heat
supply in excess of 20 MW (power plants and
carbon intensive factories).
 The usage of carbon offsets are increased.
 In 2007 UNCCC EU proposed 50% emission cut
by 2050.Due to afforestation of forests in
western and eastern Europe126 metric tones of
CO2 was soaked up by them.
 Obama govt. in USA has done various state, local and
regional projects under the Kyoto Protocol.
 Regional Greenhouse Gas initiative (RGGI) is a state
level emissions capping and trading program, which
was founded on January 18, 2007 by eight
Northeastern US states.
 Plans to cut the emissions 17% below that of 2005 by
 The govt. to release 4th US Climate Action Report to the
UNFCCC that include measures to address climate
 Organizations like Heritage Foundation and
Greenpeace oppose Kyoto Protocol stating that without
legal binding no nation will work for the carbon-
emission cutting.
 Wants climate funds to reach $100bn a year by
2020 for rich countries to help poorer nations.
 Wants at least 50% for vulnerable and poor
regions such as African and small island states.
 Like China, wants rich countries legally bound to
cut emissions to 40% below 1990 level by 2020.
 Describes 20 to 30% cuts as "unacceptable”.

 Power generation and Transmission Task Force

 Coal Mining Task Force

 Renewable Energy and Distributed Generation

Task Force

 Cleaner Fossil Energy task Force

The Kyoto Protocol is not a final solution for
the problems of Carbon-emission and Global-
Warming. The solution was a failure since all the
policies were not acceptable for the World Nations.
An understanding should be there since amongst the
Nations. They should understand the threat they are
Causing while travelling at a high pace towards

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