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* Immunoglobulin

Presented by
• Md Nazibul Islam (0902022)
• Sayed Golam Mohiuddin Manik (0902012)
• Yousuf Imtiaz Mollik (0902001)
 Element of adaptive immune
 Better known as antibody
 Proteins that recognize and bind
to a particular antigen with very
high specificity
• Molecular weight of
Immunoglobulin are expressed in
kilodaltons (KD)
• 1 KD= 1.66053892 × 10^-21
Two identical heavy (H)
chains and two identical
light (L) chains combine
to form this Y-shaped
antibody molecule
Heavy chains- 550 amino
Light chains- 450 amino
 Each antibody has at least two
identical sites that bind antigen:
Antigen binding sites (paratopes)
 The four chains are linked by
disulfide bonds
 H-chains are distinct for each of
the five Immunoglobulins
 The paratopes bind with the
epitope of antigens
 FAB region, FC region, FC
* There are five types of
Immunoglobulin. These are-

1. IgG

2. IgM

3. IgA

4. IgD

5. IgE
Antibodies are immunoglobulin and they are formed by B lymphocytes.

Antibody Generation
 T cell, B cell and Pathogens
 Antibodies are produced by a plasma cell which is a white blood cell.
Two forms of antibodies are soluble form and membrane bound form.
For the generation of soluble antibodies B cell activation is needed. B
cells are produced in bone marrow. T cells are lymphocytes that
require maturation in the thymus.
 Initially B cell display immunoglobulin molecules (105/cell) on their
surface. This immunoglobulin serves as receptors for a specific
antigen. Antigens accept the appropriate receptor. The initial step for
the formation of antibody is phagocytosis of the antigen.
* Figure: Steps in production of antibodies from B cells.
After binding the antigen at the B cell receptor, then the B cell is
stimulated to divide and form a clone. Now the activated T cells
interact with the B cells. B cells that are carrying the antigens on
their surface stimulated to divide and form plasma cells. Then the
cells produce antibodies. And one antibody forming cell produces
only one kind of antibody.
Used in ELISA
(Enzyme Linked
Immunosorbent Assay)
To identify and locate
intracellular and
extracellular proteins
In vaccine
* Changes in the antigen
binding site
conformation are vital
for antigen recognition
* As chemical engineers
we can contribute in the
field of modification and
modeling of different
types of antibodies for
virus detection and
diagnostic kits.

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