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RD Cheese Training

Brittnee Williams, ACS CCPTM

March 9, 2018
Image: The Charted Cheese Wheel by Pop Chart Lab
“How can you govern a country which has
246 varieties of cheese?”

― Charles de Gaulle
“Cheese is milk’s leap towards immortality”
-Clifton Fadiman
Curds & Whey
Milk Cultures
• Streptococcus
• Water • salivarius
• Fat • Lactobaccilius
• L. bulgaricus
• Protein • L. acidopholis
• Casein • L. helveticus
• Whey • L. delbrueckii
• Lactococcus
• Lactose • L. lactis
• Minerals Source: McGee H. On Food and Cooking. 2004: 20.
• L. cremoris
Curds & Whey

• Microbial
• Animal
• Vegetarian

Source: McGee H. On Food and Cooking. 2004: 45.

*Whey proteins denatured by heat
• Set • Press • Brine
• Cut • Cook • Wash
• Drain • Culture • Wrap
• Form • Salt • Wax
Secondary Cultures
• Propionibacterium freudenreichii shermanii
• Penicillium (same genus, different species)
• P. glaucum, P. roqueforti
• P. candidum, P. camemberti
• Geotrichum candidum
• Brevibacterium linens
• Maggots
Affinage: Ripening, Curing, Aging

McCalman M, Gibbons D. Mastering cheese: lessons for connoisseurship from a maitre fromager. New York: Crown; 2010
The Rind: Is that edible?
Milk Composition
• Milk to cheese yield 10:1
• Jersey: High solids, large fat globules
• Arshire, Gurnsey, Brown Swiss: Small fat globules
• Holstein Fresian: Less solids
• Sheep: More solids
• Goat: Less solids
• Seasonality
Milk Solids
Proteins Fat Globules
• Casein + CaPO4 • TG in phospholipid
• a: as1, as2 membrane
• Goat, sheep: small,
• b: A1, A2 easy to digest
• k: form curds • More SCFA
• Whey • Conjugated Linoleic
• a-lactalbumin Acids (ruminants)
• b-lactoglobulin • Weight loss
(Milk protein allergy) • CVD prevention
Milk Solids
“Salt” Crystals Lactose
• Calcium lactate, tyrosine • Most remains in whey
• Lactobacillus helveticus • Remainder converts to lactic acid
• ‘tyros’- Greek for cheese
• ‘tyrophile’-cheese lover
• Casomorphins- opioid
peptides of casein
Pasteurized, Thermalized & Raw Milk Cheese
• Consistent, mass production
• Microbial populations and flavor differences
• Heat tolerance, cooked flavors
• Post processing contamination (Jalisco fiasco listeria
• pH, water content = pathogenic growth
• Lactic acid production inhibits pathogenic bacteria
• FDA 60 day rule 1949
• Different bacterial pathogens of concern
• Acids and salt in cheese destroy harmful bacteria
• Cheese gets more neutral with age
What’s In A Name?

• Artisan, Old World, Natural Cheeses

• Named for the town
• Formed out of necessity
• EU: Protected Designation of Origin (PDO)
• France: Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée (AOC)
• Italy: Denominazione di Origine Controllata (DOC)
• Spain: Denominación de Origen (DO)
1. Donnelly CM. Cheese and microbes. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology; 2014
2. McCalman M, Gibbons D. Mastering cheese: lessons for connoisseurship from a maitre fromager.
New York: Crown; 2010
3. Jenkins S. Cheese primer. New York: Workman Publishing; 1996.
4. Al-Lahham SH, Peppelenbosch MP, Roelofsen H, Vonk RJ, Venema K. Biological effects of propionic
acid in humans; metabolism, potential applications and underlying mechanisms. Biochimica et
Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids. 2010;1801(11):1175-1183.
5. Bouglé D, Roland N, Lebeurrier F. Effect of Propionibacteria Supplementation on Fecal Bifidobacteria
and Segmental Colonic Transit Time in Healthy Human Subjects. Scandinavian Journal of
Gastroenterology. 1999;34(2):144-148.
6. Cousin FJ, Jouan-Lanhouet S, Dimanche-Boitrel M-T, Corcos L, Jan G. Milk Fermented by
Propionibacterium freudenreichii Induces Apoptosis of HGT-1 Human Gastric Cancer Cells. PLoS ONE.
7. Gwénaël J, Leverrier P, Proudy I, Roland N. Survival and beneficial effects of propionibacteria in the
human gut: in vivo and in vitro investigations. Le Lait. 2002;82(1):131-144.

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