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 Shell Commands

• User Name : user1

• Password : 123456
• Getting use to the command line environment BASH (Bourne Again Shell)

© Samantha Indika
• With in GUI : Gnome : Open a terminal
: KDE : Open a konsole
Application > Accessories > Terminal
Right-Click on Desktop > Open Terminal

• Without GUI
: minimize GUI shell
Ctrl + ALT + F1
: maximize GUI shell
Ctrl + ALT + F7

• What is command?
Command is executable file : GUI & TUI
Application > Accessories > Calculator
Help > About
Prepared by : Samantha Indika | MCT, ACS, CEH, CCNA, BCS
(Certificate), MCS (SL), MCITP, MCTS, MCSE + Security + Messaging,
MCSA + Security + Messaging, MCP 1
 Cont.. Shell Commands
Application > Accessories > Text Editor
Help > About

© Samantha Indika
[user1@srv2~]$gcalctool Copy (R.C > Copy) & Paste (R.C. > Paste / Shift + Ins)
[user1@srv2~]$cal Calendar / Output is text
[user1@srv2~]$clear or Ctrl + L

Pure command-line > Ctrl + ALT + F1

Prepared by : Samantha Indika | MCT, ACS, CEH, CCNA, BCS

(Certificate), MCS (SL), MCITP, MCTS, MCSE + Security + Messaging,
MCSA + Security + Messaging, MCP 2
 Cont.. Shell Commands
Bin = binary

© Samantha Indika
OS related OS related
commands commands

[/bin] [/sbin]
Common Admin
Linux Connectors
Commands [/bin] [/sbin]
Software Software

Terminal changes : Edit > Current Profile

Colors, Effects, ……..
• How to get total number of commands?
[user1@srv2 ~]$[TAB] + [TAB] + [TAB] (3 times)
Enter key - line by line
Space bar - page by page
Ctrl + C - Cancel Prepared by : Samantha Indika | MCT, ACS, CEH, CCNA, BCS
(Certificate), MCS (SL), MCITP, MCTS, MCSE + Security + Messaging,
MCSA + Security + Messaging, MCP 3
 Cont.. Shell Commands
• Directory listing commands Ctrl + H : Hidden Files/Folders
• Desktop > User1’s home > Ctrl + H Ctrl + H : Hide Files/Folders
.config : Hidden items
• Create Folder name : ABC

© Samantha Indika
• Create Folder name : .123
• Print working directory
[user1@srv2 ~]$pwd
/home/user1 Root




Prepared by : Samantha Indika | MCT, ACS, CEH, CCNA, BCS

(Certificate), MCS (SL), MCITP, MCTS, MCSE + Security + Messaging,
MCSA + Security + Messaging, MCP 4
 Cont.. Shell Commands
[user1@srv2 ~]$ Normal User

© Samantha Indika
Logged Current
in Folder
• List the content in the folder
[user1@srv2 ~]$ls
• All objects (hidden file/folder also)
[user1@srv2 ~]$ls Δ -a
• Manual of a command
[user1@srv2~]$man command
Browse : Up arrow, Down arrow, Left arrow, Right arrow
Quit :q
Julian Calendar
[user1@srv2~]$cal Δ -3 1…..7
[user1@srv2~]$cal Δ –y 8……15
Prepared by : Samantha Indika | MCT, ACS, CEH, CCNA, BCS
(Certificate), MCS (SL), MCITP, MCTS, MCSE + Security + Messaging,
MCSA + Security + Messaging, MCP 5
 Cont.. Shell Commands
• Go to “home” folder /
[test1] [test2]

© Samantha Indika
[user1@srv2 ~]$tree
[user1@srv2 ~]$tree Δ –C : To view with colors
[user1@srv2 ~]$tree Δ –a : All objects
[user1@srv2 ~]$tree Δ –C Δ –a or tree Δ –a Δ –C
[user1@srv2 ~]$tree Δ –Ca
[user1@srv2 ~]$tree Δ –d : directories only
• Create 2 files in home folder using GUI. Eg : file1 & file2
[user1@srv2 ~]$tree
[user1@srv2 ~]$tree Δ –C
Prepared by : Samantha Indika | MCT, ACS, CEH, CCNA, BCS
(Certificate), MCS (SL), MCITP, MCTS, MCSE + Security + Messaging,
MCSA + Security + Messaging, MCP 6
 Cont.. Shell Commands
[user1@srv2 ~]$tree Δ –Cd
[user1@srv2 ~]$tree Δ -adC

© Samantha Indika
• To see a large output in part by part

[user1@srv2 ~]$command (with options) Δ |Δ more

Pipe Pager

[user1@srv2 ~]$tree Δ –C Δ | Δ more

[user1@srv2 ~]$tree Δ –Ca Δ | Δ more
[user1@srv2 ~]$tree Δ –a Δ | Δ less
: Color codes are not supports
Q : quit
Up arrow
Down arrow

Prepared by : Samantha Indika | MCT, ACS, CEH, CCNA, BCS

(Certificate), MCS (SL), MCITP, MCTS, MCSE + Security + Messaging,
MCSA + Security + Messaging, MCP 7
 Cont.. Shell Commands
• Long list

#ls Δ –l

© Samantha Indika
#ls Δ –lh

drwxr-xr-x 1 user1 user1 4.0K Jun 27 17.11 test1

Ext3 Ownership Size Last Modified Object

permission (Bytes) Date & Time Name
Object File /
Value Folder /
File = 1 Symlink
Empty Folder =2
Data Folder = 4

#ls Δ –alh

Prepared by : Samantha Indika | MCT, ACS, CEH, CCNA, BCS

(Certificate), MCS (SL), MCITP, MCTS, MCSE + Security + Messaging,
MCSA + Security + Messaging, MCP 8
 Cont.. Shell Commands Root
• Directory browsing command
• Full path to the folder / Full path start
from here

© Samantha Indika
1 / home / user1 / test2 / test3

2 / home / user1 / test2 / test4 / test5 [/user1]

• Relative path to the folder

/test1 /test2
• Don’t type the correct location
that you are already in
• Never type “ / “ in front Sub Folder
/test3 /test4
1 test2 / test3 1
2 test2 / test4 / test5 2

Prepared by : Samantha Indika | MCT, ACS, CEH, CCNA, BCS

(Certificate), MCS (SL), MCITP, MCTS, MCSE + Security + Messaging,
MCSA + Security + Messaging, MCP 9
 Cont.. Shell Commands
$cd Δ /home/user1/test2/test3 << Full path

© Samantha Indika
• To go to your home folder

$cd Δ test2/test3 << Relative path
$cd Δ test2/test4/test5

• One folder back

$ls Δ -a
$cd . .

Prepared by : Samantha Indika | MCT, ACS, CEH, CCNA, BCS

(Certificate), MCS (SL), MCITP, MCTS, MCSE + Security + Messaging,
MCSA + Security + Messaging, MCP 10
 Cont.. Shell Commands
$cd Δ . . Or $cd Δ . . / . .
$cd Δ . .
Executable File/Commands - Green

© Samantha Indika
• Go to root partition Symlink (Shortcut) - Light Blue
Executable files with Root Permission
- Red
$cd Δ / File - Black
$pwd Folder - Blue
$cd Δ /bin
$cd Δ /usr/share/backgrounds
$cd Δ images
$cd Δ . .

Prepared by : Samantha Indika | MCT, ACS, CEH, CCNA, BCS

(Certificate), MCS (SL), MCITP, MCTS, MCSE + Security + Messaging,
MCSA + Security + Messaging, MCP 11
 Cont.. Shell Commands
• Go to Previous location

$cd Δ -

© Samantha Indika

• Go to Root

$cd Δ /

• Object management commands

File Folder Symlink

Main Object Sub Object

Prepared by : Samantha Indika | MCT, ACS, CEH, CCNA, BCS
(Certificate), MCS (SL), MCITP, MCTS, MCSE + Security + Messaging,
MCSA + Security + Messaging, MCP 12
 Cont.. Shell Commands
• Create new object

$mkdir Δ fol1

© Samantha Indika
$mkdir Δ fol2 Δ fol3 Δ fol4 Δ fol5

• Create a new folder within an existing folder

$ls Δ test1

• Create a sub folder call Linux in test1 folder

$cd Δ test1 $mkdir Δ test1/linux

$mkdir Δ linux $ls Δ test1/

Prepared by : Samantha Indika | MCT, ACS, CEH, CCNA, BCS

(Certificate), MCS (SL), MCITP, MCTS, MCSE + Security + Messaging,
MCSA + Security + Messaging, MCP 13
 Cont.. Shell Commands
• Create a new folder and a sub folder at once
• Eg: Create a folder call “Redhat” and create a sub folder call “centos” in
the Redhat folder.

© Samantha Indika
$mkdir Δ redhat $mkdir –p Δ redhat/linux
$mkdir Δ redhat/centos $ls
$ls Δ redhat

• Create a folder call (“my Δ data”)

• Ex: 1

$mkdir Δ “my Δ data”

$mkdir Δ my \ data

• Create a folder call (“my Δ data Δ 2”)

• Ex: 2

$mkdir Δ “my Δ data Δ 2” Prepared by : Samantha Indika | MCT, ACS, CEH, CCNA, BCS
(Certificate), MCS (SL), MCITP, MCTS, MCSE + Security + Messaging,
OR MCSA + Security + Messaging, MCP 14
$mkdir Δ my \ data \ 2
 Cont.. Shell Commands
• Create a folder call (“my Δ data Δ 2”)
• Ex: 2

© Samantha Indika
$mkdir Δ “my Δ data Δ 2”
$mkdir Δ my \ data \ 2

$ls Δ – l (L)
$ls Δ – 1 (1/One)

• New file
Use a text editor to Create / Edit / Read files
$nano Δ file1


To save a file : Ctrl + O

To exit a file : Ctrl + X Prepared by : Samantha Indika | MCT, ACS, CEH, CCNA, BCS
(Certificate), MCS (SL), MCITP, MCTS, MCSE + Security + Messaging,
MCSA + Security + Messaging, MCP 15
 Cont.. Shell Commands
• Specify a location

$nano Δ fol2/file1

© Samantha Indika

Ctrl + O
Press ENTER Key
Ctrl + X

$ls Δ fol2
$cat Δ fol2/file1

• New Symlinks
Create a new symlink in your home folder to
access /usr/share/backgrounds/images folder

Prepared by : Samantha Indika | MCT, ACS, CEH, CCNA, BCS
(Certificate), MCS (SL), MCITP, MCTS, MCSE + Security + Messaging,
MCSA + Security + Messaging, MCP 16
 Cont.. Shell Commands
$ln Δ –s Δ /usr/share/backgrounds/images Δ link1

Link Destination folder location Symlink


© Samantha Indika
(Any Name)
$ls Δ -l

• To access the destination location using the symlink

$cd Δ link1
$pwd Δ -P

• Create a new symlink in your home folder to access

$ln Δ –s Δ /etc/fstab Δ link3
$ls Δ -l
Destination File Symlink
Location NamePrepared by : Samantha Indika | MCT, ACS, CEH, CCNA, BCS
(Certificate), MCS (SL), MCITP, MCTS, MCSE + Security + Messaging,
MCSA + Security + Messaging, MCP 17
 Cont.. Shell Commands
$ln Δ –s Δ /etc/fstab Δ /tmp/link3
$ls Δ /tmp
$cat Δ /tmp/link3

© Samantha Indika
• Use the link to access the file

Edit : $nano Δ link3

Read : $cat Δ link3
$pwd Δ -P

Prepared by : Samantha Indika | MCT, ACS, CEH, CCNA, BCS

(Certificate), MCS (SL), MCITP, MCTS, MCSE + Security + Messaging,
MCSA + Security + Messaging, MCP 18
 Cont.. Shell Commands
• Rename
The current folder

© Samantha Indika
$mv Δ CurrentObjectName Δ NewObjectName

Eg : Rename test2 folder to data2

$mv Δ test2 Δ data2


Within a different folder

Eg : Rename linux folder within the test1 folder to windows

$mv Δ test1/linux Δ test1/windows

$ls Δ test1

Prepared by : Samantha Indika | MCT, ACS, CEH, CCNA, BCS

(Certificate), MCS (SL), MCITP, MCTS, MCSE + Security + Messaging,
MCSA + Security + Messaging, MCP 19
 Cont.. Shell Commands
• Moving Objects
Cut and Paste Root
 Move File1 in to Folder1

© Samantha Indika
$mv Δ file1 Δ folder1 /
$ls Δ folder1
[/home] [/tmp]
 Move Link1 in to Folder1
$mv Δ link1 Δ folder1
[/user1] file2
$ls Δ folder1

 Move Folder1 in to /tmp

file1 link1 [folder1]
$mv Δ folder1 Δ /tmp
$ls Δ /tmp

 Move /tmp/file2 in to my Home Folder

$mv Δ /tmp /file2 Δ ~
Prepared by : Samantha Indika | MCT, ACS, CEH, CCNA, BCS
(Certificate), MCS (SL), MCITP, MCTS, MCSE + Security + Messaging,
MCSA + Security + Messaging, MCP 20
 Cont.. Shell Commands
• Copying Objects
Copy and Paste
 Copy File1 in to Folder1

© Samantha Indika
$cp Δ file1 Δ folder1
$ls Δ folder1

 Copy Link1 in to Folder1

$cp Δ –d Δ link1 Δ folder1 -d = difference

 Copy Folder1 in to /tmp

$cp Δ –r Δ folder1 Δ /tmp -r = recursive
$ls Δ /tmp

 Copy /tmp/file2 in to my Home Folder

$cp Δ /tmp /file2 Δ ~
Prepared by : Samantha Indika | MCT, ACS, CEH, CCNA, BCS
(Certificate), MCS (SL), MCITP, MCTS, MCSE + Security + Messaging,
MCSA + Security + Messaging, MCP 21
 Cont.. Shell Commands
• Delete Objects
$rm Δ objectname $rm Δ –i Δ objectname

© Samantha Indika
$rm Δ link1
$rm Δ file1 ? Y/N

Folders $rm Δ –ri Δ objectname

$rm Δ –r Δ foldername
? Y/N
$rm Δ –r Δ folder5

-r = recursive

Prepared by : Samantha Indika | MCT, ACS, CEH, CCNA, BCS

(Certificate), MCS (SL), MCITP, MCTS, MCSE + Security + Messaging,
MCSA + Security + Messaging, MCP 22

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