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Final Project

Danuel & Sarah

Making 1950s England
• Detective Edwards
• New to the top brass and always goes out of his way to do the right thing. Always wants to see both sides of
a story and get the full picture of a case.

• Chief Inspector Dewitt
• Edwards’s superior. A man that has been in the force all his life and now sits at the top of the county
force. The Chief Inspector will do anything to keep his name in good books even when it requires him to get
his hands dirty, the Chief Inspector is stubborn and likes his

• Piotr Malinowski
• A Polish man that immigrated to England to build a new life for himself. He met Graces in the pub when she
was married to Charles and began an afar with Piotr. A few months later Piotr is being accused of the murder
of grace which clams he did not.

• Charles Jones
• Suspect number two of the murder but clams Piotr murdered Grace. Charles is a troublesome Korean War veteran
• Grace Jones
• The other man is a Korean War veteran that has a record of trouble who was the husband of the woman
who died.
But since neither of the suspect are willing to confess, detective..... Starts with the weapon used
for the murder. The weapon happens to be a Chinese pistol.

• This raises the chief inspectors suspicions of the polish man might being a communist spy, word
gets out and the public now demands the polish man to hanged for being a spy, with no evidences.
It is also discovered that the woman murdered was cheating on her boyfriend with polish man as well
as being a sectary for a Brigadier in the Army, making the polish man’s case not look any better.

But for detective...... something just doesn't add up, and builds a theory that the English veteran
might have set the polish man up, with a pistol he got from Korea as a souvenir.

It is later discovered that the English man was not kind to his wife.
• As well as was described to be obsessive of his wife.

• A young woman has been murdered and detective Edwards is
left with two suspects. This is where we learn about
Piotr being a Polish man and Graces lover, and Charles a
Korean War veteran being the husband of Grace, and both
of them accuse each other of graces murder.

• Detective Edwards is get no were with the suspects and decides to trace the model of
the fire arm used in the murder. This were Detective Edwards discovered that the
weapon is a Chinese model of the Mauser, and the bullets are Russian made, Edwards
reports his fines to the Chief inspector, the chief inspector releases this
information to the public, thus the theory of the polish man being a communist spy
rises from the public, and the murder of Grace Jones is seen as an assassination due
to her job being a sectary for a Brigadier in the Army, meaning she would have been
passing confidential information. This puts panic in the locals and they begin to
demand the polish man to be hanged.
• However something doesn’t make sense for Detective Edwards, why Murder Grace and not
murder Charles, and why murder in such a sloppy fashion and then give yourself in.
• Detective Edwards comes up with the theory that the weapon used was a souvenir
Charlies brought back from the Korean War, and now has framed Piotr with the same
Pistol knowing thee effects.

• Detective Edwards reports his theory to the chief inspector, this chief inspector
then tells Edwards that he has one day to choose who “might” be the murder or they
will hand Piotr to the military for being a suspected spy.
• Edwards talks to Charles and Piotr separately to
reinforce his choice, it ends with Detective Edwards
entering chief inspectors office, the chief inspector
then askes ”we’ll have you made a choice” it then ends
with a shot on Edwards standing there silently .
Any Questions?

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